Share Four Somethings—August 2021
Each month I share four somethings: something I love, something I read, something I treasure, and something ahead. I’m sharing at Heather’s.
Plus here’s my One Second video from last month . . .
[click here if you can’t see the video]
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Something Loved
I’m excited to return this month to an activity I love. I’ve been working on resources (which is fun in itself!) for a new 6-week Bible challenge.
Typically it’s a memorizing challenge. But this time, it’s choose your own adventure!
Memorizing is just one option among many. You stretch it into whatever you want it to be. Read or memorize or meditate or study through 1 John 1.
I’ll be memorizing along with the Facebook group at Hide His Word (you can join the group), but I look forward to adding in the other elements, too, as we go.
Get more details about the 1 John 1 challenge here.
. By adding your name/email, you’ll get all the resources. They’ll begin arriving in your inbox on August 29. You’ll also receive one email per week during the challenge with additional resources for 6 weeks, beginning September 12.
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Something Read
“Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book.”
– Jane Smiley
Reading is one of my true loves! Which includes reading books and blogs. Corinne Rodrigues has been hosting a blog series, #ReadersSpeak, on Bloggers Who Are Readers.
Corinne graciously invited me to answer her bookish questions. I had such fun talking about my reading life on her blog.
How would you answer her questions?
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Something Treasured
Maybe it’s cliché, but I treasure the variety of friends I have. Some are great for long talks about God; some are great for rehashing our shared history; some are great for counseling each other when we’re in crisis; etc.
I learned years ago to not expect everything from one friend, but that among many friends, everything is eventually covered.
We’re all in this together. I’m grateful.
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Something Ahead
Is it weird to look forward to doing a jigsaw puzzle?
I used to be a once-a-year puzzler. Christmas break was the golden time.
But since the pandemic began in 2020, jigsaw puzzles have become a routine stress-reducer for me. (I finally got over the guilt of doing them out of season. See “Is It Okay to Do Nothing?”)
I know I wasn’t alone in this because for a few months in 2020, jigsaw puzzles were practically impossible to find.
I’ve since gotten smart and tasked my husband Jeff with finding puzzles for me at yard sales and thrift stores. (That’s his stress-reducer, not mine).
He found several used puzzles a few weekends ago when he shopped the World’s Longest Yard Sale (he did NOT travel all 690 miles). I’m looking forward to starting one of the puzzles soon. (The seller assured him all the pieces are there. Keep your fingers crossed!)
previous Share Four Somethings
What’s a highlight from your August? What are you looking forward to in September? Share in the comments.
I’m linking up at these blog parties
- Sign Up Now to Touch the Light—1 John 1 {Create Your Own 6-Week Challenge}
- What Do You Wish You’d Known on Your Wedding Day?
I greatly enjoyed your interview, Lisa. I always love *reading* about *reading*! And your reviews have been invaluable to me. I have often taken your book recommendations, and read a new book. Unlike you, I had no real interest in reading as a child; it was a chore, and I only read what was required by my English teachers. But as an adult, I’ve made up for lost time. I can still recall the very first Christian bookstore I entered, and the very first book there I bought. I wish now I’d saved it just as a reminder of the adventure that lay ahead. But I don’t limit myself to Christian books, though those are the primary ones I read. All truth is God’s truth, and I am realizing that there is much truth in fiction too. I wish I had the great Madeleine L’Engle quote about that (I think it’s in Walking on Water). And I know you know that writers are readers, so keep doing both at which you flourish!
Onward, books old & new in hand,
I’ve never been one for jig-saw puzzles, Lisa, but I’m all for any activity that reduces stress/tension, so I do understand the soothing effect you find in doing these. Of course, I loved your one-second per day video. My, how little Henry is growing! Loved catching that smile. 🙂
We do need ALL kinds of friends and I am grateful for each one. Thanks so much for being a scripture memorizing friend!
Love your 4 somethings, Lisa, especially the jigsaw puzzles! I’m an avid “puzzler” and find them so therapeutic. We even keep one going in various parts of our office, inpatient hospice unit and clinic-does wonders for stress relief even if you only add a few pieces here and there!
Your grandkids are growing SO fast! I enjoyed the bookish interview. I love the Wrong Hands funny about puzzles.
Thanks for the link to the 6-week challenge! I am joining the group – and looking forward to the challenge, too! I really wish I could love puzzles…or the working of puzzles. They are so pretty and look like such fun – oh, but they stress me out!!
Yes! We had such a hard time finding puzzles for awhile there. I enjoy putting puzzles together and have tried for years to get family puzzles going… but I seem to be the only one that actually works on them. We’re getting quite a collection going.
Great sharing. I got into puzzles this year too. Fun family event too. Have a great weekend.
Lisa, I enjoyed reading about your bookish life (as well as your thoughts on marriage from your most recent Grace & Truth linkup post). I also loved your one second a day video with all the sweet baby and flower pictures. 🙂