Give This Kind of Grace Generously
I notice the cars ahead of me are swerving. There’s something in the road.
It’s a man.
Oh, it’s just him.
We all know this man. He often wears a reflective vest over his clothes. He carries a bag with his stuff. He’s frequently seen walking on the road in our small community. On the road, not the side of the road.
But no one honks.
We all just swerve.
Because we know. He’s an innocent. We know he knows no better. So we do better.
We show him everyday grace.
Everyday grace is the kind of grace we give each other without thinking much about it. It’s seemingly little things.
- It’s quietly throwing away someone else’s trash that they left behind.
- It’s just ignoring the driver who cuts you off in traffic.
- It’s not making the critical comment you want to say about your partner’s dirty clothes on the floor (again).
It’s giving each other the benefit of the doubt.
Everyday grace is giving wide berth to the disheveled man walking on the road with his sack of treasures, oblivious to anyone around him.
Give everyday grace generously. That’s how God gives it to us.
“And God gives grace generously….”
James 4:6 (NLT)
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How have you seen everyday grace? How can you extend it to others this week? Please share in the comments.
Read more:
- 4 Rules of Grace I (Try to) Live By (click on individual infographics)
1-Give the benefit of the doubt | 2-Let go of being right | 3-Don’t take it personally | 4-Just show up
- Should Evangelicals Walk Away? Review of “The Great Evangelical Retreat”
- Read the Bible with Rabbi Jesus
The first year I chose one word, it was grace. I wanted to have grace be my default response to others . . . and to myself.
When I started reading this post, Lisa, my mind immediately went to a time my husband extended that everyday grace to a homeless man. The homeless man was in front of the hospital which my husband’s job is housed and the security police were trying to badger the man away from the entrance. He was carrying a bag, too. It held all of his life’s treasures, too…but his had broken. And he was trying to collect his life off the sidewalk while being badgered by this security policeman. My husband stepped in and spoke to the security guy about not giving the homeless man a chance to collect his things. Hubby told the homeless man that he had some bags at his work and that he would be right back. He told me (through tears) that he would never forget the expression of thankfulness on the face of the homeless man when he returned with the bags.
What a sweet act of grace, Dianna!
Love this, Dianna, thank you for sharing!
Wow, this is grace indeed
This story made me cry, Dianna! Such a beautiful act of kindness and grace from your husband to the homeless man. Everyone deserves and appreciates being shown dignity. We all are made in God’s image and we do well to remember that. Thank you so much for sharing this, friend!
mmm … we’re so busy swerving that we don’t have time to consider what’s truly important.
to whom much has been given, much will be required …
Everyday grace. So important. Grace is more than a religious term for how God deals with us. It should also be how we deal with each other. I’m glad to hear there are folks where you live who give grace to someone who may not know any better.
Yes! May I be filled with more grace (aka patience 😉 ).
I am so convicted by that verse about love covering a multitude of sins. I tend to take note of them too often and then remind myself of the great grace that has been shown to me that should in turn cause me to show grace to others.
Dear Lisa, I vacillate between thinking we should show grace so often that it becomes automatic, and that it’s only grace if it’s intentional. Perhaps it doesn’t really matter as long as we extend it to others … generously. Thanks, Lisa!
Lisa, what a great reminder. Let’s pray we can all show more grace with friends and strangers alike. Perhaps we can even find a way to show more grace in the public discourse that seems to be so hostile these days. Blessings to you!
Last year my word was grace, because sometimes we are so hard on ourselves and others!!
It’s the best practice ever, to extend that grace to everyone!
Everyday grace is smiling at the cashier in the grocery store. Letting a mom with kids get in line before you. Being the person who does not cut off others in traffic. Waving to your neighbors and just showing love whenever you can.
Maybe the reason grace is so precious and valuable to us is that it’s such a rare commodity in this world of honking horns and irate drivers. I loved reading this!
I hope I do this much more than I realize – like praying without ceasing, it’s my prayer that I would automatically extend the “little graces” without even thinking about it! I love your 4 agreements, Lisa. Convicting, helpful and inspiring. That pretty much sums up what I find when I visit here. Thanks, friend!
I need His grace every moment of every day! Thank you for sharing.
Yes, giving each other the benefit of the doubt is a practical manifestation of grace. Oh, how we need to do that more in our family of five! Thanks for the reminder today, Lisa.
Grace grace,God’s Word! Extending grace even when the other person is undeserving should come naturally.
Sometimes it is the hardest to show grace to the ones in our own family.
Oh, how I need to work on that.
I love your ‘my 4 agreements with God ‘
Thank you for reminding me today to offer grace generously! The Lord knew it was much needed this morning 🙂
Great! Thank you!
Giving each other the benefit of the doubt is such a wonderful definition of everyday grace. Thanks for this, Lisa!
The miracle of sleeping and waking up is one everyday grace that should not be taken for granted. Our Father showers us everyday with countless benefits we do not deserve. I’m thankful for His faithfulness.
My prayer is to first chose grace and reject judging and criticism. I so need to grow in this area.
Everyday grace. What a beautiful phrase (and beautiful action)! Grace often seems lofty and, perhaps, big…when done every day in “everyday” ways – what a testimony it can be! Wonderful post –
Oh yes, a little grace goes a long way. When I remember the grace extended to me by God, surely showing grace to others is the very least I can do! And yet, I forget and I fail. And God’s grace rolls around to me again… 😉 Thanks for the grace reminder, Lisa. Stopping by from #sittingamongfriends
This story of a small and random incident shared the way you have is a eye and heart opener.
I haven’t doled out much in the way of grace today, or lately for that matter…
Thanks for the simple, yet powerful, reminder.
I find when I give myself grace, I’m quicker to give it to others too. And I give myself grace when I’m drawing near to God. That’s the cycle I want in my life, and I’m grateful we serve a God who gives grace generously. Thanks for linking up at #PorchStories.
This week I’ve shown grace to my kids by helping them with overdue projects for school and doing some of their chores that they haven’t had time to do because of the overdue projects. I know I put things off, too, and while it has been a bit unnerving at times, especially when my daughter is less-than appreciative, I want people to show me grace, so I need to show grace as well.
Thanks for the verse in James reminding us that God gives us His grace generously, and so should we.