What I’m into in November ‘14
- Quozio is great for turning a quote into a graphic. Because I needed to make lots for my 31 Quotes of Grace series, Quozio was my quick default. Super easy to use. And free, of course. (I enjoy 31 Days, but I’m always glad when it’s over. Whew.)
- One of my favorite 31 Days series under the Writing, Blogging & Internet Stuff category was Debi Stangeland’s 31 Days to a Better Blog (in 10 Minutes or Less). (And she posted for all 31 days!)
- Another fave was 31 Days of Taking Better Blog Photos by Jennifer at The Memory Journalists. At the end of this series, I bought a DSLR camera so now I’m going back through all 31 days because I didn’t always understand what she was talking about.
- If font choices matter to you (I’m a font lover, I confess), you’ll want to bookmark this site: Wordmark it. Type in your text, and it shows you what it looks like in all your fonts.
- Mudhouse Sabbath – My copy came in this week for our informal book club. Looks to be interesting.
- Philip Yancey’s Vanishing Grace – I’m halfway finished, but I’d like to totally finish before next week when I see him on his book tour. (Still trying to keep an A+. Sigh)
- Tons of Kindle samples from author Brenda Shoshanna after doing a course under her on Spirituality & Practice
- These books
- In my daily Bible readings, I just finished Judges in the Old Testament:
and Matthew 20 in the New Testament
- Favorite Pinterest pin
- Favorite Instagram pic, reuniting with a little fellow at Manna House that I hadn’t seen in several weeks
- A favorite retweet
- Serial Podcast I’m going to try, thanks to Lisa writes’ recommendation
- More on Psalm 27 to re-memorize it with the Hide His Word group. It’s not too late to join in–we start November 10.
- Psalm 118 for this series at Do Not Depart
- Why my daughter Morgan will never go hungry, thanks to my son-in-law Fuller
- A Thank You dinner for Manna House
- Kali’s 21st birthday (she’s still with us in spirit)
- Thanksgiving dinners with family
- And fall weather, even though fall is my 3rd favorite season (because it means my least favorite is coming up)
* * *
What are you looking forward to in November? Leave a comment here.
Sharing at The Simple Woman’s Daybook
and What I’m Into at Leigh Kramer
past Daybooks
- Don’t look away
- Why are you still here?
I have bookmarked a couple of the sites you’ve mentioned, Lisa. Thank you for the heads up!
Hope they’ll be helpful to you too, Dianna. There’s so much stuff out here available to us these days that it’s impossible to keep up.
I still struggle w/reading after being sick, but it is getting better. I can’t wait to check out Debi’s 31 day series…I couldn’t read much during October.
I have Kali’s birthday on my calendar, praying for you my sweet friend!
Thanks for your prayers, Mary. I know you get it. We’ll forever have that bond with our sweet babies…
I’m glad you’re getting better. What a long journey this has been for you. 🙁 But I know you’ll let God continue to redeem it for good. Blessings to you.
I am looking forward to….. no clue, all I can do is focus on now. If I look forward to anything it seems like, it is ruined by Matt’s health issues.
That must be so difficult. I’m sorry, Katie. 🙁 Matt is incredibly blessed to have you as his partner in life. Not everyone has someone willing to sacrifice future plans for the chaos of now. You’re a living testimony of God’s love.
Thanks for sharing, Lisa! I’m bookmarking this page because there is so much info here that I want to look into.
I’m glad 31 days is over but my goodness! So much I didn’t get to see! I’m going to be looking at all the links for a long time to come …
Yes, there was far more that I did NOT see than I did see with 31 days! Thankfully they’ll be around now for us to peruse at our leisure.
Your mention of Philip Yancey sent me off to see if he has a blog. And he does. And I’ll be starting to read it because his books are so deep and personal and life-changing.
I can’t wait to hear about the book tour, Lisa …
I need to subscribe to his blog myself. I see links to it from time to time and his articles are always good. He is definitely one of my favorite writers (i.e. thinkers!). I’m very excited about the book tour–I’ll let you know how it goes! Thanks, Linda.
Oh i just LOVE philip yancey’s books!!! You gave me an idea for a Xmas gift for my hubby!! I haven’t seen this book yet by him…..do you like it? We collect his books but i haven’t bought the latest.
I’m looking forward to a few days off during Thanksgiving vacation even though we have to travel to MA to my husband’s folks…….but…I’ll get to reconnect with my oldest gal as she’ll drive down for Thanksgiving from Gordon College which is only an hour away from my inlaws where we will all be! I’m also looking forward to cozy weekends or flat hikes now that colder weather is here….i won’t be hiking as many mountains in the next 4 months.
Yes, I love Philip Yancey’s latest book! It’s fabulous, all about grace. I’ll see him in two days and am so looking forward to it. I wanted to have finished the book by then, but I’m probably not going to make it. I’m on pg 208 and there’s 272 pages. 😉
I can imagine how much you’ll be looking forward to the time with your oldest daughter to reconnect. I’m looking forward to some extended time with my youngest soon (and wishing I could get it with my oldest too!). We did have a weekend together not long ago and it was fabulous.
Thanks for the mention Lisa. I appreciate the love.
For the record, this post is the kind of thing that makes a GREAT newsletter. When you get ready to send one out, make it like this and you’ll have a winner!!
I appreciate that encouragement and advice, Debi. Occasionally I’ll think about doing a newsletter, then I quickly tell myself NO. ha. Maybe someday though. I never thought I’d have a blog either. 🙂
I need to c heck out that Quozio site. You share lots of great links I need to check out. I love fall, but I too dislike what’s coming up soon. The first snowfall is always pretty but then I’m good. 🙂
Yes, I’m definitely not a winter person. Once we get our first frost and it kills all my flowers, I’m ready for spring again. 😉
I love Mudhouse Sabbath! It might be favorite of Lauren Winner’s work. It’s short but rich with insights. Hope you’re enjoying Serial!
Oh, that does my heart good to hear you say you love Mudhouse Sabbath. I’m only on chapter 3, and although I’ve enjoyed it so far, I’m struggling to find time to read lately. But I love your taste in books so this will renew my determination to MAKE time.
I’m making a road trip tomorrow so I’ll be starting with episode 1 of Serial! I’m going to try to pace myself in listening to them. We’ll see how that goes. 🙂
Hi Lisa! GIRL!!! You are one busy lady! And I have never heard of that site for making images, I’ll have to check it out. I usually use PicMonkey, but I’m willing to change if it’s easy 🙂
Beautiful photo, thank you for sharing yourself, you have a beautiful smile. And I’ll have to check out Debi’s place too. I can always use information to make my place better.
Happy Sunday!
I love PicMonkey too, Ceil. I use it a lot also. But I recently bought PhotoShop so I’m already using PicMonkey less. Too many options for us these days! ha. Hope you have a great week ahead.
wow just back from our trip and reading your blog I now have more blogs to read!! You always give me something new to read, Lisa. I love it. November arrived while we were gone so it still feels like October to me. better get with it, right?
Looking forward in November to Thanksgiving, decorating for Christmas and attending a few fall craft shows.
I can’t wait to hear more about your trip! I know it had to have been amazing. Yes, November rushes right in, whether we’re ready or not, and nipping at the heels of December already. I wish we could freeze time during this season. 🙂