Hold Hope for One at a Time

Large scope issues like immigration reform often overwhelm us. We don’t know the answers, and don’t feel we could make a difference even if we did.

But when we can’t hold hope for all, can we at least hold hope for one?

Brian finally made it to the U.S. a few months ago. After years of applications, interviews, and waiting, he arrived in Alabama from Vietnam to care for his aging mother here.

But his English skills need improving. As one of the English as a Second Language volunteers, I’ve been assigned to help him improve.

It’s been an interesting journey. For both of us.

Read the rest here:

The Theology of One – When You Can’t Help All, Help One

Theology of the One

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I’m writing today at Do Not Depart for our #PracticalTheology series. What we think about God directly affects how we hope for and serve others.

Will you join me there for the rest of the story?

This is Day 14 of my #Write28Days series on #PracticingHope.

6 thoughts on “Hold Hope for One at a Time

  1. Stacey Pardoe

    This is so good and true, Lisa! Many of my friends in the season of pouring into just one or two (or three or four) little ones in their homes will be so blessed by this! Sharing on Twitter and Facebook today!

  2. Lisa Murray

    Yes, yes, and yes! I love the concept of pouring into whoever God puts in front of us. BTW, my mom leads the ESL at her church and loves it. Such a blessings to the many who need it! Thanks for the encouragement, Lisa!

  3. Laurie

    My DIL is an ESL teacher in Oregon. This is such a valuable service you are providing. It is God’s light shining through you, pouring God’s love into those who benefit from your service.

  4. Jo Lynn

    Lovely post. Because I’m a homemaker who stays home most of the time, I tend to overlook the small things I can do for people I see. I realize my main service is to my family at this season of life, but I still want to help outside my home too.
    You have reminded me that even if it’s just a little bit, it still counts.

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