Together We Fill Gaps

I’ve joined a new small group. My daughter Jenna is co-leading a Freedom group through her church. For 13 weeks we’re meeting weekly with other ladies to live into our freedom in Christ.


As our country feels more separated than ever, I’m feeling the need for more togetherness.

We’ve All Got Gaps

Our Pastor Pat preached on it yesterday, “Building Community” (Acts 2:42-47). He referenced this scene from Rocky (1976).

Paulie: [talking about Adrian] You like her?

Rocky: Sure, I like her.

Paulie: What’s the attraction?

Rocky: I dunno… she fills gaps.

Paulie: What’s ‘gaps’?

Rocky: I dunno, she’s got gaps, I got gaps, together we fill gaps.

We’ve all got gaps.

[Click here if you can’t see the Rocky video, “What’s Gaps?]

Kill Them Together or Leave Them Alone

And there’s this story. Do you remember this event from December 2015?

More than 100 Muslim and Christian passengers were traveling on a bus in Kenya. They were attacked by al Shabaab militants who ordered the Muslims to separate themselves from the Christians so they could kill the Christians.


Passengers are frisked before boarding a Makkah Express. Photo/Stephen Astariko

The Muslim women refused to separate. Instead, they gave their hijabs to Christian passengers so they could not be distinguished.

They told the gunmen, “If you want to kill us, then kill us. There are no Christians here.”

Instead of widening the gaps, they filled them in.

The Shabaab eventually moved on.

Together We Fill Gaps

What God promised us is his presence. He is together with us, as he is together as Father, Son, and Spirit.

And he tells us to be together with each other.

11 “Two in a bed warm each other. Alone, you shiver all night.”
12 “By yourself you’re unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Can you round up a third? A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped.”
Ecclesiastes 4:11-12

Tomorrow night I’ll meet again with my Freedom group. We’ll learn a little more about each others’ gaps. Our holes. Our empty places.

We’ll also learn how to let Christ fill them.

But not alone. Together.

Find someone with a gap this week and fill it. Let someone else fill in one of your gaps.

Together we fill gaps.

* * *

Can you listen to someone’s story this week? Tell someone yours? Please share in the comments.

My One Word 2017: Story


35 thoughts on “Together We Fill Gaps

  1. Michele Morin

    I think this is the first time I’m hearing about your 2017 word? Or have I just not been paying attention? I do love it, and it suits you so well. Thank you for the encouragement to listen and to share. And for the stories of courage that you shared in this post.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thanks, Michele. “Story” is a word that is a little harder for me to “do” this year, but it’s been interesting already! The number of stories out there far exceeds the number of people because everybody has so many good stories that they have lived and are living.

  2. Dianna McBride

    Thank you for this reminder, Lisa, to be attentive…to be on the look out for that person (or persons) who have gaps that need filled. I trust that God may be able to use me to fill those gaps…just as I know He has that someone who will come along and fill my own gaps. Together.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m sure God will use you this week, Dianna. You are so open to him! That’s what he searches the earth looking for, people who are seeking him. I’m thankful we get to do a portion of life together (even if online).

  3. Patricia Krank

    Wow, what a powerful story! I love the concept of filling one another’s “gaps.” I have been in freedom groups myself and have always found that pain shared is pain lessened. God is so good to give us community.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m glad to hear you’ve done freedom groups too, Patricia. That encourages me. My daughter has been through this curriculum twice and believes in it so much that she wanted to co-lead a group. I am grateful that she asked that I come be a part of it too.

  4. Pam

    Oh, this is good, Lisa! So very true! Love the illustration from Rocky and can identify with the experience you sense. I sense it as well and have been drawn to the wise words in Nehemiah….”we are too far apart on the wall”.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      “Too far apart on the wall” – That’s a great visual, Pam. Thanks for sharing it. If we could just scoot in closer together, how much stronger and warmer we would be!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I love that story, too, Lesley. I vaguely remember it when it happened, but was reminded of it again when I recently read “Tribes.” The author used it to make the point that we do all need each other, more than we realize.

  5. ~ linda

    This is beautiful, guiding me to fill gaps in ways I feel in my heart towards others. I want to feel the freedom in order to reach out and touch someone who needs to have a shoulder touch his or hers. I want to be able to ask for that mortar to fill in for myself yet am often silent in my own brokenness. Thank you, Lisa.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I think your words reflect what many of us feel, Linda. We are often quicker to fill in someone else’s gaps rather than to let them know of our own. May we learn how to do both in more appropriate ways. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Ruth

    Together is great! It is God’s perfect plan.
    I’m so glad that God fills in my gaps when people are not there to do the job, so I can be used of Him to help fill in gaps in other people’s lives.

  7. Liz

    Mmmm… this is SO good! Our country and our communities have a whole lot of wide open gaps right now. And it is heartbreaking! But you are so right, the only way to get past them is by filling them together! Genius!

  8. Sherry Stahl

    Lisa I <3 that post! I'm finding that because I'm home writing so much I'm not 'together' with people enough. The Lord has been speaking to me about that and to get intentional about connecting with others 'face-to-face'.
    ~Sherry Stahl

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      As one who loves solitude, even I need that face-to-face time too. 🙂 God made us that way; there’s no getting around it! Hope you’re able to find it, too, amidst your writing, Sherry.

  9. floyd

    Wonderful idea and message, Lisa. One part without the others doesn’t work. It’s like having a car without the transmission or wheels, it just doesn’t matter how good the engine, upholstery, or paint job is; without all the parts it doesn’t work.

    Leave it to guy to come up with that simpleton’s analogy, huh?

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I appreciate your analogy, Floyd. No, it’s not one I would have come up on my own, but at least you kept it simple enough that even I could understand. 🙂 Life runs smoother when all the parts are working properly!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      You’re right, Sarah: online is great when we can’t have face to face, but there’s nothing quite like face to face conversations where we can actually see and hear each other!

  10. Lori Schumaker

    Praying that each of us can find that way to fill the gaps. Whether our difference is race, religion, ideology, political view, or whatever … may we reach out to fill that gap the way God directs us. It sounds like a great group, Lisa! One that will make a difference ♥
    Blessings and smiles,

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Isn’t it amazing how many ways we can create gaps between ourselves? The list you mentioned can seem formidable, yet our love through the Father can bridge them all if we’ll let him work through us. Thanks for your encouragement, Lori!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      The pastor at my daughter’s church wrote a workbook called “Freedom”. The church then offers small groups every few months to go through the workbook together for Bible study and getting to know and help each other. At the end of the 12 weeks, they offer a weekend retreat to solidify the learning and freedom gained. I’m enjoying the group I’m in! I hope that God continues to break me free from my incessant “need to know” everything to feel secure, and instead trust that some things I don’t need to know. And that’s a good thing. 🙂

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