Three of the Best Books on Writing I’ve Read This Year

If you’re a writer of blogs or books or even social media posts, you may also be a reader of writing books.

Here are three favorite books on writing I’ve read this year.

This is Week 3 of Nonfiction November. The topic is Be/Ask/Become the Expert, linking up with Veronica at The Thousand Book Project.

1. Charitable Writing
Cultivating Virtue Through Our Words
by Richard Hughes Gibson

Charitable Writing

This book isn’t necessarily about HOW to write, but about WHY you write.

It presents writing as a spiritual discipline for you and as a blessing for those you write for.

2. Murder Your Darlings
And Other Gentle Writing Advice from Aristotle to Zinsser
by Roy Peter Clark


This is a vast collection from the best of 50 of the best books on writing. Not only does this book contain great writing advice, but you’ll end up with even more books about writing to add to your to-read list.

3. Storyworthy
Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life through the Power of Storytelling
by Matthew Dicks


Technically this isn’t a writing book at all. Rather it’s a book about oral storytelling. But isn’t writing also about telling stories? This is a fabulous and motivating book not only about sharing your life stories, but also about collecting and keeping track of them in the first place.

Do you read books about writing too? Share in the comments.


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25 thoughts on “Three of the Best Books on Writing I’ve Read This Year

  1. Linda Stoll

    Lisa, hi! These are all new to me … I’ve only read a few books on writing, but like Martha, when all is said and done, I’ve just written.

    Thanks for expanding my horizons yet again, friend …

  2. Astrid

    These really sound interesting, particularly Storyworthy. I don’t really read books that aim to teach me how to write. Rather, my favorite writing-related books are books about journaling or collections of writing prompts.

  3. Barbara Harper

    Thanks for these recommendations! I think I have heard of the second one. I try to read at least one writing book a year. If writing is communication, we can always improve on how we communicate. And the better we communicate, the better our message comes across to readers and hearers. It helps to remember our “why” as well.

  4. Michelle Kellogg

    I’ve seen all three of these books talked about with some of my social circle. I’m most interested in Murder Your Darlings. It sounds like something I could benefit from because I write a lot of fiction. Love the list! #AnythingGoes

  5. Lesley

    These sound great, Lisa! Thank you for sharing your recommendations. I haven’t read many books about writing but I’d like to read more. One I enjoyed was On Writing by Stephen King.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Me, too, Lesley! That’s only one of two Stephen King books that I’ve read because I’m fearful the others will be too terrifying. lol. (The other is 11/22/63, which was haunting but not scary.)

  6. Nancy Ruegg

    The three books you’ve recommended are new to me also. Murder Your Darling sounds intriguing–a wealth of advice all in one place! I too appreciate Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird; also Natlie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones and Spunk and Bite by Arthur Plotnik.

  7. JaneGS

    I definitely enjoy reading about writing and I haven’t had the pleasure of reading any of these.

    Murder Your Darlings sounds like something I would enjoy slowly reading.

  8. David

    Charitable Writing looks v interesting! I’ll read the Kindle sampler.

    I read plenty of crit, and about writing for work, but I don’t read much on writing as a practice.

  9. JeanWise

    I have a whole stack of writing books; many I haven’t looked at for quite a while. Maybe a new goal: review some of those wise words about writing in 2022? Thanks for the inspiration

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