No Time Like the Present {A Book a Day 15}

I struggle to stay present in this moment. My mind drifts forward to things I want to do tomorrow. Or floats backward to a conversation I had last week.

Of course we need to think about the past and the future in the present.

But staying anchored in this moment is where we’re likely to find the most peace when everything else feels out of control. This is the moment where God is with me, where Love is lingering.

There will never be another moment exactly like this one.

“To become free of the tyranny of time, become interested in the present.”
– Jack Kornfield

This book, No Time Like the Present: Finding Freedom, Love, and Joy Right Where You Are, helps me stay more aware of this one special moment.

I love the gentle yet powerful wisdom of Jack Kornfield in his writings and his podcasts. This book takes us through stories and examples on topics such as the dance of life, responding with love, aging with trust, and starting where we are.

No Time Like the Present

Quotes from No Time Like the Present

“Whatever the situation, widen the space; remember vastness; allow ease and perspective. Spaciousness is the doorway to freedom.”

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“When we honor our vulnerability and our dependence on the community of life, we open to love.”

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“Yes, things are uncertain, but wisdom brings us love, perspective, and the ability to trust. Wisdom invites us to live with a trusting heart.”

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“The stories we tell of our past are written on water. Research shows that much of what we remember isn’t true.”

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“‘Letting be’ might express the freedom of release more accurately.”

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“Forget the tyranny of perfection. The point is not to perfect yourself. It is to perfect your love.”

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Do you think more about the past, present, or future? Share your thoughts.

Read More:

You are on Day #15 of the series, A Book a Day {Nonfiction Favorites}.

Each day of February 2023 I’m recommending one book a day from favorite nonfiction books I’ve recently read.

The Table of Contents for all 28 books is here, updated daily.

A Book a Day: Nonfiction Favorites

The Lives We Actually Have” {Book 14}

Bright-Sided” {Book 16}

9 thoughts on “No Time Like the Present {A Book a Day 15}

  1. Linda Stoll

    speaking of time, i want to carve out a bit of it just to sit and scroll through your 28 days posts, Lisa. i know it’s a rich feast for mind and heart. and February could use some of that hope and joy.

  2. Lynn

    Gosh, I think I read that book some time ago! Or it may have been his previous book. Regardless, I love the how he directs to “perfect your love” which is what Jesus teaches and directs us to do.

  3. Lynn D. Morrissey

    There is surely a “present” in the present, isn’t there? One way of experiencing it is to journal about it . . . or at least jot down the small gems that are strewn along today’s path. Granted, in rereading them, the present becomes the past, but there is still a gift in it, bringing it to one’s recollection in exact detail, because, indeed, “The stories we tell of our past are written on water. Research shows that much of what we remember isn’t true.” When we record in the immediacy of the present, we are telling the truth to ourselves (hopefully)! 🙂
    Love you and your wonderful recommendations.
    PS I am currently reading the journal of my friend’s 3G grandmother. It is an extraordinary peek into life in the 1800s, and about her perilous journey across the ocean from a very comfortable (likely middleclass life in England), with property, beautiful home, etc, to carving out a daunting life in what she describes as the wilderness (in IL, not too far from where I live in MO). Because she recorded her life experiences in the present, she captured the hardships, the joys, the way of life then, and her strong faith in God, that I now enjoy in what was yet future to her. And I can see how my Christian friend (whom I met so long ago at church in high school), has a rich heritage. Lisa, you read about “Ralphie” in my book, and about his darling brother Donald dying in Viet Nam. Donald came from sturdy stock, and he laid down his life for the country that his 3G grandmother Jane helped tame. Fascinating!

  4. Jean Wise

    I struggle with this too. I am enrolled in a year long class by Spirituality and Practice and one week – soon – will be on being present. Hoping to learn something!

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