- Are We Grateful for Opportunities to Practice Forgiveness? (4/29)
Only forgivers can teach forgiveness with credibility.
- Books I Recommend—April 2022 (4/27)
Here are 6 books I recommend from what I finished reading in April 2022.
- Share Four Somethings—April 2022 (4/22)
I’m sharing four somethings for April 2022. Here is something loved, something gleaned, something braved, and something achieved.
- April One Word Linkup: 3 Things to Do With Your One Word of the Year (4/22)
Here are 3 things to do with your One Word of the Year. Plus join our monthly linkup.
- When the Children Go Hide (4/20)
The kids know how to respond to an active shooter situation. I don’t know if I should be glad. Or devastated.
- 5 Ways to Let Go of Unrealistic Expectations (4/15)
See 5 ways to let go of unrealistic expectations. It’s normal to get our hopes up, but it’s unhealthy to cling too tightly to results out of our control.
- Just One Roll of Toilet Paper, OK? (4/13)
For the supplies that only trickle in one day at a time, I want to be grateful. To keep trusting God’s grace one roll at a time.
- Can White People Be Good Friends to Black People? (4/8)
White people, listen to your Black neighbors. Believe them. Change for them. Be a friend. Review of All the White Friends I Couldn’t Keep.
- Doves as Symbols of Hope to Start Again (4/5)
When the dove brought back an olive leaf, he also brought back hope. We all need hope.
- I’ll Be Praying for You. But…? (4/4)
Instead of asking God to handle it all, allow God to handle you. “I’ll be praying for you so I can be an answer.”
- Learn to Set Better Expectations (4/1)
While setting better expectations cannot influence everything, it can influence some things. So why not? Review of The Expectation Effect.