On the Blog—August 2022
Here are brief summaries and links to posts on the blog, Lisa notes, in August 2022.
- 7 Books I Recommend—August 2022 (8/27)
Here are books I recommend from what I finished reading in August 2022. - Share Four Somethings—August 2022 (8/26)
I’m sharing four somethings for August 2022. Here is something loved, something gleaned, something saved, and something achieved. - How Loyal Are You to Your Sports Team? (8/25)
This novel’s theme of football tribalism sounds a dire warning: We need to check who we’re giving our loyalty to. Review of Mark Salter’s book, Sins of the Tribe. - Who Is Your Grief Partner? (8/24)
My red nose gave it away. A Grief Partner may not feel what you feel, but they care that you feel it. - Pick Your Three People {August One Word Linkup} (8/22)
Pick three people this month to talk with about your One Word. Add your update to our linkup. - Are You Listening With Both Your Ears? (8/19)
If you want clearer depth perception, including in your relationships, listen in stereo. Listen with both your ears. - 5 Things I Learned from the Dalai Lama (8/17)
The Dalai Lama’s name kept surfacing as I researched “compassion.” So when he came to Birmingham, I had to go. Here are 5 things I learned. - Can You Tell Me Your Name Again? (8/15)
The little Afghan girl tells me her name. But I can’t say it. Then we read this book…. - What Do You Really Have to Do Today? (8/12)
What do you really have to do today? It’s hard to predict at the beginning of the day what will be most important by the end of the day. - Is There a Future in Blogging? 14 Reasons to Keep Writing Your Blog – My 14th Blogaversary! (8/8)
Here are 14 reasons to keep writing your blog now and into the future. Plus a book giveaway! - When You Become a Different Person (8/5)
Each year—each day!—we’re a little different person than we used to be. Life changes us, God knows. - Wait, What? Should We Add “Thoughts and Prayers” to the 2022 Banished Words List? (8/3)
Lists are compiled every year of worn-out words. Would you add “thoughts and prayers” to the list? - You Can Keep It Short – And It Still Matters (8/2)
A story, a life, a single act of kindness, need not be long to be memorable, powerful, or important.
See previous months’ archives here
- 7 Books I Recommend—August 2022
- The Lord’s Prayer Is More – “Praying in the Reign”