What Do You Need to Let Go Of? – Day 5 of Handmade



I unfollowed another friend on Facebook this week.

I did it so we could remain friends in real life.

I’ve had to do it before with other friends and family.ย Hopefully they never knew.

Let Go - Release_pnt

One Thing for Another

It’s more important to me to love my friend, to look forward to being around her, to not get angry when I think about her political views.

Sometimes we have to let go of one thing to keep another.

But do we have to be Facebook friends too?

I get too riled up when I see things she posts. I’m sure she has her reasons. And if we sat down face-to-face to talk about them, maybe I could see her position.

But because we can rarely do that, I’d rather preserve our in-person friendship.

So I’ll let go of the digital one. For now anyway. I’ll try again later.

What thing have you released so you could hold on to something better?

Three Questions

(1) Is it hard or easy for you to get rid of clothes you rarely wear?

(2) What’s the last thing you’ve let go of?

(3) What new thing has God given you after you let go of something else? Is there something he’s asking you to let go of in this season?

* * *

What are yourย answers? Please share in the comments.

My answers:

(1) Ugh. I have a hard time letting go of sentimental t-shirts. Memories are attached. But I can keep the memory and get rid of the shirt, yes?

(2) We pulled out our daughters’ old highchair from the attic to see if it would be in good enough shape for our granddaughter. I decided this week: no, it’s really not. It’s still in the garage, but the decision is made. I’m letting go of it.

(3) When we let go of our old church six years ago, God blessed us with a new community that has breathed fresh grace into our worship and service opportunities.

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14 thoughts on “What Do You Need to Let Go Of? – Day 5 of Handmade

  1. Pam Ecremeent

    Ah, Lisa, I can relate to what you said about unfollowing friends on Facebook. I have had to do that as well. I really do not want to see political opinions on FB as they are too emotionally charged.

    My answers:
    1) I have a harder time letting go of things in my wardrobe because either a) I just like them so much even if they are old or b) because I cannot update my wardrobe as I could before retirement and many of my things are classic.

    2) A pair of navy pumps that had the heels marked up on the back.

    3) The obvious answer was when the Lord nudged me to retire even though I didn’t hate my job and was healthy and could have gone on working. He led me to start writing again, start a website and blog, and author a first book. More recently I sensed Him asking me to let go of a fall Bible study at our church that would have been good, but take a fair amount of time. I sensed He wanted more time alone with me and reminded me I can too easily fill up my calendar….still…even though I know better.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m so glad you listened to the Lord and retired to do more writings. ๐Ÿ™‚ We’ve been blessed by it, even though I know you were a blessing in your counseling ministry as well.

      I’m encouraged to hear you had the courage to let go of your fall Bible study; I recently turned down an opportunity to help teach GED classes at our church. I really would love to do it, but I know that if I said yes, it would make me a flustered woman in everything else I am currently doing. A season for everything and everything in its season. When other things slow down, maybe the Lord will reopen that door for me. Thanks for your example, Pam!

  2. Shannan

    Very timely piece, Lisa. Just what I needed this morning.
    (1) It depends on the piece. If I love it but because of my weight fluctuations I think I will be able to fit in it again, I have a hard time letting go. I have streamlined my wardrobe down to almost a “capsule” wardrobe so everything that I now buy, I wear. I know my style; I know what I like. I rarely experiment anymore. This chould be a good thing or a bad thing. lol

    (2) I wanted to contribute a meaningful article on a relevant subject to a magazine, but circumstances just are not lining up. I am realizing that I have no choice but to to let it go.

    (3) Perfectionism. Oh yes! Perfectionism.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I think it’s great that you have pared down your wardrobe, Shannan. I go through spurts of cleaning out. I need to get my daughters to go through my closet with me; they have a way of telling me what needs to go! ha.

      You are an excellent writer—I already know that from reading your blog—so I hope you’ll have more opportunities ahead to get that article in. And if not on that subject, then another. It’s hard to let things go, though, when it’s something we can/want to do. ๐Ÿ™ The Rock has recently expanded teaching GED classes at their new campus and I’ve been asked if I wanted to help. I would love to, but this just doesn’t seem to be the season for me to start another new thing. I’m having a hard time letting it go, but I need to release it.

  3. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    What I’m having to release is my place in the world.

    When I die, barb is going to be a lot better off if she has friends, a support system that’s already in place, built in ‘a time of peace’.

    So I’m encouraging her to build that foundation now, to spend time with others in preference to spending time with me.

    It’s easier than one might think, because it’s the right thing to do.


    1. LisaNotes Post author

      You make good points, Andrew. Eventually we all will have to release our place in the world. Some are just given more of a headstart due to illnesses. ๐Ÿ™ Blessings to you and Barb.

  4. Barbara Harper

    I haven’t unfriended too many people on FB, but I have “hidden” a few for the same reasons you mention.

    It’s hard for me to get rid of things, clothes among them, because I “might” be able to use them again some day. I know people who go through continuous cycles of getting rid of and getting more. I’d rather keep what I have than have to spend the time and money for new, generally. Plus we have storage space now. If we ever have to downsize, there are things I’d be willing to let go of then. But for now I keep them “just in case.” I have gradually gotten more realistic about what I really probably will never use, so I hang onto less than I used to. I remember a stack of my oldest son’s first Sunday School papers. It pained me to throw any away, but I knew I’d never go through them again if I kept all of them – it would just be too much. By keeping just a representative few of all their papers, drawings, etc. over the years, I do go through them sometimes.

    The last thing I let go of….some salad dressing that was taking up space and past its “use by” date. It was something different I tried, and it was ok, but I wasn’t thrilled with it. I’d been hanging on to it to use it up but lost interest in it long ago.

    I’d have to ponder #3 a bit more, but off the top of my head what comes to mind is a church switch for us, too. The transition and the leaving behind was difficult in that there were good people left behind, and there was not a major falling out over any one thing. But I’ve met new friends, one in particular, that I just can’t imagine my life without now.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Yes, I’ve also hidden a few friends on FB because I don’t want to shut them off entirely. I hope to return to seeing their posts again one day when I can read them more calmly. ha. It’s my attitude I need to work on.

      I’m torn like you are with clothes. I don’t want to be wasteful and get rid of clothes that I can still wear just to trade them in for newer ones. Yet right now my closet is getting too crammed so it’s time for me to release a few more things. I need to do the backward-hanger trick to see how long I actually go without wearing something. Then it might be easier to let it go. Sometimes I’ll move clothes to another closet now that the girls are gone, and if I discover after a year that I have never missed those items, it’s easier to let go. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Those church transitions can be so hard. But what a blessing that you’ve made a special new friend in the process! And a blessing for her too.

  5. Laurie

    Great questions. You and I must have been thinking alike this week. My post is also about letting go. Maybe it is because the change of seasons sparks these feelings in us.

    I have some high school friends on FB that I really do need to let go of right now. I don’t want their negative and divisive posts potting up on my feed or in my life. This may be the push I need to let them go.

    And…as for T-shirts, I have a whole box of them from various races that I don’t wear, but I just can’t (for sentimental reasons) let go of them. I worked hard to earn some of them!

    Letting go is difficult! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’ll go read your post next, Laurie!

      Yes, more negativity just isn’t what I need in my life either. I follow the news closely as it is; I don’t need to see it on all my social media too. I remember when Facebook used to be more fun.

      Race t-shirts are part of my hoarding collection too. I’m sure I don’t have the quantity (or the distance ones!) like you do. Among others, I’m still holding on to a 15K shirt from 1991 (I’m embarrassed to admit, ha).

  6. June

    Your questions are really making me stop and think, Lisa! It this world of go, go, go, I’m really appreciating this pause in my day. The answers don’t always come quickly or easily but that’s okay, too! So even though I may not comment every day, know that you’ve got me thinking!!! Great series!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m glad these questions are giving you reason to pause, June. That’s how I feel with your hymn series, too! ๐Ÿ™‚ God gives us what we need at the right time.

  7. Maree Dee

    Ugh. I am not sure I want to answer the questions.

    1. Hard to let go of clothes
    2. I am going to head upstairs in a minute and get rid of a dish I don’t use. I saw it last night as I put away some new bowls I got. – Jeans that a hole in them.
    3. Recently I gave up a board position on a non-profit. It was so hard to give up. I thought it was to give me time to write a book but ended up needing the time for a ministry I lead. Glad I had the time available. Thank you for sharing with Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      It is hard to let go of things, I totally understand, Maree. Giving up your board position must have been very difficult. But I’m glad God foresaw that you would need the extra time in the other ministry. It can be hardest giving up one good thing for another good thing, but even good things have to be prioritized. We can’t do it all, even when we’d like to. Thank for sharing this here.

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