Share 4 Somethings – January 2025

I love how Jennifer tweaks our prompts each year for “Share 4 Somethings.” Write your own post and link up with Jennifer here for January.

The prompts for 2025 are:

  1. Some things we loved
  2. Some things we learned
  3. Some things that went well
  4. Some things we let go of

I’m also sharing my previous month’s One Second Everyday video . . .

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Some things I loved


My siblings and I had another working lunch this month to talk about selling our uncle’s estate. Although the circumstances are sad, I’ve loved being in closer relationship again with my siblings throughout this process.


I had two inspiring Zoom sessions this month with an online group I’m in. We talked about and made plans for our One Words. It really helped me get more specific with my goals for Ripple this year. (And also helped me realize I need to narrow down my goals; I have too many.)


I loved celebrating my baby girl Jenna turning 30 years old on Sunday with a family dinner. She’s a fantastic human being and it’s a joy to watch how she lives out her values in this world.

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Some things I learned


I learned this month I need to be more specific with my hair stylist about how I want my hair cut. She always does a great job, but this time I must have been too vague about what I wanted. Next time I’ll be more clear. But in the meantime, at least my hair will keep growing.


Jenna and I attended a domestic violence coalition this month in our area. I was amazed at how many different groups were represented among the helpers. It made me sad that there is such a need for this, but also grateful for so many people with kind hearts, willing hands, and expert skills to help those who are in abusive situations.


I learned of some new (to me) musical artists when we were on St. Simon’s Island, GA. Their thoughtful lyrics really spoke to me. For example, they sung “knowing that small things matter is no small thing.” True!

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Some things that went well


I finally took my bed comforter to the dry cleaners. It’s one of those things I kept putting off. But I did it, on what happened to be one of our coldest weeks, and picked it up the day before we got trapped in with snow. I’m thankful to check this task off my list.


My husband Jeff and I attended the Southern Lights gathering again this year, spending a weekend listening to great speakers/authors and having rich conversations with new and old friends. I came away renewed to stay committed to creating a more loving and compassionate world, regardless of what’s going on around us.


My year of writing personal stories for the Storyworth book that Jenna gifted us last year is almost finished. Thankfully, Storyworth gives you a few bonus months to review the stories and photos you want in your book. I hope to finalize 3 more stories, and then I’ll start the reviewing process. I’m amazed that Jeff and I actually wrote 52 stories each. It’s definitely an accomplishment for us, and proof that slow and steady does pay off.

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Some things I let go of


I’m ready to let go of my new refrigerator. Our old one died last year, so we replaced it in March with a new one. But our new fridge is very noisy and too cold, despite the repairman’s visits. They’re coming again this Friday—thankfully it’s still under warranty! But if they can’t fix it, I’m ready to start shopping for yet a different one (and I hate shopping).


I’ve been sad to say goodbye to a longtime friendship this month. For a few years I’ve been asking for a conversation about a deep hurt I felt from our relationship. But she consistently refused to address it or stop the behavior. It’s painful to finally let go, but it had become more painful to stay.


I continue to wrestle in general and in specifics with letting go of life as I want it to be without certain losses. I committed several months ago to memorizing this quote to help me remember to accept the life I do have; it has helped.

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us.”
– Joseph Campbell

What are some things you are loving, things you are learning, things that have gone well, or things you’ve had to let go of this month?

Share your thoughts in the comments.

I’m linking at these blog parties

14 thoughts on “Share 4 Somethings – January 2025

  1. Barbara Harper

    What a great list! Belated happy birthday to Jenna! I had the opposite problem with my hair–twice in a row they didn’t take quite enough off. It makes me feel like I didn’t get my money’s worth, plus I need to go back in sooner than I would have if they had taken enough off.

    I’m glad you were able to get the comforter cleaned before the snow came.

    Storyworth sounds interesting. I’ve written up some thing for the kids but want to do more.

    I don’t like shopping for appliances, either. We had to replace our microwave a few weeks ago. One annoying feature that I don’t think was presented in the description is that when the timer goes off, the thing keeps beeping until you hit the button to turn it off. That is SO frustrating when you’re in another room or doing something at the sink with messy hands.

    I am sorry about the lost friendship. I’ve hand some that fizzled out, but over time, but none that I can remember where I had to deliberately sever the relationship.

    Your last item is especially poignant.

  2. Dianna

    Lisa, my friend, I totally understand and will be praying for you regarding the relationship you had to let go. I’ve had to do the same thing…it would appear twice. But, as hurtful as it is, it is the beginning of healing. Love you.

  3. Trudy

    I’m sorry about the painful letting go of a friendship and the continuing pain of letting go of a life you had planned, Lisa. I’m glad you had a warranty on your fridge, but I know it can be frustrating if they have to keep coming to fix something. We have had trouble with our range burners for some time, and it’s only three years old, so we’re grateful for the warranty. Finally after needing to again replace a burner switch, the repairman said this week, “That’s it. I’m calling the warranty company.” They agreed to refund us towards a different stove from the appliance store we got it from. 🙂 Love and blessings of strength through the hard stuff!

  4. Joanne

    You have such deep and thoughtful answers for most of these! I hope you get your fridge sorted out; they just don’t make appliances like they used to.

  5. Michele Morin

    I can’t help but hear overtones of Wendell Berry’s quote that inspired my 2024 journey with GIVEN. “We live the given life, not the planned.”
    The longer we live, the more we will have to do business with that reality.

  6. Jean Wise

    I do so enjoy My Somethings too but hadn’t thought of tweaked them. mmm something to consider next time. I think I will. I like your categories and may try them. Glad you like the story worth year. I know I did too.

  7. Jo Tracey

    There’s lots I could comment on in here – especially re your letting go comments – but I love the idea of the Storyworth. It’s so important to get this stuff down and the slowly but surely method adds up. Thanks for linking up.

  8. Debbie Harris

    That quote about letting go of plans is spot on Lisa! Thanks for sharing your month with us and I feel for you about parting ways with an old friend.
    Thanks for joining us for the WBOYC linkup and happy February!

  9. Lynn Simpson

    I think I was too vague with my hair dresser, too! A couple of inches off became at least 4 inches…! But like you said, it will grow back. Letting go of relationships are hard, even if it is the right thing to do. Recently my bible study talked about suffering, and all our suffering stories were around relationship loss. Thankfully, we can receive comfort from His everlasting presence.

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