How Do You Worship? – Day 10 of Handmade



Sometimes we know what to do. And even why we do it.

But how?

How do we do it?

How do you worship

How Do We Worship?

How is often underrated.

How is the nuts and bolts of intent. It puts the movement in our lives.

When we think of what we worship, or more precisely, who we worship, many Christians automatically think of God. And hopefully that’s accurate.

When we think about where we worship, one place is the building we gather on Sundays. And also everywhere else we go should be a place of worship.

But how do we worship?

That can look different for each individual.

church of the latter day dude

On Sundays our worship may look similar to others within the same walls. But from building to building, it can vary greatly.

And on Mondays-Saturdays, how we worship can definitely look different from day to day, from person to person.

Think this week about your how, as much as your what, where, or why.

And not just on Sundays. But every day.

Three Questions

Here are our three questions of the day:

(1) Are you a screamer at ballgames or concerts, or are you one who sits silently and enjoys?

(2) What’s the norm for worship at your church? Contemporary? Traditional? Quiet? Noisy?

(3) Have you changed how you worship through the years?

* * *

What are your answers? Please share in the comments.

My answers

(1) I don’t really yell crazy like a lot of people of games, but I do like to be enthusiastic.

(2) Our church’s worship is contemporary with a bit of rowdy participation from the crowd.

(3) My church of origin was very conservative and very still. Our singing (a cappella only) was to be vigorous, but that was it. Sometimes it was; sometimes it wasn’t.

More here

  • Raise Your Hand If . . .
    She asked, “Why do people raise their hands at your church?” That’s a good question. How would you answer?
  • Let the Body Worship
    I grew up being very still during singing with the church. That’s fine. Still is. But sometimes, when God is in the house, how can a body contain him?
  • I Need Your Worship
    If I feel the words drying up in me, I glance at her to remember why I’m here. For Someone bigger and greater than me. I get that by watching her worship.

Get the whole Handmade series here

Handmade - Finding God in Your Story

11 thoughts on “How Do You Worship? – Day 10 of Handmade

  1. Pam Ecrement

    What a batch of questions you’ve developed, my friend!

    1) I am not a screamer at ballgames (except maybe Ohio State) or concerts, but I do not sit silently either. I am passionate and moved by things so I may not scream, but I am not silent nor still either. It won’t be unusual for me to be getting to my feet, clapping, and saying something (even if it isn’t screaming)>

    2) The norm for our current church worship is a blend of contemporary with some traditional hymn verses or choruses woven into the mix from time to time. I would say on the continuum between noisy and quiet we would be closer to the middle…not really quiet, but not noisy.

    3) YES! I grew up in a small country evangelical church where the worship was enthusiastic hymn singing, but over the course of adulthood have been a part of a Mennonite body where the worship was a capella. There has been exposure to Pentecostal worship as well as non-denominational charismatic worship and then the unique mix that comes as being a part of a predominately African-American church for 21 years.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      You’ve had such an interesting collection of worship experiences, Pam! I envy your diversity. What a beautiful tapestry God has been weaving through your life. When my youngest daughter was at Auburn University, she sang in the Gospel Choir. It was the most awesome worship music. Jeff and I loved their concerts and getting to experience worship in a different way with the mostly African-American students. Their enthusiasm was so contagious.

  2. Beth

    Yes, worship can be so diverse and even a bone of contention for some churches, Lisa.

    1. Not much of a yeller unless it was a game that my kids were in. Lol! #proudmom
    2. My church has rowdy worship too. It’s a bit more rowdy than I like–or too showy, that is. But I’m all about a good worship song like Reckless Love.
    3. Yes, my church of origin sang hymns and didn’t have a band–opting for a piano, organ and choir instead.

    Interesting post, my friend! Just curious, Lisa, were you in a Church of Christ as a child?

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Reckless Love…I absolutely love that song. It’s impossible not to worship when you hear it, wherever you are.

      And yes, you’ve nailed it, Beth. 🙂 I did grow up in a Church of Christ as a child and through most of my adulthood. We no longer attend one now, but most of our family and many of our friends still do. It gave me a rich heritage of biblical knowledge that I am thankful for, along with many lifelong relationships.

  3. Barbara Harper

    Funny, I have been thinking a lot about worship recently. A post may be brewing… 🙂

    1) I’m in-between, but more quiet generally. What few concerts I have gone to have not been the kind where people yell and scream. At a ball game, I might comment or “coach” from my seat, and I might even stand up and clap, but I still don’t yell. I grew up with enough yelling for a lifetime (at home).

    2) I have always gone to pretty much traditional churches. We might sing some contemporary songs, but without the “pop” sound. Our current church pushes those boundaries more than any other I have attended.

    3) If you mean as far as type of music, quiet and still vs. noisy and lively, etc., no, I haven’t changed a whole lot. When I mentioned thinking about worship a lot, I’ve been thinking about how it’s a much larger issue than styles and decibel levels. In some ways it’s always a struggle not to just go through the motions – whatever those motions are – without thinking much vs. really being aware of what we’re saying and singing about and to God. I’m trying to be a better worshipper in the sense of having my mind and heart engaged and growing in my love and esteem of God.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I do hope there is a worship post brewing somewhere, Barbara. I’ll look forward to reading your thoughts on it. You’re right that the struggle to really worship goes much deeper than style of music, etc. Regardless of the style, it’s our hearts and thoughts that are prone to wander, regardless of the song or lyrics or setting.

  4. Aritha

    I am one who sit silenty, traditional worship with organ, my adoration and love and awe for Him is growing deeper and deeper. I often cry because I am full of joy 🙂 Who am I that He cares for me?

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m glad there are so many different ways to worship. We all are free to find our own unique way to express our love for God, regardless of church styles. I like to visit a monastery near my hometown periodically and worship either in solitude or with the small group of sisters who live there. There is something deeply penetrating about worshiping in those quiet ways. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts here, Aritha.

  5. Michele Morin

    1. I am a watcher.
    2. We are Traditional.
    3. I think I’m more focused and more likely to grab myself by the scruff of the neck and do business with God rather than waiting for a “feeling” to wash over me.

  6. David

    1. I try not to be too quiet. I enjoy being part of the right crowd.
    2. I’m a sucker for that High Church (of England) pomp, especially in old Cathedrals, though I don’t really like the theology.
    3. I have a strange non-memory of going to Sunday school when I was very young (preschool). Non- as in I don’t remember anything; -memory as in I’m sure I did go, and I’m sure I liked it. I assume that (and phaps other things around that time) planted a seed.

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