Links, Books, and Other Things I Love – March 2017

Here are favorites from February and what I’m looking forward to in March. We share once a month at Leigh’s.

1 Second Everyday 

[If you can’t see the 1 Second Everyday video, click here]

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Around the Web

How to Treat Immigrants
Regardless of where you stand on immigration policies, these scriptures are important reminders of how we are to treat each other in everyday life. I’m halfway through the 40 Days of Scripture & Prayer reading plan. It’s a simple one or two verses a day on the YouVersion app.


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The Shack Movie
Are you going to see The Shack when it comes out this weekend? Skillet has a new acoustic version of their “Stars” song in the movie.


If you can calm the raging sea
You can calm the storm in me
You’re never too far away
You never show up too late
So here I am, lifting up my heart
To the one who holds the stars

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Advil or Tylenol?
When to take which painkiller? I can’t vouch how accurate this is, but it’s interesting to consider anyway.


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Do You Memorize Your Passwords?
I don’t like passwords. If they’re easy to remember, they’re too easy. Do you use a password manager?

Here's why you should stop memorizing your password

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On Reading

How to Read More Books
Spend less time on social media and more time in a book. In the time you spend on social media each year, you could read 200 books.


Gonna need a bigger bookshelf… (Reuters/Eric Thayer)

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17 Books that You Can’t Put Down
According to Modern Mrs. Darcy, she read each of these books in 24 hours or less because they were that good.


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• 7 Books I Recommend
Here are 5 non-fiction books and 2 novels I recommend from books I finished in February 2017.

7 Books I Recommend

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• Currently Reading

  1. Becoming Wise
    An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living
    by Krista Tippett
  2. Slavery by Another Name
    The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II
    by Douglas A. Blackmon
  3. The Naked Now
    Learning to See as the Mystics See
    by Richard Rohr

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Things I Love

Escape Room

We did the Classified Room on the Train Escape last Saturday and it was so much fun!


It helped to have my smart kids and husband in the room to figure out the clues. We made it out in record time, thanks to them. We followed up our victory with dinner at The Cheesecake Factory with Morgan and Fuller.


Trey, Jenna, Lisa, Jeff

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It’s been five years since I’ve seen this special friend from Central America. We met up two weeks ago when Jeff and I were out west on his business trip. I loved meeting her beautiful baby boy for the first time!


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4 Corners Sleepover

We had our annual “Christmas” party sleepover in February. But regardless of the month, we love being together.


Alicia, Julie, Kathy, Lisa

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Apology to My Children

Yes, unfortunately, I was that mom. This picture from Facebook reminds me of years gone by, and makes me laugh. (I did forward it to my girls with my apologies.)


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On the Blog

• Do You Judge My Southern Accent?
Do we judge each other by accents? By grammar? Don’t get hung up on a word or voice and miss the person.

• How do You Know If It’s Fake News?
What is fake news? What is real? Sometimes it’s hard to tell. Who will be a witness to the truth when the fake news is about us?

• This Is Not Fair 
The homeless boys know the forecast. Cold and stormy. I’ll have to turn up my electric blanket tonight. Life is not fair.

• Together We Fill Gaps 
As our country feels more separated than ever, I’m feeling the need for more togetherness. Together we fill gaps.

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What was one of your highlights from February? What are you looking forward to in March? Please share in the comments.

previous Links and Books

38 thoughts on “Links, Books, and Other Things I Love – March 2017

  1. Patricia Krank

    How did you do that 1 second a day video? That was great! I could comment on so many things here but I’ll just say I can hardly wait to see The Shack. My husband is going out of town this weekend and I’m going to go alone and that is a HUGE thing to see a movie by myself.
    Thanks for sharing your joyful 31 days.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Just look for the app 1 Second Everyday. It’s super easy to use! I’ve done it for almost 2 years now and have thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope you enjoy The Shack, Patti. I hope to see it soon too!

  2. Jule

    Lisa- what a great month! Learning, living and loving. You have so much information for me to check out. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Barbara H.

    That’s so neat that you could meet up with your friend from central America again!

    Interesting about the pain reliever chart. In my own experience ibuprofen seemed best for muscular type aches and pains while Tylenol worked for everything else. When I was in to see the nurse practitioner after breaking my toe, she told me she didn’t want me to take ibuprofen since I take a full dose aspirin every day (which I take since atrial fibrillation can cause blood clots). No one had ever told me that before, but I’ll check with my regular doctor next time I see him. My husband was also told not to take ibuprofen after his kidney cancer. If I remember correctly, I think it had to do with ibuprofen being filtered through the kidneys, and he just has one left, so they want to be cautious, whereas acetaminophen filters through the liver.

    Funny about the horse haircut! My husband always did our boys’ haircuts after an early toddler experience with a barber and expensive chopped-up hair – he said he could do at least that well for a lot less money. 🙂 I asked him a couple of times if he could trim mine, just straight across, and he always said, “I just know one cut. If you want to look like the boys, I’ll be glad to.” Ha! I never took him up on it.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m not sure how accurate the chart is, but I do know that Tylenol definitely knocks out my sinus headaches when nothing else will. My b-i-l has only one kidney after kidney cancer; I wonder if he’s ever been told to avoid ibuprofen… My mother was always told to avoid it because of her blood-thinners.

      Your husband’s comment is so funny about haircuts. 🙂 Sounds like me; I cut Jeff’s hair, but a buzz is the only kind I know how to give. (Although I am prone to thin or trim a few strands of my own hair from time to time…I always have to confess to my stylist when I go back.)

  4. Lesley

    This is great, Lisa. I always enjoy your monthly recaps. The escape room sounds like fun. I’ve never been to one but I’ve heard about it from others and they have really enjoyed it. The article about reading more books is interesting too- I have such a huge list of books I’d like to read that I’d like to find more time for this.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      The escape room was a lot of fun! I wasn’t sure if I would like it or not because my mind isn’t naturally geared to solving those kinds of problems. ha. But once we got going, I fell into the groove. It helped tremendously that we had smart people with us who DO think in those problem-solving ways. 🙂

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Yay! I’m excited about getting to spend time with you! I’m sure God will show up in powerful ways for the participants in the Tres Dias weekend. You’ll have to tell me more about it this weekend.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I started down the path to a password manager account once, but some obstacle along the way made me give it up. I can’t remember why now. ha. But maybe one day I’ll give it another go.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Aw, thank you, Michele! After Jenna’s wedding last fall, I knew I was ready for a new haircut. I feel lighter and younger with shorter hair. 🙂 And I can take care of it much quicker, which is another big plus.

  5. Christin Baker

    I love the 1 second a day video! And the horse pic is hilarious! 🙂 February went by so fast, and we had lots of fun moments–like a special date night with my hubby, and a girls day out with my daughter. Blessings to you and your family, Lisa!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Sounds like you had lots of great times in February as well, Christin. Family time is always special. I’m due for a date night with my hubby, too. Hopefully this weekend. We’ve been having to go separate ways a lot this week, so I’m ready to spend the weekend with him!

  6. Dolly

    Wow, your second video is amazing…and Congrats on making it out of the escape room…and your list, as always, is chock full of awesome content. My husband and daughter did an escape for her bday last year…I have yet to experience it, but one of these days 🙂 In my OT class last year, it is clear God tells his people to care about immigrants.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      The escape room was lots of fun; hope you’re able to go next time! I’d love to do another one, pending that I take smart people with me again. 😉 Yes, I didn’t realize there were SO many verses in the OT about caring for immigrants. It’s been good reading.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thanks, Leah. The 1 Second Everyday is super easy to do and lots of fun! I’ve enjoyed keeping up with it. It makes me look for something interesting in every day. Some days are easier than others to find things of interest. ha.

  7. Trudy

    As always, your month’s spotlights are so interesting, Lisa. I always love the 1-second video, but I admit that sometimes a photo goes by too quickly and I replay. 🙂 I have never heard of that Escape Thingy, but it sounds like a great challenge. I’m so glad you and your sisters could have a sleepover and you could meet up with someone from some time ago. And there’s so much more I could comment on, like being shocked someone actually read 17 books in 24 hours. Didn’t she sleep? Or maybe these hours aren’t without stopping. 🙂 Have a blessed weekend! Hugs!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I agree, Trudy: one second just flies by! I think I’d like it even better if it was at least 1.5 seconds everyday. ha. But I guess that wouldn’t sound as tidy. 🙂 I’m guessing that the 17 books in 24 hours meant one book per 24 hours (for a total of 17 hours/books) but even 24 hours for one book seems super fast to me. It usually takes me several weeks to read one book.

  8. Crystal Storms

    Love your new look, Lisa! I spotted “Wilson” in your video — love that movie.
    And I definitely want to see “Shack.” I’ll let my husband know about the Skillet song — he enjoys their music.
    Always love these posts, sweet friend. ((Hugs))

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Keen eye, Crystal, to spot Wilson! 🙂 We had Castaway on the other night; it had been awhile since we’d seen it. Such a good movie. I’d forgotten much of it. I love Tom Hanks in almost anything though.

  9. Jean Wise

    love your list. so much joy found here. and the photos are special too. Are you seeing the Shack? I hope too but have a list of movies to see but never do. so much for plans.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I do hope to see The Shack next Saturday night with a group from church. I’m looking forward to it! I have a list of movies, too, that I haven’t gotten around to seeing, but want to. My to-watch list isn’t as long as my to-read list, though, thankfully. 🙂

  10. Laura Thomas

    Oh Lisa, I just killed myself laughing at the picture of the horse—as I literally just finished cutting my 17 year-old son’s hair! He thought it was pretty accurate. Love your lists—I’m a huge fan of Kate Morton and would recommend all her books, and my hubby just finished When Breath Becomes Air and thoroughly enjoyed (not sure if that’s the right word, maybe “appreciated”) it. Thanks for sharing all your gems. Especially the horse 🙂 Stopping by from #CountingMyBlessings

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      “Appreciated” is definitely an apt word for When Breath Becomes Air. The horse picture cracks me up, too. 🙂 I have pictures of my girls when they were little that could match that picture. Keep the scissors away from Mom! ha. I cut my husband’s hair now, though, but I use hair clippers which makes it a little easier to not mess up (except for that one time I didn’t have the guard on….that was a nightmare! ha). I shiver even now thinking about it. I don’t know why he ever let me touch his hair again. haha

  11. Donna Reidland

    Lisa, I enjoyed your post and look forward to checking out your list of books you read in 24-hours.

    I sat here staring at the computer screen wondering if I should comment on The Shack. I truly hate to be “against things” on someone else’s blog. But I don’t expect to see it. I read the book years ago when it first came out. I had too much trouble with the shaky theology. I know God can and does use things any way He chooses, but it looks like one more movie like Noah and so many others that present a wrong view of God and salvation.


    1. LisaNotes Post author

      It’s okay to share your opinion here, Donna. We all have various opinions on different matters, but are still guided by the same Spirit as we share a mutual faith in Jesus. We saw The Shack last night and were greatly encouraged by its message of how much God loves each person. I’m sure we agree on that truth, that God’s love is more than we can imagine.

      Just to clarify, those aren’t books that *I* read in 24 hours each, but the author of that blog, Modern Mrs. Darcy. Few and far between are any books I’ve personally read that fast. 🙂

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