Getting kids to serve


Who wants a lazy kid? Nobody. But what can we do to help them better love and serve others?

We’re looking today at four big ways to serve at Do Not Depart.

Given with the proper attitude, all service is worship to God if it touches another soul with his love.

I’d love for you to join me there and share we YOU have learned!

Read the rest here: “I want my kids to serve!”

Let the Children Come - monthly feature on helping children to abide in God's Word via

What advice do you have on helping kids serve?
What has worked for you? Not worked?

5 thoughts on “Getting kids to serve

  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    I don’t have kids, but I used to teach, and found that the best way to elicit service was to follow their inclinations,.

    Kids who like team sports can be great at helping coach inner-city rugby (soccer’s for wimps).

    Kids who like to build are wonderful candidates for Habitat for Humanity, especially when they show responsibility and can become team leaders.

    Kids who like to dance can help entertain hospital and nursing-home patients, and they’ll never have a more appreciative audience.

    The point is to use what they’ve got, and not try to make them fit an uncomfortable role in the thought that ‘service is sacrifice’.

    And for the kid who just wants to play video games? All I can suggest there is, “Grab a hammer or a broom or a mop, or start thinking about where you’re gonna find dinner.”

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I love your answers, Andrew. Even the last one. 🙂
      The principles apply to us as adults as well, right? I’m much more apt to serve when it’s something I enjoy, feel competent doing, and where I think I can make a difference. Then it’s more joy, less “sacrifice.” More love, less duty.

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