Stop the Name Calling

Pardon me. I have a public service announcement.

If you lean Republican

Please don’t classify all Democrats as baby killers, as socialist lovers, as unlawful looters, as election disrupters, as police haters, as freedom destroyers, as … (fill in your own blanks; you know what you say).

Maybe some of them are.

But most of them are just regular people who are trying to live good lives, to be kind to their neighbors, to love their children and partners and parents.

Just like you.

If you lean Democrat

Please don’t classify all Republicans as Trump lovers, as conspiracy believers, as money grabbers, as covid deniers, as white supremacists, as climate destroyers, as … (fill in your own blanks; you know what you say).

Maybe some of them are.

But most of them are just regular people who are trying to live good lives, to be kind to their neighbors, to love their children and partners and parents.

Just like you.

This is who you’re talking about

Because when you say ugly things about the other side, you’re saying them about your neighbors. About your family members. About your church friends.

And about me.

I’m trying to live a good life, to be kind to my neighbors, to love my children and partner and parents.

Just like you.

Give me the benefit of the doubt. I’ll do the same for you.

I don’t like being called names. You don’t either.

We can stop this.

Let's stop name calling

Do you see this around you, too? Share your thoughts in the comments.

49 thoughts on “Stop the Name Calling

  1. bill (cycleguy)

    So true Lisa. I hate being “pegged” because I am a follower of Christ. I am immediately imagined to be a radical, anti-gay, anti-everything hatemonger because of it. Some things, like tolerance, go both ways. I can’t and won’t compromise my belief in the truth of the Bible but I can love. I was always taught to not call people names: idiot, stupid, fat, etc. Mom was wise. I need to carry that on (and try to).

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Yes, Mom was wise. I totally agree with you, Bill. I assume most everybody is taught as kids to not name-call. Somewhere along the way those manners get dropped when it comes to certain categories of people. But we don’t have to participate. Amen to to this: “but I can love.”

  2. Karen

    I shared this when you posted it on Facebook this weekend. (And it has received a few shares from that.) All this hateful polarization has been difficult for me, especially when it involves members of my own family who either ostracize me or try to shame me into agreeing with them. I’m hoping folks who’ve been posting hateful words will see this and think twice before doing it again.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      It really troubles me when it’s within families, too. πŸ™ We have lots of different beliefs within my own family as well. As a general rule, I’ve found that people I know are still polite to each other in person, but online is where it can get ugly, maybe not intended in a personal way per se, but it hits home personally. I have to watch myself too.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Yes, we are definitely in this together, Martha. We all are affected when the country is divided and takes sides. Hopefully we’ll learn how to work together and respect each other despite our differences. By the grace of God, we can do this.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thanks for your encouragement, Stacey. I thought a pandemic would bring us together, but it didn’t. We need to stay close by God’s side and work in cooperation to heal our divides.

  3. Linda Stoll

    absolutely spot on, Lisa!

    this topic has been a big concern to me and now I don’t have to write a post because you’ve done it so beautifully.

    i’ll be sharing it wherever I can.

    we MUST remember that the enemy of our souls is the enemy. not our neighbor.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Your word sums it up for me too, Suzette. πŸ™ I really hope this ugliness will stop, especially among sisters and brothers in Christ, who should be leading the way in love. I have to continually ask God to cleanse my heart because I can have such strong and negative reactions to things I hear.

  4. Lesley

    Great post, Lisa! It is so important to avoid these sweeping statements about others and to remember that most people are just good people who are doing their best. It would change a lot if we could learn to disagree and discuss things in a respectful way.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I agree with you, Lesley. Dropping the sweeping statements would be a huge change in the right direction. Even in one-on-one relationships it’s often suggested to not use “never” or “always” statements when trying to resolve disagreements. Being respectful of each other should be our foundation.

  5. Maryleigh

    I don’t believe souls are saved by name-calling – that’s not going to change anyone’s relationship with God! Showing others the love of God – listening, loving unconditionally – that is how lives are changed!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Yes. We only become defensive when names are hurled at us. Name calling doesn’t change anyone; it just drives people away. That’s definitely not a tactic that believers should be using. Thanks, Maryleigh.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I love following politics, but I don’t like the tone underneath many of the conversations we see online. πŸ™ It’s all too easy to “other each other” as you so aptly put it. May we seek to find more similarities than differences. Thanks, Michele.

  6. Barbara Harper

    I agree, Lisa. I’ve been astounded by the vitriol re politics, masks, etc., especially when it comes to unfairly characterizing “the other side.” I don’t know if it’s worse than ever, or it’s always been this way but it’s just more public now with social media. How easily we forget to do unto others as we would like them to do unto us, to love others as ourselves. Christians, especially, should be known for the different way they treat people.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I wonder this too, Barbara: has it always been this way and it just wasn’t as obvious? Or is it really worse now? Social media definitely highlights arguments and brings ugliness out of people that would surprise me from them in “real” life. I wish everyone could remember that what we say online also counts as real life. I’m praying that Christians will pull it together and raise the bar again on how we converse with each other.

  7. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    I don’t care what you call me;
    there’s nothing in a name,
    but if you choose the bigotry,
    it’s you who wear the shame
    of judging what you do not know,
    a heart you can’t divine;
    if you choose to come to blows,
    disgrace will not be mine
    even if you win the day,
    and put me in the ground,
    for you will have thrown away
    a love you could have found;
    ’tis brotherhood in Jesus Chrsit
    that you will have sacrificed.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Beautiful words and thoughts, Andrew. When we choose separation instead of unity, we’re the losers. I’d rather choose love and brotherhood, even amongst our differences.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thanks for your encouragement, Cindy. I appreciate you taking the time to visit and comment. I’m uplifted to know that many of us feel the same way and want to change things.

  8. Marielle

    Hi Lisa, I saw your link on the Anchored Truth Tuesday Link Up. This is such a great way to put it. I am currently working on a post about how to teach kids about politics, and it’s sad how sometimes for adults it seems the common courtesies don’t apply anymore. It’s good for people to be passionate about politics because it’s important, but there are a lot of lines crossed unnecessarily that only hurt people. Thank you for sharing.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m sure your post will be a great one, Marielle. And sounds like it could be one that we adults would benefit from as well! πŸ™‚ Yes, we wouldn’t tolerate such talk among children that we are hearing from adults. It doesn’t have to be this way. The issues are too important to be treated with such disrespect amongst ourselves.

  9. Lauren

    I’m so glad you shared this, Lisa! The name-calling that has been becoming more and more common in our country makes me crazy … it’s so mean-spirited and paints people into corners and caricature, eliminating the need to try to listen to someone else’s point of view. Growing up, I was taught to NEVER call anyone names, and I’d say that applies just as much to grownups as to children.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Amen, Lauren. The things we learned as children about being kind are still applicable as adults, and perhaps even more so since we *should* be more in control of our tongues as adults. πŸ˜‰

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I join you in that prayer, Bettie. We definitely need the Lord’s mercy and heart-changes. I have to battle my own heart-urges to not participate in the othering that can come quite naturally to my flesh.

  10. Susan M Shipe

    I understand the name calling; however, we need to be voting from conviction and for me? It’s Pro-Life, every single time – regardless of the office, if you aren’t Pro-life, you will not get my vote.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Indeed. If we’re not voting from conviction, why vote at all? I agree, Susan. I have a lot of values that I watch for in a candidate. It’s important that we’re aware of the ones that matter the most to us. I wish every politician would value life from the “womb to the tomb” as they say. Every stage and age is sacred and every person deserves to be treated respectfully.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      “It undercuts decency.” Good wording, Jean. Unfortunately it’s true, especially online. πŸ™ But may it not be so with us. Praying your private retreat has gone well!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      That’s a great comment, Tammy! I certainly would rather be known for my love than my opinions on politics or anything else. I’m still a work-in-progress on it.

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