5 Links, Books, and Things I Love – April 2018

What did you do in March? What are you looking forward to in April? We share once a month at Leigh’s.

1 Second Everyday

[If you can’t see the 1 Second Everyday video, click here]

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5 Things Around the Web

1. The Death of the Church Directory 
by Leslie Anne Tarabella

Does your church still have a picture directory?  Ours doesn’t. I miss it. But I also understand.

Death of Church Directory

Church directories were the unofficial yearbooks for our families of faith. (Leslie Anne Tarabella)

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2. How Does Chick-fil-A’s Drive-Thru Move So Fast?
by Sean Ward

I often do wonder about this. They’ve put a lot of research into it. No surprise they do it well.

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3. 9 Things that Quiet, Awkward Introvert Wishes You Knew
by Jenn Granneman

#4 and #6 really stand out to me. You?

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4. Having Your Smartphone Nearby Takes a Toll on Your Thinking
by Kristen Duke, Adrian Ward, Ayelet Gneezy, Maarten Bos

“Our research suggests that, in a way, the mere presence of our smartphones is like the sound of our names — they are constantly calling to us, exerting a gravitational pull on our attention. If you have ever felt a “phantom buzz” you inherently know this.”

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5. How All You Can Eat Restaurants Make Money

I’ll pay closer attention next time I’m at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

All You Can Eat Profitable?

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5 Things about Books and Podcasts

1. Print Books Still Reign
by Andrew Perrin

Sixty-seven percent of Americans read a print book within the past year. And nearly one in five Americans now listen to audiobooks. More interesting stats here about the state of reading in America.

Print books more popular

2. Podcast: How to Inspire Every Child to Be a Lifelong Reader
TED Talks Daily Podcast: Alvin Irby

I listened to the audio on the TED Talks Daily podcast, but you can watch the TED Talk here by Alvin Irby, a former kindergarten teacher. He is the founder of Barbershop Books, a wonderful project.

3. Podcast: How to Connect with Depressed Friends
TED Talks Daily Podcast: Bill Bernat

Or watch it here.

“Want to connect with a depressed friend but not sure how to relate to them? Comedian and storyteller Bill Bernat has a few suggestions. Learn some dos and don’ts for talking to people living with depression — and handle your next conversation with grace and maybe a bit of humor.”

4. Podcast: Hot Mess Room “Just in Case” Items
Organize 365 Podcast: Lisa Woodruff

Do you have a HMR too (a Hot Mess Room)? My laundry room is a hot mess. It keeps popping up on my to-do list for a major do-over, but I haven’t gotten to it yet. This podcast gives some helpful tips.

5. Three Books I Recommend – March 2018     

Recommended reading from two novels and one non-fiction book I finished in March. Reading time has reached a new low lately.

3 Books I Recommend March 2018_LisaNotes

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5 Things I Love

1. Grandbaby Is 2 Months!

I’m loving every second I get to spend with our first grandchild, even though it means putting LOTS of miles on the road back and forth. She’s growing and changing so quickly.

This bassinet has been used for generations in the Burgess family. Nowadays we mainly use it just for photos, one good one for each grandchild.

This is Riley’s turn for the bassinet photo. We almost waited too late! Her little toes are ready to escape.

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2. New Scripture Memory Challenge

This is Week 1 of our new scripture memory challenge with Do Not Depart. We’re learning Matthew 5:1-19 (includes the Beatitudes). I love having chapters I can go over in my head to chase out other crazy thoughts that pop in there.


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3. Chocolate!

I love chocolate. Probably too much. I’ve recently tried this Duncan Hines Brownie-in-a-Mug mix for the first time. It’s a perfect one-serving size when I just have to have something. Leigh Kramer shared her homemade updated Mug Brownie Recipe on her blog last week. I haven’t tried hers yet, but I will!

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4. This poem—to our bodies—“Dear Body, I’m sorry and I love you

I first heard this poem by Hillary McBride on the Liturgists podcast, episode Embodiment. It brought me to tears. Too often I do not appreciate my body, but rather see its flaws on a daily basis instead. This poem gives a better perspective.

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5. Tornado Cleanup

Alabama had tornadoes again two weeks ago. While it didn’t affect my neighborhood, it did hit within 20 miles. Our local disaster response team, PAR (Prepare and Respond), spent lots of hours helping clean up. So proud of their selfless devotion to help others.

PAR March 2018 Tornadoes

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5 Things on the Blog

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What was a highlight from your March? What are you looking forward to in April? Please share in the comments.

previous Links and Books

27 thoughts on “5 Links, Books, and Things I Love – April 2018

  1. Alice V. Walters

    Dear Lisa, LOTS to love in this post! You are so busy gathering treasures to share. Your granddaughter is absolutely beautiful (like you didn’t already know that, right?). And I’ve already shared the Ted Talk and article about introverts. Wrap that all up in the brownie in a mug, and I’d call this one a definite keeper! Thanks and blessings!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thanks, Alice. Yes, I do think my granddaughter is beautiful, but I know my vision is clouded by love. 🙂 Our paths just crossed at Anita’s blog with the depression thread. I’m so thankful that it’s something that can be openly talked about more and more. I know our society still hasn’t quite come to grips with it, but it’s getting better anyway.

  2. Pam Ecrement

    Love this “chocked full of good news” post! Love the pics of your grand baby always!! They grow up way to fast and we are grandparents who have put thousands and thousands of miles on our cars to see our 6. Four of them are 350 miles southeast of us and 2 are 520 miles southwest of us. They are now 13-24 years in age so you can just about guess what that might look like!! Now we add in sometimes trying to visit the two currently in college on their campuses. Fortunately, 1 is only 2 hours away!!

    Love that “real” books are still so popular! I read an ebook from time-to-time, but I don’t think anything compares with the feel of a book in my hand. I love that and even when I am reviewing a book for Tyndale, I always ask for a physical copy instead of the ebook. If I am not totally “in love with it” or there is no more room on the book shelf (LIKELY), I donate it to our church library for others to enjoy!

    Have a great day, Lisa!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      It sounds like you are wonderful grandparents, Pam! The kind I want to be. Thankfully I am free to travel back and forth so I don’t want to take that for granted. Yours are much farther away than mine! I also don’t want to take that for granted. We’re three hours away, but it could be much worse. That’s cool that you don’t forget about the college kids. They need those visits too!

      While I do love, love, love my Kindle, I haven’t forsaken my first love of real books either. 🙂 And yes, it is good to be able to share them when you’re done. I regret that I can’t ever share a Kindle book (except with one person on my shared account).

  3. Christina

    Our church actually does still have a photo directory, and it was very useful when we first started attending. It’s set up as a binder with rings, so they don’t need to make a new one, they just add, remove, or replace pages periodically.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      That’s cool that your church still has a photo directory! I’ve often wished that ours did because there are so many people that I can’t connect a face with a name. Facebook can only help so much. 🙂

  4. Beth

    Wow, Lisa! This post is like an Easter basket chock-full of goodies! First off, I loved the 1-second video, but I have to say that it seems you lingered a bit longer on the shots of your granddaughter! But what self-respecting grandma wouldn’t? Lol! I also love the Scripture memory challenges you provide. I need to get back at that wonderful discipline. I pick it up and then it falls away in place of other good things. But I so love being able to recall verses at will. I’ve still got many that I can recall, but not nearly enough. Thanks, my friend!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      You are very perceptive, Beth! Yes, since One Second Everyday added the 1.5 second option, I sometimes take advantage of that with my grandbaby. 🙂

      There are lots of great spiritual disciplines out there; too bad we can’t do all of them at the same time. But we can’t. I’m sure you’re making wise choices for each season!

  5. Cindy C

    Thanks for sharing so many interesting things and putting them together so neatly. I am going to check out those podcast links. 🙂 I really appreciate TED talks ,too.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      You’re welcome, Cindy. I always have fun gathering these up at the end of a month. But there’s far more to share than time and space allow. The internet is quite full of good things. 🙂

  6. Sarah Geringer

    What a fun post, Lisa. I adore the photos of your granddaughter! I also find that stat about reading very encouraging as an aspiring author. I love the Kindle app on my IPad, because I can read books while on the treadmill. But I still prefer print books and I believe I always will. Happy April to you!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Yes, I love both kinds of books too. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. I love my Kindle when I can’t sleep in the middle of the night because I can read it without having to turn on a light. 🙂 And I love that I can carry around so many books on one small device. But oh there is something still special about a “real” book too! I haven’t thought about it from an author’s perspective so you’ve given me more food for thought, Sarah.

  7. Bev @ Walking Well With God

    Lot’s of good stuff here. First your granddaughter, Riley, is absolutely beautiful. I look forward to the day I get to be a grandmother 🙂 Are we limited to one HMR Hot Mess Room? My office can often be a hot mess and I solve that problem by closing the door behind me. Perhaps I’m sticking my head in the sand, but it works. Thanks for sharing the TED talk on talking to people who suffer with depression. People can inadvertently say such unhelpful things. Hope you had a nice Easter and that April is off to a great start!
    Bev xx

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      No, I don’t think we should be limited to one HMR Hot Mess Room. 🙂 There are probably drawers and closets that I should include in that category too. lol. Sometimes closing the door (or the drawer!) is the best option, I agree, Bev.

  8. BettieG

    So many goodies in here! Thank you for sharing. I’m saving several of these links to check out! And what precious photos of your grandbaby. She is a little doll. And, I know what you mean about ALL of those miles, treking back & forth. They are so worth it, though, aren’t they? These Grandbabies hold such a special place in our hearts. Blessed April to you!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I think our little Riley is a doll, too. Just a live version. 🙂 We are definitely having fun with her! Yes, those grandbabies are called grand for a reason. Thanks, Bettie.

  9. Barbara Harper

    Your granddaughter is SO cute! I’m glad she’s close enough to visit often.

    I love those mug brownies, too. I had found some recipes online for various mug recipes, but those mixes are extra-convenient. Perfect for when I want a little something sweet but don’t want (or need!) to make a whole pan of something.

    I love how Chick-Fil-A gets orders done so quickly and accurately. But I don’t like order-takers at the car. I just experienced that for the first time recently. Usually we order the exact same things, so it’s not that big a deal to rattle off what we want. But if I did want to just look at the menu for a few seconds, I’d feel self-conscious doing that while someone is waiting at my window.

    I very much resonated with the introvert article, too.

    That’s sad about church directories. I loved all of ours and still have them. It really helps as new members to connect names and faces. The church we’re currently visiting has one online that is password-protected. I imagine that’s easier to keep updated – so often the printed ones were out of date within a month or less.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thanks, Barbara. My granddaughter is 3 hours away, but that’s still close enough to drive back and forth. I can’t imagine how it feels for those whose kids/grandkids are on the other side of the country. 🙁

      I noticed at my Chick-Fil-A last night that they also had a person standing at the pickup window too to hand the food from the window to the car. I feel sorry for all the workers who have to stand outside in the cold and rain! But I guess it does speed things up. And maybe they’re young enough not to care. lol.

      I still have all my old church directories too. It was so helpful to match names and faces. I still struggle with names since we changed churches in 2012 with no pictorial directory. An online one would work great though. That’s a smart way to do it.

  10. Laura Thomas

    Oh Lisa, those baby pics (and sneezes!) are precious! My daughter just finished An American Marriage and loved it… I think I’ll have to add that to my list! Thanks for sharing all the wondrous March things with us 🙂 Stopping by from #TellHisStory

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Yes, baby sneezes are the best, aren’t they? I love them too. And baby yawns. All their little sounds are so sweet. I keep jamming up my phone with videos. 🙂

  11. Jean Wise

    wow your grandbaby is adorable. beautiful. All these article are wonderful. Love the introvert site. And we still have a church directory and I used it this week and yes it was a pain to do and is outdated – all the article said. I do bet it is a dying art. Love when you write this post!

  12. Pingback: GOOD MORNING MONDAYS #164 | Darling Downs Diaries

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