On the blog – June 2015
- It’s ugly out there (6/29) – Instead of creating ugly with comments, can we make beautiful in person?
- Nothing but zeros? Put a 1 in front (6/26) – Do it out of guilt or love? Excerpt from Jerry Bridges’ True Community
- When I am embarrassed to be white (6/24) – When Mrs. WL asked why did that boy kill those people, I was embarrassed to be white
- Books I’m reading – June 2015 (6/23) – Mini-reviews of books I read in June
- What if you believed all the good things are true? (6/18) – How would we live if we believed, really believed, that everything God promises is true?
- Are you justified in your anger? (6/17) – Do we have a right to be angry? Excerpt from Brant Hansen’s Unoffendable
- Are we scared of the wrong things? (6/15) – We waste mental energy worrying about our safety
- If you need to catch your breath (6/11) – Guest post at Do Not Depart on spiritual breathing
- Take an inner vacation (6/10) – Spiritual disciplines for an inner pilgrimage from Christine Valters Paintner’s The Soul of a Pilgrim
- Stay hungry (6/8) – Lessons learned when the homeless man didn’t eat my Pringles
- When Mockingbirds Sing – Book Review (6/4) – Review of Billy Coffey’s novel
- Links & Happenings for June 2015 (6/3) – Links, happenings, and pictures from the month
- Your time with God? It’s not just for you (6/1) – As Jenna heads to Guatemala, we connect through a scripture
- It’s ugly out there
- Begin again
You’ve put out some really terrific posts this month; they made me think and have challenged what is sometimes my kneejerk reaction.
These posts keep coming back to me; they are changing my heart.
Thanks, Andrew. A lot has happened in June, yes? I’m always grateful to “hear” your voice because it means you’re still here with us in body and spirit. That means so much because I know your pain has been excruciating. Praying often for you and your wife.