Sometimes You Do Nothing
You can count on this: If it’s a horribly hot day—or a bitter cold day—our public library will fill up. With people who are unhoused. With those who have nowhere cool (or warm) to escape to.
That Wednesday was our most extreme weather day yet. I stopped by the library to grab a book, eat some chocolate, and drink a Diet Coke in between errands in town. You have to go to the lounge on the 2nd floor for that.
I’ll tell you what to expect on the 2nd floor of the library: the unexpected.
God was already up there. I knew that. (Where people are, God is.) All manner of people were gathered around the wooden tables sitting in the plastic chairs.
The only person in the room that you’d label conventional was the Coke machine guy doing his restocking.
- At the closest table to the door were two loud Black brothers talking random things—“Yeah, he tries too hard to be ghetto.”
- Another table held a disheveled white guy with a tiny Black woman, maybe 19. I’ve seen her around, usually with a different guy each time. As hard as it is be an unhoused man on the streets, it’s even harder to be a woman. Women sometimes find a guy to be their covering, but I’d seen and heard stories of how “helpful” that could be. My heart went out to this girl.
- A third table held a man in his 40s with a half loaf of bread. He was making a sandwich, muttering under this breath all the while. I could tell he was agitated.
Finally the man making the sandwich could take no more.
“Excuse me,” he started talking with an edge to the Coke machine guy. “There are some people here using crass language and they need to stop. Will you handle that?”
I looked up. What would the Coke guy do? The two men by the door just laughed. I assumed they were the ones being accused of the language.
The poor Coke guy.
He glanced up, barely, and muttered some response. Not much. He sped up his work and got out of there fast.
It crossed my mind to leave, too. I didn’t mind hanging out there, but I didn’t want to get caught in the midst of a brawl. Not prepared for that. Ever. But I stuck around anyway.
What happened next?
The white guy with the girl stood up and stretched. The Black men kept talking, laughing. The sandwich guy kept eating.
I finished my Coke, folded up the other half of my Dove bar for tomorrow, and walked back into the world of books.
Just as God had gone in first, I knew God would stay to the last. That’s what God does. God is always present.
And God likes it when we are present too. If God needs us to do more, God will let us know. And if we’re paying attention, we’ll act on that knowing.
So why had I been at the library that afternoon? No idea. Maybe just to observe. Maybe for someone else to observe. Like many other places I’ve found myself the past few years, I’m just showing up. Once I’m in, if God wants more from me, I’ll find out about it then.
And if not, so be it.
I’m finding contentment in just showing up with God. Stopping my overanalyzing. Releasing my hyper-responsibility to figure things out.
We don’t have to understand all we see. We don’t have to actively achieve something in all we witness.
Sometimes the most important thing we can do is just be present. Trust God to be present, too.
Presence was enough that day in the library.
* * *
When have you found doing “nothing” was the right thing to do? Please share in the comments.
revised from the archives
Read More:
- Just Get Your Body There; Your Spirit Will Follow
You’re not ready? Just show up anyway. God will show up, too. - Oh, God, the Places You Show Up
And God became incarnate again that night in two more humans in the cab of Jeff’s truck. - When You Don’t Want to Show Up
I don’t feel qualified to teach this class. Should I not show up? Or maybe I’m missing the point?
- Are You Uncomfortable Filling Your Calendar with Empty Spaces?
- When You Turn On the Lights
Lisa … thank you for taking me with you. I needed to go there …
Thanks for coming along, Linda. Just a snippet of life. Have a blessed week, friend.
The image was all I needed to read. I am worried I am not doing enough. I guess I will enjoy hanging out with Jesus for now. He will let me know when He needs me. Thank you, Lisa, for being a faithful servant of God. Blessings upon blessings!
I think we all tend to worry about that from time to time, but we are free to rest in Christ’s finished work on the cross. Preaching to the choir. 🙂 Thanks for all you do too to remind us to stay focused on Jesus, Mari-Anna.
Oh Lisa, I’m so glad you mentioned this today. I think sometimes we are so concerned Jesus is to use us at every moment that we forget to just sit still. Like you said maybe we are to just be observed by those around us, to be available if they approach us.
Wonderful insight on this Lisa – keep being there in the “Now”.
Blessings over you, my friend!
Staying in the “now” is going to be a challenge this year, I already know it. 🙂 But yes, often we just need to be present and sit still. That’s enough. Thanks for stopping in, Etta.
Doing nothing? Last night, actually. My beloved old Lab got bloat, and all I could do was watch him die.
Getting him to the vet was a nonstarter. He was too far gone, and we live on a dirt road, so the ride would have killed him anyway.
This morning I buried my best friend, and a part of me went with him.
Normally I would be all afire with philosophical gleanings. Having watched the gentlest soul I have ever met die in pain, I don’t think I can to that.
Aw, I am so sorry, Andrew. This is a great example though of how doing “nothing” (although sitting with your friend was “something” big!) was the most loving thing you could do. Jostling him around to go to the vet might have made us as humans feel better (I’ve got to do something!), but it wasn’t in his best interest. You did good, even though it hurts.
Thanks, I needed to read this.
Often I think I have to rush in and help but God is showing me that that is not always the case.
But I find it so hard to not interject or try and fix things….
Isn’t that a common problem we all have? 🙁 We think God *must* need us to do something. Glad he continues to show us otherwise. He’s a powerful God with or without our *help*.
Doing nothing is not necessarily passivity or laziness. Sometimes, doing nothing is a strategic decision – one that is the best one to make at times.
Exactly, Loren. In our culture especially, we often confuse no action with not caring, but that’s definitely not the case.
I really appreciate this perspective, Lisa.
“We don’t have to understand all we see. We don’t have to actively participate in all we see. Sometimes the most important thing we can do is just be present. ” I too am recovering from a overly heightened sense of responsibility, learning to hold things more loosely. This has been my stance at our church for some time now as my hands are so full at home. It’s been a good lesson in the meaning of the word “witness” which I think, as you suggest, has a lot more power than we give it credit for. Thanks for linking with Small Wonder.
Ooh, I like that, Kelly. Being a witness might sometimes mean just that–witness what’s happening. Let that suffice when God says so.
Sometimes we’re just called to bear witness and, like you said, to be present. To share the life. Thank you for your encouraging post!
It’s just so hard at times to find that balance though, isn’t it? So thankful when God gives us clarity and peace as we work it out. He’s good. Thanks for bringing positive words here, Joanna.
This really hit home, Lisa. I’m not even fully sure why. “We don’t have to understand all we see. We don’t have to actively participate in all we see. Sometimes the most important thing we can do is just be present.”
It’s kind of freeing, isn’t it? That we don’t need to understand it all? I took a deep sigh of relief right now. Thank you for that. Blessings. xoxo
“This really hit home, Lisa. I’m not even fully sure why.” This is great, Beth. I feel the same and don;t quite understand the why of it, but I just love the post.
~ linda
Isn’t it crazy when something hits us so strongly? I find that often myself when I’m reading someone’s blog, and out of the blue–whammo! God just let’s me know it’s meant just for me for such a time as this. I’m glad this simple message was a breath of freedom to you.
Sometimes I feel like if I don’t jump in and help the situation that it will just all fall apart. I need to be a better listener to His voice and know He’ll make it clear when my involvement is what he’s asking for. Love these words of wisdom today.
Yeah, it’s the American way to jump in, right? So hard for us to realize that maybe God doesn’t need us EVERY time. ha.
Oh, Lisa. This was an encouragement to me to hang in with being uncomfortable places. After a lotta years of working with adults and children in social services, my eyes and ears are sensitive to the people in need and I am overwhelmed by all there is to do. Sometimes my sensitivity to the vile way that one person sometimes speaks to another has left me unwilling to set foot in a store. I’m getting better about that–about looking for the way I am supposed to help, about being willing to be uncomfortable. So your words– Sometimes the most important thing we can do is just be present–help me.
I’d love to sit and pick your brain, Natalie, about the lessons you’ve learned through the years. I can get easily overwhelmed with just a few friends who are exceptionally needy. But yes, we do need to be able to stay even when we’re uncomfortable. My eyes have often been opened to more clarity in snippets of real-life situations than in hours of Bible classes I’ve sat in….
I love this whole post! Just observing and checking out the best and the other best!
“Over-analyzing….” Oh, I am so good at that!! And letting God be the doing and being and sometimes, sometimes, He is all the world needs at that moment and He will use us later with the observations we made when we let Him go in first and leave last. Much to ponder!!
I really LOVE THIS post, Lisa!
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
Thank you so much, Linda. As a caregiver, I know you’ve experienced so many times where you can’t “fix” the situation but you just stay in it anyway. Blessings to you for all you have done and do! You’re a wise and caring woman.
Right now, I’m letting one son move out, just like his brother did a few years ago – and I’m trying to say nothing, walking in faith that experience will shepherd him more than my logic. I’m letting God go with Him – and it’s hard, but experience has taught me to take my hands off and let God! Sometimes intentional “nothing” is the biggest thing of all! Blessings to you, Lisa!
You’re a courageous mama. And a loving one. Sometimes it takes more love to sit still than it does to chase after. I know you’re a woman of praying and of listening to God, so I know God will be faithful to keep you and your son in his hands. You’re inspirational.
Lisa, this was a great post! I’m getting better at doing nothing (which just sorta goes against all our good Christian ese upbringing). But I’m learning from our home group leader who is a dear friend, when there’s something going on, just pray, “Jesus what are you doing here? Expect Him to tell you. Or not. And if He does, ask Him, “Am I supposed to come alongside in this right now?”
And maybe the answer will just come back as ‘be there’ not ‘do something.’
Well said, friend.
Thank you, Jody. Your home group leader sounds amazing. I’d guess y’all have some incredible spiritual conversations around the living room! 🙂
Your post inspires me to be really present and with an open heart and open ears so that when God does want me to act, I hear and obey.
Being “really present and with an open heart and open ears” – that captures it exactly, Elizabeth. It’s my goal too. Thank you, friend.
Wow, Lisa! I’m still contemplating this one. Everything in me says, “I need to do something if God brought me into this situation.” I always feel like I have failed if I walk away without doing something. But there are times where I am too afraid to do anything–like asking those men to quiet down.
I like what Elizabeth said above. That this post teaches her to have her eyes and ears more open to God in situations and listen for what He is directing her to do or not to do.
I’ll be thinking about this for awhile.
We overstress ourselves, don’t we? Always thinking we need to do, do, do, when sometimes God just wants us to simply be. Sigh. Thankful that he’s so patient with us! 🙂 I appreciate your words, Janis.
the one thing you didn’t do, which many others would have done, is walk straight back out of there, not even stopping for anything.
True. 🙂 There have been times in years past when I would have peeked in, and not even stepped in, after seeing who all was in there. So yes, I at least did *something* by going in and staying.
I loved your words, Lisa. This was incredibly thought provoking. I, too, feel the need to overanalyze and determine my reason for being in certain circumstances. So often I will even avoid a situation out of fear that maybe I WILL have to step in – unprepared and unequipped. I realize now how absurd that sounds. I know that if He needs me to intervene He’s also going to equip me with the steps to take in which to do so. I truly loved this post – thank you for sharing!
I relate exactly to what you’ve said, Jennifer. I can EASILY avoid a situation altogether if I fear I won’t be able to do anything in it. But we’re right to trust to that God WILL prepare us for whatever he wants us to do, and maybe not until that exact moment. It’s a great leap of faith that I want to make more often. One jump at a time….
Wherever we go, we should be prepared to meet God. He will show up.
Blessings, Lisa!
Most definitely, Martha! So thankful that God shows up everywhere we go.
My reaction to situations like the one you described is to pray.
God, am I supposed to do or say something?
God ease the suffering of these people.
A great response, Barb. I’m thankful God gives us wisdom to know what to do (if I’ll just listen and respond!).
Lisa, the post may have been written a few years ago but it still makes such a good point. We don’t always have to do something. Sometimes remaining quiet is what we are to do. Let a comment hang in the room or in the air and let the comment do all the work 🙂
Thanks, Joanne. Yes, remaining quiet can sometimes even be the most powerful thing we can do…and sometimes the hardest thing too. 🙂
wow you brought me right into this story. What an observation and witness. But I do need to know your secret – you can stop at eating only half of a dove bar? wow, that is self control LOL
I have been hoarding chocolate since I was a child (so they say). lol. But not to worry–it eventually ALL gets eaten. I just spread it out over time. 🙂
Joanne, you described the situation with such warm specificity, I could practically taste your Dove bar! Yes, I have been in a similar situation, and I believe you are right. We are all image bearers of our Heavenly Father, and the Holy Spirit goes with us wherever we go. Sometimes, just being there with the peace that passes all understanding is the best thing for the situation. Many blessings to you!
Yes to this, Beth! –> “Sometimes, just being there with the peace that passes all understanding is the best thing for the situation.”
Lisa, Thank you for this reminder of priorities and expectations. My priority needs to be our Lord and my expectation to follow him, not fix the world or be comfortable. Sometimes showing up is the first step and sometimes it’s the only step.
You’re right, Sarah. Sometimes showing up IS the only step, even though it feels counterproductive to us in our “do more, more, more!” society.
I am glad you shared this post. I’m volunteering at a camp this week—lots of opportunities for observation!
I’m sure your week at camp has given you lots of things to observe, Michele! 🙂
Each morning I ask God to give me a nudge in the right direction if an opportunity to speak up presents itself during the day. Sometimes He does, and other times He doesn’t. And I am content to leave the decision in His hands.
Have a blessed day!
There’s a lot of peace to be found when we learn to trust the Lord in this way, Lea. Thanks for sharing this!
Lisa, this post about doing nothing is making me think about so many things. But a key takeaway for me is to keep showing up for God and be so in touch with Him that I will know when He wants me to act or simply be present.
Yes, to keep showing up, again and again, is such an important thing to do–we don’t give God enough credit to work through our presence together. It’s valuable!
Just show up – I’ve been thinking about those exact words for quite a whole, months and months! This is what I’ve discovered – if you don’t show up, you can’t move forward. Problems can’t be solved; challenges can’t be overcome. Lives can’t be changed, including your own, if you don’t show up! I’m glad you did!
Thanks, Maryleigh. The past few years I’ve felt God wanted to use “just show up” as an important mantra in my life. It’s put me in some unique situations that I might not have appeared in otherwise! 🙂 But that’s been a good thing.
Lisa, I never knew a library these days could be so interesting! I love how you knew God was present at the moment and took you along to be present at the moment. It’s important to experience how other people are living. Also that we are not always called to do something but to be present. I think I will go visit my library.
Our library has become more and more interesting as the years go by. 🙂 Or maybe I’ve just learned to wander around it a bit more. lol. Hope you have your own adventure soon in your library, Deborah.
This is a true statement born from wisdom, “Sometimes the most important thing we can do is just be present.”
I never want to underestimate the power of God’s presence in us….
So good, Lisa. I love how observant you are… and what a lovely reminder for us all to be present and to pay attention. ? Stopping by from #graceandtruthlinkup
Thanks for stopping by, Laura. Being present and paying attention sound so easy when I say them aloud, but they can be amazingly difficult for me to put into practice on a regular basis! 🙂
I’m glad it stayed quiet. 🙂 Your story sounds like a scene for a mystery. I guess it is. The mystery of God’s grace at work.
So beautifully spoken Lisa. This >”And God likes it when we are present too. If God needs us to do more, God will let us know.” Is so true. All’s we need to do is show up, he’ll take care of the rest.
Thank you again for linking up with Sweet Tea & Friends this month.
Sometimes, nothing is all you can do. Not all people respond to God.
A beautiful piece. This touched me and is helping to release me from my “hyperresponsibility” and “overanalyzing”. “Sometimes the most important thing we can do is just be present. Trust God to be present, too.”