5 Links I Love + 1 Second Everyday Video—October 2020

I’m changing it up this month. Every month I share my list of favorite 5’s.

And I still am. But for October, instead of 5 groups of 5 things in 1 day, I’m spreading it out: 1 group of 5 things over 5 days this week.

It seemed a little less overwhelming to me. 🙂 TBD what I’ll do in November.

What are you enjoying this month?

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1 Second Everyday 

[If you can’t see the 30-second video, click here]

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5 Things Around the Web

Sisters, You Have Permission to Lead an Ordinary Life

Breathe easy. Instead of thinking you have to do world-changing things, relax and live your quiet, ordinary life. It’s extraordinary enough as it is. (HT to Barbara)

Stop! Think Twice Before Switching Churches in 2020

I admit that temporarily changing churches has crossed my mind during this pandemic…but only because there aren’t many mask-wearers at my church so I haven’t been back in person yet. I miss Sunday gatherings.

About Those Old White Men

Confession: I’m often guilty of stereotyping “old white men” as most resistant to seeing their own faults and being willing to change. But this article reminds me there are still quite a few “old white men” that I know personally who are incredible human beings. 

How To Organize Your Digital Information

How easily can you locate a document or folder on your computer? I try to stay digitally organized, but it’s a battle. Some good tips here. 

Embrace the Rule of Awkward Silence

“Intelligent minds like Tim Cook and Jeff Bezos embrace the rule of awkward silence. You should too. In a word of instant gratification, awkward silence is more useful than ever.”

previous Links and Books

13 thoughts on “5 Links I Love + 1 Second Everyday Video—October 2020

  1. Martha Jane Orlando

    I like your idea to break down your categories to feature a different one each day of this week. I’ll be looking forward to that, Lisa! And of course, it goes without saying that I adore your video – how beautiful those granddaughters are!

  2. Beth Steffaniak

    I think I like your last two gems the best, Lisa! I’m intrigued to learn some tips on staying digitally organized. And also feel like the awkward silence is such a good practice. As a counselor, I’ve faced this so many times! But it always seems to unearth things that have gotten logjammed in the person’s heart. Thanks for this reminder! Oh, and love that cute little potty seat that flashed in your video! What will they think of next?! Btw, I had a dream about you last night that we were talking to each other about our grandkids! Lol!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      That’s a conversation I would love to have in person, Beth! 🙂 It’s still weird to me that we are grandmothers; aren’t we too young for this? lol. But I sure am loving it and I know you are too. And that potty seat; yes, it’s the best. My daughter uses one like that for the 2-year-old, so when she was coming to stay at Granna’s house for the weekend, I bought my own to keep here. It’s been a long time since I’ve done the potty-training stage.

  3. Laurie

    I learned to embrace the rule of awkward silence when I was a teacher! 🙂

    Love the link about Old White Men. I know quite a few remarkable old white men. In fact, I live with one!

    And I like your new format.

  4. Barbara Harper

    I always love the 1-second videos. That’s brave–and so needed–to take a moment to think before responding, even if it’s awkward. I agree about old white men. I know some dear ones who have had a profound influence on my life.

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