3 Books I Recommend – March 2018

Here are three books I recommend from what I read in March. Once a month we share our current reading lists at Jennifer’s.

3 Books I Recommend March 2018 LisaNotes

Books I Recommend

1. The Path Between Us
An Enneagram Journey to Healthy Relationships
by Suzanne Stabile

Path Between Us, The

My review of The Path Between Us

This book on the Enneagram, a personality typing system, specializes in relationships. Specifically, how to deal with your own personality type and those of the other eight types. Suzanne Stabile is also the author of The Road Back to You, a great primer on the Enneagram. This newest book goes one step further, focusing on practical ways to get along better.

2. An American Marriage
by Tayari Jones

An American Marriage

This novel caught me off guard. It begins with a love story between Celestial and Roy. And continues through ups and downs of an unexpected situation. It was painful to read at times (I still have mixed feelings about it). But it is a culturally-signicant book for insights into circumstances I have no experience with. It’s an Oprah’s Book Club Selection.

3. A Gentleman in Moscow
by Amor Towles

A Gentleman in Moscow

This sweet novel started a little slow to me, but I’m glad I didn’t give up. Beginning in 1922, Rostov the Count receives an unorthodox sentence: house arrest in a hotel across the street from the Kremlin. For years. It gives insight in Russian history and provides laughs as well as tears.

Reading Now

  • The Way of Abundance
    A 60-Day Journey into a Deeply Meaningful Life
    by Ann Voskamp
  • Girl, Wash Your Face
    Stop Believing the Lies about Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be
    by Rachel Hollis
  • 42 Seconds
    The Jesus Model for Everyday Interactions
    by Carl Medearis
  • The Life You Can Save
    Acting Now to End World Poverty
    by Peter Singer
  • Still Evangelical?
    Ten Insiders Reconsider Political, Social, and Theological Meaning
    edited by Mark Labberton
  • In Search of Wisdom
    A Monk, a Philosopher, and a Psychiatrist on What Matters Most
    by Matthieu Ricard, Christophe Andre, Alexandre Jollien
  • Why Evangelicals Need the Wilderness
    (Evangelicals After the Shipwreck Book 2)
    by Ed Cyzewski
  • Tears We Cannot Stop
    A Sermon to White America
    Dyson, Michael Eric

* * *

What good book have you read this month? Please share in the comments.


My books on Goodreads
Previous reading lists

26 thoughts on “3 Books I Recommend – March 2018

  1. Michele Morin

    I just finished reading Jamie Sumner’s Unbound, and it’s the best thing I’ve read in a long time. Technically, I suppose, it’s a parenting book, but it goes waaaaay beyond that in its usefulness.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I know you go through a lot of books, so that’s a high recommendation, Michele. I’ll have to look into Unbound! My reading life has really diminished the past two months since I’ve been traveling so much to see my grandbaby. But I’m not complaining! 🙂

  2. Lesley

    I always love reading your book recommendations, Lisa! As well as The Gardener’s Daughter which I shared about today, I have also recently enjoyed A Place To Land by Kate Motaung. I’ll be sharing more about it next week.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Maybe one day I’ll get around to Kate Motaung’s book, too. I’ll look forward to what you’ll share about it next week. I need to prioritize finishing the books I’ve started before I start anything new. 🙂

  3. Beth

    I read The Enneagram Made Easy and really enjoyed it, but think I should check out both of those books on the Enneagram. Anything that can help navigate relationships better catches my eye, Lisa! Thanks for sharing and for being such a voracious reader! You always impress me by that skill and discipline!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Congratulations on being a grandmother in October! You’ll love it! I’m at my daughter’s this week and loving every second of it. 🙂 I’m not getting much read though, but that’s a-okay.

  4. Barbara H.

    I just saw someone else mention A Gentleman in Moscow a few days ago, putting it on my radar. I’m glad to hear you liked it as well! That “doubles” the inclination to read it!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I really didn’t know what to expect from A Gentleman in Moscow but the plot intrigued me. It’s not a fast-paced novel by any means, but it’s very well-written, which counts for a lot. 🙂

  5. Karen

    I tried to read A Gentleman in Moscow and found it so slow, I just couldn’t keep reading but I have heard it is worth it if you can get through the first part.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Yes, A Gentleman in Moscow definitely started out slow for me too. I almost gave up. But I kept wondering why people raved about it, so I hung in there. ha. There were still moments where the details were a bit too slow for me, but the plot kept me involved once I got over the hump.

  6. Maree Dee

    I am impressed you read quite a bit. Thank you for sharing your three favorite ones. I read Blessed Are the Unsatisfied by Amy Simpson. It was good. It challenged my thinking as finding satisfaction here on earth.

  7. Ashley

    I finally finished 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You.
    That was a convicting book.
    Started on Transforming Grace by Jerry Bridges. Great book so far.
    Picked up 4 other books at the book sale on Sunday.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      12 Ways convicted me as well. I hope I changed my habits at least a little as a result of reading it, but I need to keep working on it! I loved Transforming Grace, well, anything by Jerry Bridges. I will miss his writings.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      My book club is looking ahead to our next book as well. We’ve read only non-fiction books so far; we might be due a novel. Hope you find something interesting, Jodie!

  8. Janet

    You certainly know how to write a tantalizing capsule review! You’ve piqued my curiosity about An American Marriage.

    I think Girl, Wash Your Face is a fabulous title!

  9. Gayl

    Thanks for sharing these reviews, Lisa. The third one sounds interesting to me, and I might check it out. I used to read a lot of fiction but not so much lately. My husband, son and I are reading a book by N.T.Wright aloud together and we recently finished Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry. Both are excellent books.
    Blessings to you and thanks for linking up with us at the #LMMLinkup!

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