Register now! Memorize Isaiah 55


Want to memorize Isaiah 55 together?

While memorizing a chapter might sound hard if you’ve never done it, surprise yourself by discovering how nice it is to learn verses in sequence of intent and meaning.

This challenge at Do Not Depart will be easier than most because several verses are already familiar, and we’re only learning ONE verse per week instead of two.

If you’re interested in registering now or in learning more, visit here or leave a comment below. I’d love for you to join us.


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29 thoughts on “Register now! Memorize Isaiah 55

  1. floyd

    I’ve come up short on the last couple… I think it’s awesome that you’re memorizing so much scripture. I can’t think too much in this life that could be of more value.

    1. Lisa

      The hardest part for me though is trying to retain the older chapters. I know they’re in there somewhere, but I can’t always draw them out like I’d like. 😉 Nonetheless, it’s still time well-spent. I’m glad the Father honors whatever ways we use to spend time together, different ways for different people.

        1. Lisa

          Aw, thanks, Floyd! We need all the support we can get because I’m not expecting us to win either. ha. But I’ve not expected to win many of the other games we won this year either, so who knows? As my University of Alabama friends have said, Auburn may have one more rabbit’s foot to pull out. 😉 We’ll find out soon enough. We’re looking forward to watching.

    1. Lisa

      It’s always a little intimidating to me, too, Mary. This one *should* be a little easier since we’re only doing one verse per week. The good thing is there’s no pass/fail grade at the end. If so, I’d still be failing from the last chapter. ha.

  2. Betty Draper

    Oh Lisa, wish I could take this challenge on but my challenge list is probably too full already. Every challenge I read makes me want to say yes to them for all taken on will produce Godly character. I had this thought as I read your post…all over the world I have read of different challenges such as this that I know every book of the bible is being covered by someone child of God somewhere. Just the thought that so many are reading the Bible through this year…gives me cold chills as I even write that sentence. What a sweet smell it must before our Lord. Blessings.

    1. Lisa

      We do have to be choosy with which challenges we accept. We have access to so many these days; there’s no way we can do them all. I love your thought about somewhere in the world every book is being covered. Beautiful! Thanks for leaving that with me.

    1. Lisa

      Exactly, Beverley! I need to be reminded of that so I won’t be hard on myself when I can’t recall what I’ve practiced. The Lord blesses me in the “practice” itself and the Word stays with me, even when I can’t remember it word for word.

  3. Sheila at Longings End

    Hi Lisa…I just signed up. Our 2014 one word at Longings End is INTENTIONAL and one of my goals is to be intentional in memorizing scripture since I am not very disciplined about it. When I saw your challenge I thought this will be perfect…so much better to do it with others. Looking forward to it. And I love Isaiah. Thanks much and blessings…

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I hear you, Janis. We all have to discern what the Lord wants us to do and what he does NOT want us to do. I pray he’ll give you clarity about whether or not this is the right season for you for this. I appreciate your heart for his will.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Don’t let that it’s a chapter intimidate you, Jen. It’s a short one but packed full! 🙂 But do what the Lord leads you to. Ann Voskamp has a memory challenge starting up that also looks good.

  4. Katie

    I tried last year and had trouble with the memorizing because life gets hard and gets in the way. I just read through Isaiah 55 and what struck me was how in the end joy came through the word not being returned empty. It just spoke so deeply to me about continuing to trust in the hard times. So I just signed up to try again. I wish I had a way to print it and carry it around with me.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Yay! I’m excited you signed up, Katie. If you do find life gets in the way (I know how it can do that!), you can always skip to those end verses and concentrate on those. I find they speak deeply to me, too.

  5. Dolly@Soulstops

    It sounds like a great idea…this year, my husband and I are trying something new: memorizing John 1 together…trying to get our girl to come along also…Blessings to you on this new year 🙂

  6. laura

    I’m still praying about what to memorize this year, Lisa, but I will definitely pray about this. Thank you for always challenging me and encouraging me at the same time!

    1. Lisa

      Back at you, Laura. Iron sharpening iron. I’m thankful for believing brothers and sisters like you who call me higher and help me be braver than I’d be without their example.

    1. Lisa

      I’m so glad you’ve signed up, Nancy, especially since you already have a love for Isaiah 55. (And you’re not late.) It’ll be nice having you as part of our group!

  7. Pingback: On the blog–January 2014

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