How Well Do You Know Your One Word? {One Word 2023 January Linkup}

Link all of your One Word blog posts below. Share an update about your One Word in the comments.

Get More Familiar with Your New One Word

In this first month with your new word, ask yourself these questions.


Where have you already seen your word? Where can you put it so you can see it more often?

I am seeing my word HUMAN everywhere—in books I read, in sermons I hear, in shows I watch. I have intentionally inserted it as a daily reminder on my digital calendar. 


What does your word look like to you? Take a photo or draw a picture or create a graphic to visualize your word.

Well, we all know what HUMAN looks like. But here’s the graphic I created to catch the blog posts I write this year.

One Word 2023: Human


Why did you choose this word? Write out your answer and/or tell at least one other person. If you haven’t already, print and fill out this simple 2-page worksheet to help clarify your word.

In 2022 I struggled with my humanness. I saw more of my weaknesses, flaws, and vulnerabilities. But instead of fighting against being human, I decided to be more compassionate about it. If humans are indeed made in the image of God, then being human—with all its highs and lows—is a beautiful thing. This is the year I want to explore more fully what it really means to be human.

If you don’t already receive our monthly One Word emails but would like to, sign up here for free.

Join Us for One Word 2023

This January linkup will remain open for two weeks through Monday, February 6. Each link shared here will also be shared with our One Word Facebook group

Next month’s linkup will be Thursday, February 23 (every linkup in ’23 will be on the 23rd).

I hope your One Word adventure is off to a good start!

If you chose One Word (or a phrase or a scripture, etc.) this year, why?

Leave a comment here about your One Word.

Link Up About Your One Word!

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22 thoughts on “How Well Do You Know Your One Word? {One Word 2023 January Linkup}

  1. Anita Ojeda

    I love your word for the year! I am at a loss for creating a graphic or taking a picture of my word…most people don’t think of mourn in a positive light. It’s not a badge we wear. But I see it as a positive word that helps us move forward.

    1. Lynn D. Morrissey

      Anita, I don’t know if this would resonate, but I immediately thought of Ps. 56:8: “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” This is from the NLT, but other versions are lovely as well. I see this verse as a “positive light” for mourning. To know that God cares about each and every tear we shed, and that He collects them in “His bottle,” means so much to me. I have a beautiful crystal perfume bottle setting atop my dresser as a constant reminder in hard times. I bought it empty, purposely, and metaphorically, it’s a reminder that God has collected my every tear in it. Since, I have given it as a gift for those who are depressed or who have suffered a recent death of a family member or friend, and I have included that verse in a card. My daughter drew the bottle on a card, so I have that graphic, as well. It’s lovely. I love that it’s prismatic and catches the light, like a rainbow.

    2. LisaNotes Post author

      Yes, I understand your dilemma with creating a graphic for your word, Anita! We all know the standard images that grief brings us, but your emphasis on the positive aspects brings a whole new light to it.

  2. Lynn D. Morrissey

    Tx for your encouragement, Miss Lisa! Always appreciate your wonderful insights. I can’t lay my hands on it right now (maybe somewhere only on your posts–need to transfer that image, b/c I liked it), but I found a woman runner triumphantly crossing the FINISH line in a race. Yes, my word (again!) is FINISH! Funny you should mention a graphic, b/c I thought today it would be helpful to create a vision board where I could graphically show, not just a finish, line, but what particularly God is showing me about my word. I can put that on the mantle in my bedroom as a visual reminder. These have helped in the past.

    I love the clean lines of your graphic!

    Yes, I have seen my word crop up in unexpected places. AND others’ words! In a book I”m reading, the author referenced *this* book: Fully Human, Fully Alive by John Powell. I have NO earthly idea if it’s good or theologically sounds, but for what it’s worth, I pass it along.

    I personally love your humanness, which often manifests in transparency. Keep being the lovely human who God created you to be!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I think a vision board is a beautiful idea, Lynn. If you do create one, take a photo and share it with our Facebook community! I’m headed over now to get the Kindle sample of the book you mention. I can decide from there if it’s something I want to read. I love the title! Thank you for looking out for me. 🙂

  3. Lynn

    I love the graphic you chose for your word. Being human is a beautiful thing, and I look forward to reading more of what God shows you this year. My word, I think, is Simplify. I’m being challenged lately by a busy mind, (and I feel I can’t seem to keep up with what I want to create.) So, my scripture verse is Proverbs 4:23–to guard my heart, so what flows from it is Christ-like instead of worldly aspirations

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Oh, Simplify is a beautiful choice, Lynn. That’s something we all could benefit from. You can go so many directions with it too. May the Lord bless you with grace and peace as you and God work together with your word.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m with you, Debbie. I expect so much from myself, even more than I expect from other humans. That’s one of the reasons I chose this word. I’m hoping God will guide me in accepting my humanity more as a gift instead of a weakness.

  4. Tammy L Kennington

    Lisa, I love your creative ideas related to our one word for the year. Thank you for sharing them.

    My word, revive[d], isn’t as common as one would hope but I do hear it in sermons and am looking forward to processing what it means this year.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I love your word, Tammy. And especially the added [d] you’ve included. Revive and revived are both full concepts in their own right. I’ll look forward to watching how the Lord will work through it in your life this year!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Isn’t it odd how sometimes our words come quickly and easily, and other times they slowly work their way into fruition? Human came to me early and often, but the specifics have been more difficult. I’ll look forward to how Leadership comes together for you. I know you’ll be intentional about it! 🙂

  5. Corinne Rodrigues

    Isn’t it so great when our word seems to pop up everywhere!
    I’ve created a vision board in my Bullet journal, but I need more reminders – working on it!

    Thank you for your constant inputs and this link up. It helps more than you know! ♥

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m jealous of those of you who create vision boards! I just haven’t pursued that yet. It feels daunting to me. 🙂 I need more reminders too. I can’t believe it’s already February and we have one month behind us with our words.

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