A Hidden Gift in Each Enneagram Number {Enneagram Series #9}
Keep Giving Your Gift
“Inside each number is a hidden gift that reveals something about God’s heart. So when you are tempted to prosecute yourself for the flaws in your own character, remember that each type is at its core a signpost pointing us to travel toward and embrace an aspect of God’s character that we need.”
– Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabile, The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery
No one person is big enough to hold all of God.
But we can all share a piece of him with each other. When we put the pieces together, we have a beautiful glimpse of our amazing God.
I’m grateful God put us together as a family. We shine brighter, contribute more, and love stronger together than when alone.
Whatever your gift is in your Enneagram type, find it.
Keep giving it.
Have you found the gift in your Enneagram number? Please share in the comments.
See the whole Enneagram series here
Previous: Your First Impression of the Enneagram and Week in Summary {Series #8}
Next: What Are Enneagram Wings? Your Invitation to Abundance {Series #10}
- Your First Impression of the Enneagram and Week 1 in Summary {Enneagram Series #8}
- What Are Enneagram Wings? Your Invitation to Abundance {Enneagram Series #10}
Well said. God has a specific purpose for all of us and has gifted us as such. Seeking to understand that purpose and our place is a fine thing, I believe.
i’m amazed that you are packing so much info into each post … every day of February. your energy level, research, and zeal are an awesome thing to behold, friend!
One of my gifts is being able to read people. Understand and empathize with them. Loving your series, Lisa. It’s like God tucked a relational talent or two in each of our enneagram numbers. Loving this idea.
I am glad you are finding joy in sharing your knowledge.
Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek. Next week is 7/51 T: Telling Self-Care Stories #1. 17.2.2020. Hope to see you there AND the next 10 prompts are on the home page now! Denyse.
To connect with God so deep in my heart that there is impossible to say if I am the lover or the Beloved. To know my true identity as The Beloved, and to help other people to find their deepest identity. To help them get in contact with their hearts and to see very clearly what’s in the way of the contact and help them get through that. My gift is to guide others to explore their depths with great delight and to constantly explore. I’m a 4.
Those are beautiful gifts to share with the world. I pray you receive blessings as you give them to others.