Share Four Somethings—January 2021

I’m jumping on the “Share Four Somethings” bandwagon this month hosted by Heather.


  • Wireless Sleep Headphones

Wireless Sleep Headphones

I often listen to podcasts in bed when I have trouble sleeping. But that means I can get tangled up in earbud cords the rest of the night if I don’t put them back on the nightstand before I fall asleep again.

So for Christmas my daughter Jenna gave me this new invention (to me) to try out. It’s wireless sleep headphones. And they work! Plus, they also double as an eye mask. I don’t use them every night, but when I do use them, they work wonderfully.


  • Invisible Women

“Is women’s unpaid work under valued because we don’t see it – or is it invisible because we don’t value it?”
– Caroline Criado Perez

Hmm. . . .

I’ve been reading a most fascinating book this month, Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez. Each chapter shows a different way in which we default to “male” as normal and “female” as atypical in health care, politics, the workplace, etc.

The above quote is about work from Chapter 3, The Long Friday. It also includes this: “Husbands create an extra seven hours of housework a week for women.” True or not? I’d rather not comment. lol.


  • One Line a Day Journal

one line a day journal

I started keeping a five-year memory book, “One-Line-a-Day,” on January 1, 2011. I filled it up. Five years later, I started writing in “A Thought a Day” from January 1, 2016-December 31, 2020. So this January 1, 2021, I started my third one-line journal (and I keep buying larger ones as my eyesight gets worse).

Sometimes it’s a hassle to write something down, but I absolutely love being able to flip back through the years and see what we were doing on any given day. It’s also come in handy when I’m trying to remember the name of a restaurant we went to or when we last went to the beach, etc. (Both of those memories are getting more and more distant.)

Previous memories on this day, January 28:

  • 2011: Jenna drove herself to Friday classes today for the first time! And the check engine light came on. Morgan coming in tonight from Auburn.
  • 2016: 1 week since gall bladder surgery. All well. Doc said do what I feel like.
  • 2020: School for math games then library duty. Jeff cooked chicken & dumplings for supper.

Rarely is it anything earth-shattering (and rarely only one sentence), but they are still treasured memories of ordinary life.

I also continue to keep track with my one-second video each day. I won’t finish the January reel until Sunday, so here are December’s moments.

[Click here if you can’t see the 30-second video]

1 Second Everyday Video Dec 2020


  • 3-Year-Old Birthday Party

I won’t have to wait long for this. Saturday afternoon is our oldest granddaughter’s 3rd birthday party! The most memorable thing opened at her 2-year-old party was a birthday card that played music; the gift is forgotten. The party will be quite different this year because of the pandemic, but I doubt she will notice the difference. Gifts and cake and full attention from a few of us is party enough.

previous Favorite 5’s

21 thoughts on “Share Four Somethings—January 2021

  1. Martha J Orlando

    Those headphones are a new one on me, too, Lisa. They look wonderful, even when one is not sleeping. Also, as always, I loved your video. Those grands just get cuter by the minute! Hope you all have a happy birthday celebration!

  2. Theresa Boedeker

    That book sounds interesting. As for the quote about housework and men, that had me cracking up. Don’t think I could get any men to agree to that statistic. But I think women would be laughing and shaking their heads up and down.

  3. Brooke

    I don’t know what sort of podcasts you listen to, but if its at bedtime you might want to check out “Nothing Much Happens” which bills itself as ‘bedtime stories for grownups.’

    I purchased wireless headphones so that my husband doesn’t get tangled while he sleeps (he listens to financial planning podcasts in bed) but the ones you posted seem like they would be far more comfortable.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I will look up that bedtime podcast, Brooke! Thanks for the suggestion. I try to listen to low-key podcasts in the middle of the night, not anything too engaging. 🙂

  4. Joanne.

    Those wireless headphones look fabulous! My boys each got a winter hat with wireless headphones in them and I thought that was pretty neat too. I think my husband would argue but sometimes it does feel like he creates a lot of extra housework. LOL. Thanks for sharing with us at Encouraging Hearts and Home. Pinned.

  5. Linda Stoll

    Hey Lisa … you know how much I love your 1 second video review. Even though we live miles apart and our life / family circumstances are much different right now, I sensed a kinship, a sense of rhythm and familiarity and love that did my soul good. Thank you!

  6. June

    That headphone/headband looks great! I use earbuds all the time (not to sleep) and they are usually fine, but this would be a great option for when my allergies are bad or I have a head cold, etc. Your one line a day journals are a treasure! After my dad died I found his journal from when he was in Germany and it was fascinating to read! I also have my Nana’s journal from the years when she and my grandfather were courting. Such a *very* different time. I’m so thankful to be able to “hear” their voices through their written words even though they are gone. Blessings on your day, friend!

  7. Trudy

    I always love these “Four Somethings,” Lisa. The one-second video is one of my favorites. Sometimes I play it over and pause it. On the first round, I thought your hubby was playing hide and seek with the grandkids, and I had to smile wide, but now I see he was fixing the chair. I think. 🙂 Have fun tomorrow at the birthday party! Love and blessings to you!

  8. Jean Wise

    “Is women’s unpaid work under valued because we don’t see it – or is it invisible because we don’t value it?”
    – Caroline Criado Perez

    wow that quote stopped me. I was fascinated by that headphones till I read that quote, LOL. will add that book to my list! And the head phones too. You are a wonderful resource!

  9. BettieG

    I always look forward to your 1-Second videos, and how appropriate to pair it up here with your 1 line-a-day journals. That reminds me of my Grandparents’ diaries, where they kept track of what they had canned, or cleaned, etc. Little glimpses into the days of those who have gone before us can bring such comfort! Thank you for sharing moments of your life with us!

  10. Barbara Harper

    Those headphones would have been good for the gym, too, when I was going regularly.

    I like the idea of a one-line journal. I may look into that.

    I figure the extra work thing goes both ways. Husbands have more upkeep and repairs to make with a family than they would if single.

    I always love your 1-second-a-day videos. I had to pause it to get a good look at that 2020 ornament. I love that! Can I ask where you got it?

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I bought the ornament in a way I NEVER buy things, which was from an Instagram ad. ha. I usually don’t even look at the ads, but the 2020 ornament caught my eye last November, so I clicked and bought it. But tonight I went back to find a link to send to you, and the site is gone. 🙁 It was called FunkyStep. I don’t know if they changed their URL or if they were only open during the Christmas season. ?

      1. Barbara Harper

        Thanks for checking! That’s sad they are not there any more. I know what you mean about social media ads. I clicked one on FB once because it had a beautiful painted picture that I liked. I didn’t purchase it, but then all my social media accounts were flooded with similar painted pictures!

  11. Lois Flowers

    Welcome to the Share Four Somethings bandwagon, Lisa! I surely have seen those “thought-a-day” journals before, but I never really wondered if I would like them until I read of your experience and examples. Hmm … sounds like something I might enjoy. And much less techie than the 1-minute-a-day videos, which also is a plus for me. 🙂

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