At the Halfway Point, Remember Why
{One Word 2023 June Linkup}

Link all of your ONE WORD blog posts below. Share an update about your One Word in the comments.

You’ve made it to June! You’re halfway through the year with your One Word.

This is a good time to remotivate yourself by remembering WHY you chose your word.

If you filled out , wrote a blog post, or talked to someone about your word back in January, go back and reread your thoughts or rehash the conversations.

Answer Two Questions

How do you answer these questions at this halfway point?

1. Why did I choose this word?

2. Why do (or don’t) I want to continue with this word in the second half of 2023?

Why did I choose my word HUMAN? Looking back at my first blog post this year about HUMAN, I see this: I’d grown frustrated with my own humanity. I was being hard on myself for my ordinary human traits. I knew I needed to bring more kindness to myself as a human and to other fellow humans all year.

How am doing with it? Well, I’ll give myself at least a passing grade (humans give grace, right?), but I’m far from earning an A+. But that’s okay. No human is perfect, including this one. I can’t control the outcome, but I can continue on the journey.

I want to continue forward with HUMAN as my word. I’m learning (and accepting) much about myself and others. 

Back to the Beginning

If you find yourself stuck with the why about your word, here’s a quick exercise to try. Go back to the beginning of your word.

Look up your word’s etymology at the Merriam-Webster Dictionary or the Online Etymology Dictionary.

See if the roots of your word nudge you to rediscover the original reasons you chose this word.

Looking at the origins of my word HUMAN, I see it comes from the Latin word humus, meaning earth or ground. Our English word humility also comes from humus.

These roots remind me that we are from dust and to dust we shall return. All humans are more alike than they are different, so there’s no need to feel either cocky or shamed by comparison.

We are all ordinary. We are all spectacular.


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If you blog, link a post below with ANY updates about your One Word. You can also share updates with our One Word Facebook group or with our Instagram group @onewordcommunity

This June linkup for One Word updates will remain open for two weeks through midnight on Friday, July 7. Each link shared here will also be shared with our One Word Facebook group

Next month’s One Word linkup will open on Sunday, July 23.

If you’d like to receive our monthly One Word emails and ideas, .

If you chose One Word for 2023, do you remember why? Does the origin of your word reveal any insights?

Leave a comment here about your One Word.

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5 thoughts on “At the Halfway Point, Remember Why
{One Word 2023 June Linkup}

  1. Lois Flowers

    I’m working on cleaning out my email inbox so I’m doing a lot of remembering these days, Lisa. Didn’t anticipate this project this year, but it seems to fit, doesn’t it? 🙂

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