Share Four Somethings—October 2022
—Grace & Truth Linkup

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Near the end of each month, I share four somethings at Heather’s.

Plus my latest One Second Everyday monthly video . . . 

[click here if you can’t see the video]

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Something Loved


Last year I had a wonderful day taking our oldest granddaughter to the pumpkin patch. This year we got to pick out pumpkins with our grandson. Jeff and I had such a good morning with him. Seeing our little ones smile is sure to make me smile, too. 

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Something Gleaned 


Jeff and I got home Wednesday after a week in Washington, DC. Last Saturday we toured the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, which was as hard as I expected it to be. But it’s also important to never forget it happened.

“The next time you witness hatred, the time time you see injustice, the next time you hear about genocide, think about what you saw.”
– US Holocaust Memorial Museum

On Sunday we visited the National Museum of African American History and Culture. It also was excruciatingly painful to see the horrible ways that humans can treat each other. It’s never what God intends for us. 

But here again, even though it’s horrible, it’s important to bear witness to this, too. It did happen. Let’s not forget. May we never repeat. 

“If now isn’t a good time for the truth, I don’t see when we’ll get to it.”
– Nikki Giovanni

National Museum of African American History and Culture

We also spent time in the Library of Congress, the US Capitol, Ford’s Theatre where President Lincoln was shot, and the International Spy Museum.

My feet were totally exhausted at the end of each day, even with the help of the Metro to transport us from place to place (once we figured it out again; it’s always a learning curve for us country folk from the south).

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Something Braved


We take turns critiquing each other’s writing in the mastermind writing group I’m participating in this fall. My writings were on the chopping block last week. I was nervous that it would be painful to have my “darlings” murdered.

But to the contrary, when the suggestions started rolling in, I was surprised at how wonderfully exhilarating it was. Receiving so many helpful edits to improve the chapters I’m working on was encouraging. I’m grateful for the gentleness, grace, and expertise shared by the women in this group. I feel God’s love from their words and attitudes.

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Something Achieved


This cause is personal. Like most of us, I have friends and family members who have been suicidal.

To continue learning how to support those who struggle, I participated on a beautiful Sunday afternoon this month in the Out of the Darkness community walk alongside my local Moms Demand Action group. We walked for two miles in support of our loved ones and for donations to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

What did you do in October?

Share in the comments

Featured Post for Grace & Truth Linkup

Do you struggle to say no? Theresa shared an excellent post at our linkup last week about saying no with love and grace.

Read all of Theresa’s tips here at her blog, then add your own links below.

Saying No With Love

I’m linking at these blog parties

Review the rules here about adding your most recent Christian Living posts and how to be the Featured Post. Visit all four hosts social media here or websites here: Maree Dee, Lisa notes, Lauren Sparks, Tammy Kennington.

Now Let’s Link Up!

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15 thoughts on “Share Four Somethings—October 2022
—Grace & Truth Linkup

  1. Lisa Blair

    What a precious memory making moment in the pumpkin patch with your grandson. So precious! Your trip to DC sounds intense, but enlightening. Suicidal awareness and prevention are so vital, Lisa. Having your writing critiqued, then coming out exhilarated, is a great testimony of an amazing writing group, Lisa!

  2. Trudy

    Hi Lisa. As always, I love your four somethings. And your compassion for those so unjustly treated in history. I always wondered if you would write a book someday. 🙂 I’m glad you’re in a nurturing critique group. Love and blessings to you, my friend!

  3. Donna

    Wonderful month Lisa! The pumpkin patch photo is so adorable! The Holocaust Museum is on my bucket list, and we live only an hour from DC so I’m sure we will get there soon!
    The walk for suicide is such a blessing, we have two fundraisers in our area to bring awareness to the cause. I have two close friends who lost teenage sons to suicide.

  4. Barbara Harper

    I love the baby giggles in the video. What a great week in DC. My two oldest went there for senior trips, and my husband would love to go.

    I felt the same way at my critique. I was almost a little teary beforehand. But the comments and edits were so helpful. I ended up revived and raring to get back at it.

  5. Linda Stoll

    well i have no idea where October went but you sure have captured it beautifully, Lisa. your faithfulness to those 1 second video is priceless and i always enjoy a quick peek at life in your neighborhood.

    enjoy every minute this weekend, friend. it’s a beauty up north here …

  6. Nancy Ruegg

    We’ve not been to DC for years–would love to go again. So many wonderful museums! We have an Underground Railroad museum here in Cincy, where many slaves crossed from South to North. The museum presents some hard stories, but also accounts of courage, perseverance, and cleverness. You’re right: we are a better people for knowing our history, and resolving not to let certain events repeat themselves.

  7. Bev Rihtarchik

    Nothing like taking your “pumpkins” to the pumpkin patch! I applaud you for being brave enough to let others edit and critique your writing — perhaps one of the best ways to hone your craft. Suicide prevention — I loved Maree D’s tip of having the suicide prevention hotline number in your phone (which I do now).
    Bev xx

  8. Lynn

    It is humbling when we visit places that remind us of what other endured in the past. And also encouraging to know we the Lord to follow no matter what is going in the world. I love that pumpkin patch! I grew pumpkins that year (sugar pumpkins), and will do it again next season.

  9. Jennifer Smith

    What a wonderful month! Glad you enjoyed your trip to DC. It is my backyard and I truthfully do not appreciate it until some things are pointed out by others. I will admit that trip to the pumpkin patch looks like it “stole the show” for October! What a great day – and great photos!! Hope your November is just as fun!

  10. Joanne

    I’ve always wanted to visit DC and see the sights but we have yet to get around to that! It sounds like an exhausting trip filled with learning and history.

  11. Anita Ojeda

    What a fun October! You are right—bearing witness to our nation’s atrocities is so important—it helps us understand we as a nation aren’t as squeaky clean as we like to present to the world (and change would be a good thing). My highlight for October was hiking to The Wave ❤️.

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