- Day 31: Zephyrs, Breezes from God (10/31) – God often is like a zephyr, a gentle breeze. God is always acting, moving, shifting the atmosphere.
- Day 30: Week 4 in Review (10/30) – Of these six exercises to encounter God, which one made you more aware of his presence this week?
- Day 29: Seeing God in You (10/29) – Who is in front of you today? That’s where you can see God. And who you can show God to.
- Day 28: Spiritual X-Rays (10/28) – A spiritual x-ray is God seeing us from the inside out, without having to cut us from the outside in.
- Day 27: Welcome It All? (10/27) – “This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival.” – Rumi. Can we welcome both good and bad?
- Day 26: Valuables and God (10/26) – What 3 things would you grab (other than people and pets!) if your house were on fire? Where is God in those things?
- Five Books I Recommend – October 2016 (10/25) – A list of books I recommend from what I read in October 2016.
- Day 25: Underground with God (10/25) – Sometimes we have to go underneath things to get grounded. If God has already rescued you, you’re primed to help others find freedom’s path.
- Day 24: Tangles and God (10/24) – Three suggestions to get rid of tangles in your life.
- Day 23: Review 3 and What’s Next (10/23) – Review of six exercises for encountering God.
- Day 22: Sickness and God (10/22) – God has set healing in motion. It will eventually be complete. We just have to wait it out.
- Day 21: When You Feel Raw (10/21) – Think of an area in your life where you feel raw or extra touchy. Be as compassionate with yourself as God is with you.
- Day 20: Questions to God (10/20) – We often think God is in the answers. But sometimes we can connect with him more in the questions.
- Day 19: Portals for God (10/19) – Look for portals—openings—that God wants to reveal himself through your routine tasks. Unwrap these gifts of grace; enjoy them to the fullest.
- Day 18: God in Odd Spaces (10/18) – Look for God’s gifts of presence and love in the odd spaces of your life. Be grateful for the peculiar and uncommon ways that he is showing up.
- Day 17: Now Is Where God Is (10/17) – Stay awake to this moment. This second of “now” is your moment of encounter with God.
- Day 16: Review 2 and What’s Next (10/16) – Look over these 6 exercises we used to encounter God this past week. Where did you see him?
- Day 15: Mirrors (10/15) – When looking in a mirror discourages us with aging exteriors, let’s remind ourselves of ever-renewing interiors. God is in us. Nothing is more stunning.
- Day 14: When Lonely (10/14) – If you feel lonely, ask God where he wants you to go with it. Reach out to someone? Spend more time with him? Make peace with it?
- Do You Want to Share God (10/13) – Guest post at Do Not Depart. Do you want to tell others about God? It might depend on what you believe about him.
- Day 13: Kisses from God (10/13) – Our lips aren’t only for talking and eating. But also for loving. Use your kisses to connect the God-in-you to the God-in-the-other.
- Day 12: Jobs with God (10/12) – How meaningful is your work? Is there more ministry in your job than you realize?
- Day 11: Intuitively Hearing from God (10/11) – Have you ever known something in your gut without anyone telling you? Some things aren’t explicitly taught, yet God slips them inside us anyway.
- Day 10: Hearts Are Reminders (10/10) – Let God use heart shapes around you today to remind you of his love for you.
- Day 9: Review 1 and What’s Next (10/9) – Look over these 6 exercises we used to encounter God this past week. Where did you see him?
- Day 8: Grandparents (10/8) – None of us get to choose our family heritage. But whether you come from good seed or bad apples, you can discover God through family relationships.
- Day 7: Food as God’s Love (10/7) – Trace your favorite food back to God, giving thanks along the way. Enjoy your encounters with God through food.
- Day 6: Empty Spaces (10/6) – God is in the unfulfilled spaces as much as he is in the things he created around them. Keep some empty spaces around you as breathing room for you and God.
- Day 5: God in the Doubts (10/5) – We like to know. But what about when we doubt? We might think God only rewards strong faith, but he’s just as near us when we doubt.
- What’s Your Number? The Enneagram and The Road Back to You (10/4) – Once we understand our need for God’s grace, the more we can accept it. And be transformed by it. Here’s how the Enneagram can help from The Road Back to You.
- Day 4: Collections and God (10/4) – What do you collect? Why? How do you see God in your collection?
- Day 3: Blood Is Life (10/3) – Have you seen any blood today? Blood is a strong indicator of aliveness, past or present. And where there is life, there is God.
- Day 2: It’s Wedding Day! and Review (10/2) On Sundays during this series we’ll review how we encountered God in the previous week. And look ahead to intentional ways to seek him. But today is wedding day!
- Day 1: Alone with God (10/1) – God’s presence is one of his greatest gifts to us. We often are aware of his presence in a crowd. But we also must be willing to sit with the Lord alone.