Battling Between Fear and Hope? Stand on the Rock

Don't give fear a chance

I knew it the first time I heard it.

This song reached down deep. It landed on my anxieties, my fears.

I knew it would be a song that I would listen to again and again. And I have.

It awakens hope.

When darkness tries to roll over your bones, don’t be shaken. Fear doesn’t stand a chance when you stand in Jesus’s love.

Stand on the Rock.

Stand in Your Love

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This is Day 15 of Practicing Hope.

Do you have a favorite song that brings you hope? Please share in the comments.

2 thoughts on “Battling Between Fear and Hope? Stand on the Rock

  1. floyd

    The one song that has been an encouragement to me for close to twenty years is Third Day’s “You Are Everywhere”. Indeed God is everywhere. That reminder lifts my soul every time I hear it or contemplate it.

    Good song!

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