Have You Memorized the Beatitudes? Want to Try Now? {New Scripture Memory Challenge}

Beginning next week, April 2, the community at Do Not Depart is going to tackle a new Scripture Memory Challenge. You’re welcome to join in!


Our plan is to memorize Matthew 5:1-19, one to two verses per week. We intentionally go slowly so the words can sink into us as we can sink deeper into the Word.

The goal of memorizing isn’t to check off boxes on a spiritual checklist, but rather to swap words back and forth with God. It’s a conversation by choice.

The words in Matthew 5 are straight from the lips of Jesus. They include the Beatitudes (“Blessed are the…”), passages on being light, on being salt, and more. Read it all here.

See the full schedule here.

If you want to join in, sign up here.

You’ll then receive a link to resources you can download and print. And for each week we do the challenge, you’ll receive a short email on Monday mornings reminding you what the verse-of-the-week is.

We have an active Facebook group you also can join, Hide His Word. We meet there each week and share what we’re learning and tips to help each other along the way.

This will be good!

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Have you ever memorized the Beatitudes? Do you have a favorite chapter you’d like to commit to memory? Please share in the comments.

12 thoughts on “Have You Memorized the Beatitudes? Want to Try Now? {New Scripture Memory Challenge}

  1. Dianna

    I am looking forward to memorizing this portion of Scripture with Do Not Depart! As a matter of fact, I’ve already started. 😉 I was happy to see the pages for note taking that we could print off this time. Great resources and I’m still loving using Scripture Typer as my primary tool in memorizing.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I hope you know I’m always happy to hear you’ll be memorizing with us again, Dianna! You’re an inspiration. Scripture Typer is still one of my most important tools as well. It has made such a difference in my retention. I thank God for these “extras” to keep His Word in our hearts.

  2. Patti Gardner

    Thanks so much for the heads-up about this. I used to memorize Scripture as a new Christian about 25 years ago. As the years went by, I stopped memorizing regularly. Well about 8 months ago, I decided to once again be more purposeful with Scripture memorization. I like the idea of a challenge to help keep me motivated and inspired.


    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m glad you’re taking the plunge to memorize with us, Patti! I think a lot of us stop and start with scripture memorization. It’s definitely easier for me if I can stay on schedule with a group. Hope this will be encouraging to you as well.

  3. Debbie Williams

    Lisa love this, and that would be so fun. Hope many will join you. I so wish I could jump on, but with a new Bible study starting next week (I’m a volunteer coach), and travel, and grands I know I could not do it all with our study memory verses too.

    What a great platform and what fun!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      You’re wise to know your limits, Debbie! We can’t do everything and certainly not in every season. Sounds like you’ve got a full load as is. 🙂 Enjoy!

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