How Does He Capture You? – Day 25 of Handmade


I like to spread things out.

Don’t put too much emphasis on any one thing in case something falls apart.

But as I repeat my memory verses this fall, I’m reminded of this: There is one thing faithful enough for total dependence.

And I’m trying to recall it to mind often.

Eggs in one basket Lamentations-3-24

It’s the promise in these verses. This is part of our Fall Memory Challenge at Do Not Depart, Lamentations 3:21-26.

Lamentations 3:21 But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
22 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
24 “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”

If God’s love for me never stops, and his mercies never end, and he promises to give me grace every morning?

Then he’s a sturdy basket for all my eggs.

I want the Lord to capture all my heart, all my soul, all my mind. Everything.

He is reason enough to stay hopeful, even when other things may fail.

Three Questions

Here are our three questions of the day:

(1) Do you take screen captures?

(2) How do you best like to capture a special moment? Photo? Journal? Souvenir?

(3) What promise of God do you often rely on?

* * *

What are your answers? Please share in the comments.

My answers

(1) I take screenshots of so many things both on my phone and computer. (I just checked my phone and I have 107 screenshots! lol)

(2) I don’t always like taking pictures, but I love having them to remind me of special moments. (Shout out to my sister Sandy and my daughter Jenna for being the family photographers and thus memory-keepers.)

(3) That the Lord is good and will always be good; I rely on that truth as a basic foundation of my faith.

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Handmade - Finding God in Your Story

3 thoughts on “How Does He Capture You? – Day 25 of Handmade

  1. Barbara Harper

    Those are some of my favorite verses. And it’s wonderful to know we can trust God with everything.

    1) Not many.

    2) Probably photos, but I have some souvenirs, too. I wish I would have made copies of all my letters to my m-i-l over the years (pre-computer era) – they would have made a nice journal of my kids’ growing up.

    3) Many, but one is Proverbs 16:9: “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.”

  2. floyd samons

    I like that analogy of the One basket.

    I don’t even know what screen captures are!

    I like to record things in writing.

    I rely daily on our Father’s promise of provision. And thank Him for the bountiful gifts!

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