Let’s Kickstart Your One Word Journey for 2025
{One Word 2025 January Linkup}

I’m excited to begin our One Word journeys together for 2025! 

Take a closer look at your One Word this month. Here are a few questions to get you started. Leave a comment below, have a conversation with a friend, or link a blog post below about anything related to your One Word.


Think creatively—can you photograph, draw, or design something that represents your word? Consider creating a vision board or even a vision bowl with objects that symbolize your word.

I created a vision jar, putting objects related to my word in a ripply-looking cookie jar. I’ll write a separate blog post about each item soon. It was so fun and meaningful to put this together!


Where can you place your word so it stays on your radar? Where have you already noticed your word showing up in your life?

I created a logo for my word Ripple to use on my blog all year. I also printed it out and taped it to my bedroom mirror, underneath my 2024 word Curiosity, which I still want to remember.

Ripple One Word 2025


Why did you choose this word? What challenges do you anticipate, and how might you navigate them? Write out your answers now, then save them to revisit in December. Bonus: share your reflections with at least one other person—it can spark great conversations and extra ideas!

I’m choosing Ripple as my guiding word because it represents two key ideas: taking intentional action (dropping a pebble into the water) and embracing a sense of surrender (accepting that I can’t control how the ripples spread). Both are essential for me right now.

My challenges? Fear or hopelessness sometimes hold me back from taking action, while my desire for control makes it difficult to release my grip. I’m still working on a plan to navigate these challenges.

Today’s linkup will remain open for two weeks from Saturday, January 25, through Saturday, February 8.

Our February linkup begins on Tuesday, February 25. We’ll have new challenges and a linkup on the 25th of each month throughout 2025—mark your calendars.  

Have you chosen One Word for 2025? Why this word? Please leave a comment here.

If you’d like to receive our monthly One Word emails and ideas, join here any time of the year.

Link Up About Your One Word!

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21 thoughts on “Let’s Kickstart Your One Word Journey for 2025
{One Word 2025 January Linkup}

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Interestingly, our lake froze over last week (an unusual occurrence) so instead of dropping in pebbles, they just skipped across the ice. I’m sure there’s a lesson in that somewhere too! ha.

  1. Tea With Jennifer

    To answer your question Lisa, yes I have a 2025 WOTY – Explore, why? Well it chose me actually.
    And when I had done the exercise I thought of in putting all my past WOTY of the last several years into a sentence, that I shared & you read in; https://teawithjennifer.blog/2024/12/27/the-power-of-words-2/
    it suddenly all made sense! All smiles…

    I love your glass jar exercise, I look forward to reading your post on the contents. And great suggestions above too. Thank you!
    Blessings, Jennifer

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Explore will be such a fabulous word, Jennifer! And I read in your posts that you’re already “exploring” it. 🙂 I love keeping up with other people’s words too! They add width and depth to my own word.

  2. Debbie Harris

    These are great prompts Lisa and I might use some of them in future posts about my word ‘Listen’. I have taken your idea of a logo and made one up to use in my posts. I had already created a banner image to use for my posts but a logo is another fun way of having it front and centre. Thanks for the ideas and the linkup, I’ve linked up my announcement post for my WOTY Listen. It’s not religious based at all so I hope I can still join in.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I got more ideas for my own word from reading your post, Deb. I need to do some more searching to get a more full music playlist; I only have 3 songs so far, so I loop through them pretty quickly. lol. And yes, I’m very glad you linked up your post here. It’s not a religious linkup; I hope everyone feels free to share whatever they’d like regarding their words.

  3. Lisa

    My word for 2025 is creativity. I like your jar idea. I have one similar and I might use it as you suggested. Incidentally, I found your website via another link-up. Thank you for inspiring and encouraging other creatives. May God continue to bless you.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Creativity is an amazing word! It reminds me of my word last year – Curiosity. Both these words can go into almost any area of our lives and make it better! I hope it goes well for you. Keep me posted about it.

  4. Paula

    You always come up with great ideas for us to widen our vision on our one words Lisa.
    Thanks bunches for sharing with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friend.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thanks, Paula. I love seeing all the ways that people are using their words and putting them into practice! All our ideas feed on each other and grow into even more ideas.

  5. Lisa Blair

    Ripple is such a fun word, Lisa, and it seems to continue your journey of curiosity. I like your WOTY logo. I guess you make it in Canva? I’m enjoying my journey in prayer and exploring different people’s perspectives on prayer via books.

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