Do You Want to Share God?

Do you want to tell others about God?

It might depend on what you think about God.

Read it here,Is Your God Worth Sharing?


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This month at Do Not Depart we’re talking about why theology (the study of God) matters. Will you join me there?


4 thoughts on “Do You Want to Share God?

  1. Michele Morin

    A wise teacher once said these words, and I come back to them often: “According to your concept of God you will live and work.” Not sure where she got it, but my actions give away my TRUE theology all the time.
    Thanks, Lisa, for making that connection.

  2. beth willis miller

    Lisa, what a great post and question, “Is your God worth sharing?” As His Holy Spirit fills me to overflowing, I pray that the fruit of His Spirit–love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, self-control–will be what pours forth from me to my family and circle of influence…always ready to give a reason for the hope that is in me. Many blessings to you!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Nice tie-in, Beth, with the fruit of the Spirit. There are so many beautiful things about our God and how he overflows into our lives, that we then can pass on to others.

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