Share 4 Somethings—June 2024

For the 2024 edition of “Share 4 Somethings,” Jennifer asks us to share each month:

  1. Something loved and/or disliked
  2. Something accomplished
  3. Something improved upon and/or that needs improvement
  4. Something noticed

I also share my previous month’s One Second Everyday video . . .

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Something Loved


Earlier this year, my friend V and I talked about the birthday party we’d have for her in May. Birthdays were big to her. Even though her mental capacity was limited, she had an uncanny knack of remembering everybody’s birthdays and made sure everyone knew hers.

But unfortunately she didn’t make it to her birthday this year. She died 3 weeks before she would have turned 56 years old.

We still wanted to do something special on her birthday though. So Jenna, Kay and I baked V’s favorite M&M cookies, printed a special remembrance card with her photo, and passed them out to her friends at her apartment complex. It was a beautiful time of hearing individual stories about V from her friends and sharing our grief together.

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Something Accomplished


Earlier this month I attended the annual conference of Moms Demand Action in Washington, DC. Our goal this year was to prioritize gun violence survivors, solidify our purpose of creating safer communities, and use our voices as voting constituents.

We spent one of our days on Capitol Hill, spreading out in our red shirts to talk to our legislators. My friend LaKeisha and I met with my representative, Dale Strong. Our group also spoke with the staff of our two senators from Alabama.

While we don’t always agree on the same strategies to solve our violence problems, we usually agree on the same objective: greater public safety for all. It’s not about Democrat or Republican. We’ll keep trying to find common ground and working together toward common goals.

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Something Improved Upon


We were a little late this year, but Jeff and I finally weeded out our flower beds and planted new flowers in pots. I don’t enjoy working in the heat as much as I once did, but I do love having color around the house during the summer months. So a few flowers in pots on the porch and on the deck do the trick for me.

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Something Noticed


I’ve been looking forward to seeing the new Inside Out 2 movie. But I couldn’t remember much about the first movie. So I borrowed my niece’s DVD last week of Inside Out and enjoyed rewatching it to jog my memory of the emotion characters in it. It was just as good the second time.

Now I hope to find a day next week to go watch Inside Out 2. Have you seen it?

What is something you are loving, accomplishing, improving, or noticing this month?

Share your thoughts in the comments.

I’m linking at these blog parties

19 thoughts on “Share 4 Somethings—June 2024

  1. Martha J Orlando

    Wow, Lisa, you’ve certainly had an eventful month! As always, I love the clips you share each month with us of your family in action. Have a wonderful July and stay cool in this horrible heat we’re experiencing in the South!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Yes, it has been unbearably hot, hasn’t it? It makes me even more grateful for working A/C (although I don’t look forward to seeing my electrical bill for this month).

  2. Lois Flowers

    Lisa, it sounds like June has been productive for you in many different ways. Your flowers are beautiful; I’m glad you finally planted them and have also weeded. I still need to do that and it’s getting a little out of control in some spots! I haven’t seen Inside Out 2 but I did enjoy the first one. Hugs, friend.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      My flower bed was definitely out of control. ha. Thankfully now that Jeff has retired, he has more energy to get those jobs going, which makes it easier for me to join in. Hope you have some cooler weather to get yours how you want it. 🙂

  3. Dianna

    What a special way to celebrate V and help everyone deal with their grief, Lisa. Your kindness is such a blessing.

    Before we went on vacation earlier this month, I had let quite a few things pile up so I am working at improving some things…like the linen closet that I took care of this morning. Do you ever “put up” with something for so long and then one day you just can’t handle it anymore and HAVE to do something about it? Well, that was me and the linen closet today. 🙂 I love walking into the bathroom now and seeing how clutter free it is in that linen closet!

    Your flowers are so pretty!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I know exactly what you mean about suddenly HAVING to clean out a closet or drawer, Dianna. 🙂 I can put up with something for years, and then decide it has to be clean TODAY or else. ha. And funny, it often doesn’t take near as long as I had thought it would. I’m glad you got your linen closet straightened up and can enjoy the fruits of your work! Maybe it will inspire me. 🙂

  4. Barbara Harper

    I always love seeing your monthly video. What a sweet way to remember and commemorate V. I’m like that with flowers–I don’t like gardening per se, but I love a few planters with colorful flowers outside around the house. I should rewatch the first Inside Out, too. I don’t remember much about it. I haven’t seen the sequel yet.

  5. Joanne Viola

    Your celebration of life for V was precious! And I am sure it was most appreciated!
    And it sure has been a hot start to the summer. I have noticed our potted plants have needed water twice in a day some days.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’ll always think of V whenever I eat an M&M cookie now. 🙂 When we cleaned out her apartment, we found SO many boxes of cookies that she had squirreled away in drawers, closets, etc.

  6. Lynn

    You’ve had another eventful month, Lisa! That’s very sweet (no pun intended) to deliver cookies to honour V. And love those flowers! The heat is just starting here, as it was a very cool spring for us. I haven’t seen Inside Out 2 as of yet, but must admit that Despicable Me 4 will come first. 🙂

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I love that cartoon movies aren’t just for children. 🙂 I think I only saw the original Despicable Me so I’m way behind on those. The Toy Story movies may have been my favorites so far, pending what I think of Inside Out 2.

  7. Jean Wise

    I can’t wait to see Inside out 2 and man, 56 is too young. Makes me appreciate life. You know, Lisa I sure do appreciate your love of justice and your caring heart for others too. Those are wonderful gifts you have!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thank you, Jean. 56 seems awfully young to me too (especially now that I’m older than that). I stumbled across a video this morning of V from 3 months ago and she was so strong and healthy then. It’s amazing how quickly the human body can deteriorate. 🙁

      1. Jean Wise

        oh wow to see that video – sad yet brought back good memories too I am sure. I am so sorry for your loss. heart breaking. Hugs! and Yes let’s savor life!

  8. Joanne

    That is the sweetest birthday memorial I have ever heard of; I bet her friends were so touched. It looks like a very productive month as well. I haven’t yet made it to see Inside Out 2 but I know I’ll definitely watch it at some point!

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