Sign up to memorize John 15

Memorize John 15 with Do Not Depart

We’re ramping up to memorize John 15 together!

It’s a rich chapter of all words by Jesus. And even if you don’t want to memorize that many words, we still invite you to join us in looking at two verses per week.

Sign up now at Do Not Depart, and receive an email every two weeks with three or four verses, beginning June 2 (download the schedule here). If you want interaction with community, join our Facebook group where we’ll be sharing about the verses each week.

If memorizing a whole chapter sounds intimidating to you, remember it’s still just one to two verses per week—it just happens they’re all connected and flow together, which actually makes it easier! Here are some tips to get you started on memorizing a chapter.

Downloadable resources are also available at the registration page in 5 different versions this time (!)—ESV, KJV, NIV, NASB, NKJV—but memorize in whichever translation you prefer.

If you’d like to help us spread the word, we’d appreciate a tweet or a shout-out on your favorite social media. Thanks!

“Memorize John 15 with @DoNotDepart. Details here #HideHisWord”
Click here to tweet

If you have questions, let me know!

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25 thoughts on “Sign up to memorize John 15

  1. Susan M.

    Excited! And scared! All at the same time! I am currently stressing over how in the world I will keep from confusing all the verses, since so many of them talk about the Vine! I know, I know–one verse at a time. If I never try I will certainally fail–so I may as well try! 🙂

  2. Joe Pote

    Ah! John 15…one of my favorite chapters…abiding and loving in response to Christ’s calling.

    Not sure if I’ll try to memorize it with you, but you have definitely selected a good one!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Glad to hear this, Floyd! This one is going to be more of a challenge to me since it’s two at a time instead of one but at least some of the verses are familiar already. Will need grace, as always.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      …with emphasis on the word “discipline.” ha. I have to be intentional about it because it doesn’t come naturally to me, and sometimes it feels like work, but the more I do it, the more it’s hooked me as a wonderful way to spend time with Jesus.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Sounds like a memorable pastor if that’s something you still associate with him. Lord willing, we’ll keep doing more challenges in the future so maybe you can join us another time. You’re wise to not try to take on another thing when you’ve got enough going as it is.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      God’s provision is always the best. I’ll continue to pray you get the BEST news back from your appointments, but in the midst of it, I pray Jesus will use his own words in John 15 to keep you covered in his peace. I remember reciting memory verses in my head when I’ve had to have MRIs in the past. And NOT being able to concentrate at all when I had other tests. ha.

      1. Laura

        Thanks, Lisa! I feel prompted to keep this season a little closer to the vest, so may not be blogging it. I appreciate your prayers and trust that all will be well!

          1. Laura

            Thanks for your prayers! Turns out it was not cancer but something called Sarcoidosis… but God is still good always no matter what He decides to give us! 🙂

          2. LisaNotes Post author

            I’m glad it’s not cancer, Laura, and I pray that the treatment for sarcoidosis will be effective and send it running. Thanks for letting me know!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Yay! I’m so excited you’ll be joining us. No pressure. Sometimes the words come easily; sometimes I never get them. But either way, it’s all good because it’s time well-spent. Just keep reminding yourself that memorizing isn’t really the end goal. 🙂 That helps me anyway.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Isn’t it such great news in that verse? I love John 15:16 too. Knowing he chose us before we chose him, and that we can bear fruit–it’s *almost* too good to believe.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      We’d love to have you participate with us, Amy! If you’re on Facebook, be sure to check out our Hide His Word group–that’s where we do most of our communicating throughout the challenge.

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