5 Links, Books, and Things I Love – December 2019
Every month I share my list of favorite 5’s.
- 5 interesting things online
- 5 articles about words, books, or podcasts
- 5 pictures of things I love
- 5 blog posts from the month
What are you enjoying this month?
1 Second Everyday
[If you can’t see the 1 Second Everyday video, click here]
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5 Things Around the Web
1. Charting How the Time Parents Spend with Kids Changes as They Grow Up
In the beginning, it’s all about physical care. But that changes as our kids grow up. Interesting graphics on how time spent with children changes as they age.
2. When There Are No More Volunteers: How the Church Can Love God by Loving Others
It’s bad for everyone when there are less volunteers.
3. Holiday Gift Guide from the Hatmakers
This is the Hatmakers third year to feature 16 companies that not only make great products, but give back in significant ways to our communities, to people in need, and to the world. Listen as a podcast episode or read the transcript (and see photos).
4. How to Find Anything on Google — Extra Search Tips
Here are several advanced search engine hacks to find relevant search results without as much noise from advertisers, propaganda, etc.
5. Four Tips for Keeping It Together in Contentious Situations
Four practical tips to help us better handle moments of frustration that can breed pride, anger, grudge-holding, and other vices.
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5 Things with Words and Books
1. 8 Signs You’re a Library Power User
Yes, I do have my library card number memorized. I know the hours/days they’re open. See if you meet any of these power user criteria, too.
2. The Way You Read Books Says A Lot About Your Intelligence, Here’s Why
I’ve not heard the phrase “Fractal Reading” but it’s something I often do. You, too?
3. If You’re a Christian, You Need to Read These Eleven Books
This is a great list of social justice books by Anita Ojeda. She had lots of wonderful Self-Care Sunday posts on reaching out and learning more about other cultures. “Social justice begins with me.”
4. 5 Books on the 2019-2010 Literature for Justice Selected Reading List
To go with Anita’s list above, here are five books suggested by the National Book Foundation. Their goal is to advance understanding of mass incarceration in the United States. This list centers on first-person narratives from formerly incarcerated authors, partners of those behind bars, and leaders of prison reform.
Here are short book reviews of 6 favorite books I finished reading in November, including Washington Black and The Complete Enneagram.
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5 Pictures of Things I Love
Jenna took some beautiful pictures of Morgan and her babies. She’s juggling being a mom of two quite well, even though it has its moments, as all moms can attest.
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I’ve loved getting my snuggles in with the newest grandbaby myself.
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We got to spend Thanksgiving Day with some of our friends from around town. I count this Vietnam vet as one of my friends for the past several years. I learned even more about him last week.
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R.I.P. Kandie. Our most lovable golden retriever Kandie died on my birthday last Monday. Even though she moved in with Jenna and Trey the past two years (and she loved every second being an inside pet with them!), she lived with us her first seven years. It’s a sad, sad thing to lose a pet. Her remains are now included in our pet cemetery in the backyard along with pet gerbils, ducks, and a fish.
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Dubs Burgers are a local favorite. Jenna and Trey took us there to celebrate our birthdays. You don’t have to twist our arms for that.
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5 Favorites from the Blog
Here are brief summaries and links to blog posts from November 2019. I participated in Nonfiction November, so many are about reading.
God is in the unfulfilled spaces as much as he is in the things he created around them. Keep some empty spaces around you as breathing room for you and God.
2. 3 Reasons You Don’t Read Nonfiction and Why You Should Anyway
Maybe you don’t read nonfiction books. But maybe you could try a few? Lots of book recommendations here from a variety of genres.
3. Is God Good? 3 Ways to Find God’s Goodness
How has God been good to you? 3 ways to find the goodness of God.
4. 3 Spiritual Books on the Enneagram
Want to learn more about the Enneagram and spiritual growth? Here are three books I highly recommend. I’m looking forward to sharing a 28-day series on the Enneagram here in February 2020.
5. Match This Nonfiction Book with This Fiction Book
Here are two pairs of nonfiction and fiction books that go well together, including the novels The Nickel Boys and The Poisonwood Bible.
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What was a highlight from your November? What do you have planned for December? Please share in the comments.
- On the Blog – November 2019
- Who Do You Need to Forgive This Christmas?
Love all these pics and tidbits. Especially enjoy seeing your granddaughters as they grow. Hard to believe the oldest has already gotten so big!!
I see Auburn sweatshirt…is that your alma mater?
Have a great day, Lisa! I always enjoy visiting you.❤️
Thanks, Pam. I’m not an Auburn alum myself (University of Alabama Huntsville instead), but Jeff is and both our girls graduated from Auburn as well. Once I visited Auburn with Jeff back in the day, I feel head over heels in love with the university and the town itself. So I’ve been an Auburn fan my adult life anyway. War Eagle! 🙂
Adored all the photos, Lisa, and the latest arrival has won my heart! I know you all are thrilled to have two grand-girls to love on.
My highlight in November was Thanksgiving with the family at my mother’s house. Such a blessing to still have her with us.
And way to go, Auburn!!! We are Georgia fans, and we love to see Alabama get their tide “rolled.” 🙂
Hope your December is blessed for all of you!
Yes, our newest grandbaby is so very precious; I can’t wait to see her again. I’m going down tomorrow to get more snuggles. 🙂 That is indeed a blessing that you still have your mother with you! I lost my parents in 2010, but am grateful that my in-laws are still here. We celebrated Thanksgiving at their house last Friday.
Ah, I totally understand your feelings about the Tide. 🙂 It’s very common. Our victory Saturday was super sweet to us Auburn fans. I’ll be pulling for your Dawgs on Saturday.
Social Justice is one of those things that irks me (an understatement). While I love reading others’ stories reading stories of those wrongly or formerly incarcerated is just painful. I usually take a deep breath before I start reading. I think our justice system needs to be overhauled especially when it comes to sentencing guidelines.
It was wonderful finally seeing you! Having grandchildren is a blessing!
I agree that it is very painful reading those stories on social justice. That’s a sign to me that I need to be more informed and to feel that pain so I’ll act to change things. I don’t know the answers to fixing our broken system, but I pray that something can be done! It’s so sad the way it is now.
Your daughter/granddaughter pictures are just gorgeous! Looks like you’ve had a very full month.
I’m so sorry to hear about your doggie.
Thanks, Barbara. We’re quite fond of all our girls. Maybe one day we’ll throw a boy into the mix. 🙂
It was really sad losing our dog. It will likely be the last pet that Jeff and I ever have. We loved having dogs when the kids were here, but it’s been wonderful being pet-free since we’re empty nesters. Now they can keep all the dogs at their houses.
What a beautiful baby! 🙂 Thanks for the reading list suggestions. I especially like the 11 books you should read if you’re a Christian. Going to check that out and see how many I’ve read and how many I need to read.
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
Thanks, Patsy. I need to add several of those books to my list, too. I’ve read some, but not enough!
Hi Lisa! Sorry I am so late getting to this. The holidays have slowed my reading pace some, plus I like to work 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles when it gets too cold to ride outside so I have had that as well. However, I am loading myself with Christmas reading material right now. I finished “Before Christmas” by Bill Crowder and reread John Piper’s on “Joy.” I am also reading Christopher Ash’s book on Christmas. I am looking forward to reading a book called “Becoming a Church that cares well for the abused” by Rachel Denhollander and Brad Hambrick. I’m also working on my 2020 theme of Unity for sermons. Not as prolific as you for sure.
You’re reminding me that puzzle time is coming up for me too! I like to do a puzzle during the Christmas holidays, so I need to pick one out now. It’s a little harder now that I have to wear glasses to see the pieces, but still great fun. 🙂
I always appreciate hearing the books you’re reading, Bill. It reveals your heart and helps point mine in the same direction as well.
I forgot. I’m also in the process of reading again The Chronicles of Narnia.
Such a beloved series to me too! I’m due a rereading before long.
November was a packed, eventful month for you. Congratulations on the addition to the family.
Thanks, Carol. We feel so blessed to have our newest grandbaby here safe and sound. It’s always such a miracle to me!
I always enjoy your recommended reads!! Love the pics of your daughter and your beautiful granddaughters. The one of you and the baby is just precious…frame that one!
Bev xx
I always love your monthly 1 second at a time videos! And congratulations on that newest Grandbaby. Your photos with them are just so precious. I was just sent a song last week by the band, “Sleeping At Last,” who has done a series of songs based on each number of the Enneagram. Their songs are very insightful! My friends who are Spiritual Directors came across the group at one of their retreats. I pray that you have a Blessed Christmas Season!
Oh, so sorry for the loss of Kandie. Those furry friends do manage to wag their way into our hearts, don’t they?
Wowie Kazowie, Lisa! You’ve offered up so many gems in this post! I’m really interested in that book on keeping your cool during conflicts. And your daughter and granddaughters are just precious! Though I only have one grandchild so far, I’m looking forward to that territory expanding for me as well! 😉 Also, my condolences on your sweet Kandie’s death. That’s so hard, especially since she died on your birthday! Hugs and prayers!
As always, I love all your beautiful photos, Lisa. Keep enjoying those cuddle times with your granddaughters! I’m so sorry about the loss of your dear pet. I know how dogs can become such a part of the family. Love and blessings to you!
Your little granddaughters are so precious! I loved the photo of you with the newest one! I am so sorry about the loss of your dog. What a sad thing to have happened on your birthday.
Thanks for the book and website recommendations. I was just in the process of looking for some new books to read. I am down to my last book and getting nervous that I will run out! 🙂
Hi, Lisa! Visiting from Sue’s link-up, where you and I are neighbors today! I loved your one second video. What a great idea! I am SO sorry to read of the loss of your beloved pet. May the dear Lord comfort you in each moment of grief. It was so interesting to visit with you today. Have a wonderful Christmas!
I always feel inspired and find something helpful in your monthly link posts! Headed to check out the google tips and the church volunteer article now!
And those pics of your grandbaby are adorable!
Aww, thanks for including my book list :). I’ll have to check out the link below, too. Your grandbabies are so precious :). I’m so sorry about your dog. We fostered our daughters GSD during her college years, and when she passed away two years ago it was just as traumatic for us as it was for her.
You’re a busy book reading hero!
I’m sorry about your dog. I know that personal pain.
Love the pictures of your girls!!!
That makes Christmas even sweeter!!!
I’m so glad I saw this at Recharge Wednesday, Lisa. I must have missed it when you first posted it. I appreciate all you’ve included, but I seriously can’t get enough of those baby pics. 🙂 And I’m also so sorry for the loss of your sweet Kandie.