Do You Know Enough to Be a “Good” Christian?


Do I Need More Research?

I have a follow-up appointment this morning. I already know what my doctor wants to talk about: my cholesterol. It’s always been high. She wants me to start medicines to reduce it.

But I’m not sure.

There are so many things I’m unsure about.

I want more information. I want to weigh the pros against the cons. I want to hear the experiences my friends have had.

When can I ever know enough? About anything?

How much do I need to know to know enough?

A lot less than I think.

What We Don’t Know

Granted, not knowing enough in certain areas can truly hurt us.

  • Working in a toxic environment
  • Stepping into an unhealthy relationship
  • Even eating contaminated lettuce in a salad

Knowledge can be power. What we don’t know can be dangerous.

But do we know enough already to be a “good” Christian? Do we know enough to absorb God’s love? To share it with others?

Yes. We do know enough already.

Remember how little the original apostles knew. They misunderstood Jesus at every turn. Not just in the little things, but in the overall picture.

Yet even with their minimal knowledge, they were still empowered to spread the gospel all around the world.

And for those who thought they already knew many things? Their “knowledge” filled them with pride.

“But this knowledge only fills people with pride. It is love that helps the church grow stronger.”
1 Corinthians 8:1(ERV)

It’s Not Just What We Know

Our own knowledge is never complete. Total understanding is a myth.

It’s WHO we know that matters the most.

That’s what I’m counting on in my year of Uncertainty for 2021. This is my theme verse:

“Don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for GOD’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go. Don’t assume that you know it all. Run to GOD!”
Proverbs 3:5-7 (The Message)

As followers of Christ, we can rely on who we know to to lead us into good things.

We don’t have to understand every intricate working of the kingdom in order to be children of the King.

And to have access to his treasures.

We Know Enough

While learning more is helpful (let’s never stop learning!), we already know enough to love others through God.

We know enough:

  • To help our sister
  • To mentor our child
  • To love our enemy
  • To serve our neighbor
  • To receive daily grace
  • To praise our God

We know enough to run to Jesus, to learn from him, and rest in Him.

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Matthew 11:29 (ESV)

We don’t have to know more before we love more.

Whether we can recite all 66 books of the Bible or if we can’t find Genesis without the index, we can rest from striving to know it all. 

There is no such thing as a “good” Christian anyway. 

Knowing Christ is good enough.

Do you struggle, too, with the quest to always want more information? Share your thoughts in the comments.

revised from the archives

8 thoughts on “Do You Know Enough to Be a “Good” Christian?

  1. Michele Morin

    Wow, so true that the gospel is not simply good advice that we need to investigate for pros and cons. I wonder how much research I would do if I were drowning and someone threw me a lifeline…

  2. Martha J Orlando

    Yes, Lisa, if we are following Jesus, we know enough. In His arms we find true peace and comfort, knowing we are understood more than we can possibly understand.
    I do hope all goes well with the process of reducing your cholesterol, too. Danny has been sailing that boat for ages.

  3. Ashley Rowland | HISsparrowBlog

    I have been getting caught up in the thought that I must know more; I need to know the answer to any question I might be asked. Seems silly writing that out. I can never know it all, but I know enough to love someone. Thanks for the reminder today, Lisa!

  4. Lynn Severance

    Thoughtful post, Lisa.
    The best part is your saying, “We know enough to run to Jesus, to learn from him, and rest in Him.”
    Why do we ‘run around”, either literally or in our minds, striving for what we already have? I believe He is trusting us to trust him and open ourselves to receive what He wants us to know – whatever way He chooses to deliver that knowledge.

  5. Lisa Blair

    This is such a good truth, “It’s Not Just What We Know. It’s WHO we know that matters the most.”
    I pray you come to a place of peace about managing cholesterol levels.

  6. Jean Wise

    Good reminder. I struggle with the enough issue – am I enough? Am I doing enough? I will never be enough> yes we are through God who is enough – I know this yet I don’t fully know this. Sigh

  7. Lois Flowers

    Good luck with the cholesterol pondering, Lisa. I know that’s a hard call, and people tend to have such passionate opinions about it. Or maybe that’s just some people I’m elated to? 🙂 I also appreciate your thoughts about being a “good” Christian. It’s kind of like trying to be a “good” mom … like who sets the standard for that, anyway? We do the best we can and trust that God will take care of the rest. He knows our hearts, offers rest for our souls, and equips us to love as He loves. You’re right … special knowledge is not required for that!

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