What I’m into in September

Around the web:

This cartoon makes me smile as I’ve been reading “first day” status updates of friends.

First day of school cartoon

Fighter? How about for Unity? This is good about dropping online belligerence. “If you’re not going to fight for unity, don’t fight at all. And don’t cause others to fight.” Anne Marie Miller

I bookmarked this page from Barbara of her favorite cookie recipes. One of these days….

What I’m reading now:

Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly. She’s done solid research on vulnerability and it’s fascinating. We all have strategies of hiding, ways we avoid being vulnerable. Such as, 1. Being nervous when things are too good (Foreboding joy), 2. Trying to be perfect to avoid shame (Perfectionism), and 3. Embracing anything that will deaden any pain (Numbing). Brené shares how to proactively live wholeheartedly instead.

If you’ve never listened to any of her TED talks, I highly recommend them (The Power of Vulnerability and Listening to Shame)!

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

I must finish the book pronto though. Someone else put a hold on the library’s copy that I have, so every day I’m late is costing me 25 cents.

What I’m glad I finished reading:

These two Brian McLaren books are wonderful: Naked Spirituality and A New Kind of Christianity. He has a fresh take on scripture that makes me keep thinking, too.

For fun (because we all need to laugh more, right?) I read two Billy Crystal biographies 700 Sundays and Still Foolin’ Em (I’m almost finished). Both had sections that made me truly laugh out loud.

Television Worth Watching:

It’s all about the DVR lately because I’ve been gone so much (and TV isn’t my first choice when I have free time). I’m 3 episodes back on So You Think You Can Dance (don’t tell me who wins because the season is now over!). Also I have lots of Brain Games to watch and a few movies I’ve recorded (The Butler will be my first choice).

Music I’m Listening to:

Jason Gray is my go-to man lately. Matt Maher remains a reliable fave, old or new stuff. And whatever new songs we’re learning at church. For this Sunday it is Risen.

(click here if you can’t see the video)

The same power the same power
That crushed the enemy
The same power the same power
The same power lives in me

On the blog:
The compassion challenge this month (every month is different) is “Concern for everybody,” particularly those who are different from us.

I’m still working on this: holding space open for God in my everyday routines, and praying this when I worry.

I’m creating a “Love scriptures” printable for the Do Not Depart blog next Thursday. This month’s series is Encouragement in the Word.

Encouragement in the Word_DoNotDepart

Things I Love:

  • Hanging out in Auburn more lately gives me extra time with my babies. We had supper together last night then had great Wednesday worship led by Matt Redman. Just what I needed!


  • Although I’ve been gone the past few Wednesdays, I’m really enjoying a new routine of taking meals to the disabled residents in a housing facility with my bestie Kay. Everyone is always glad to see us coming, but the real kudos should go to the behind-the-scene ladies at Manna House that prepare the meals each week!
  • Memorizing John 15 the past couple months has brought new blessings as I stay in these words of Jesus over and over. It’s also brought new questions about things I don’t quite understand, but that’s good too.
  • Chatter amongst our Guatemala team has picked up a lot in the past few days as our trip nears. I’m excited (although nervous too) to experience God in a new environment very soon!

Serve Guatemala

  • Last week I enjoyed sunsets on Panama City beach with my favorite person.

Panama City Beach sunset 2014

at the beach

  • And today we celebrate our 22nd anniversary! I love you, Jeff!

(click here if you can’t see the video)

* * *

What are you into this month? Leave a comment here.

Sharing at The Simple Woman’s Daybook
and What I’m Into at Leigh Kramer

past Daybooks

10 thoughts on “What I’m into in September

  1. Barbara H.

    I’ve seen that school cartoon – pretty true. 🙂 I’ve enjoyed a lot of “first day” pics on FB, too. I wish I had thought of that – I don’t think I’d heard of it until recently.

    Thanks for the link! I have a hankering for some of those cookies, too, except that I need to cut down on sweets.

    No one else in my household cares for SYTYCD so I either watch it later in the evening (if my husband dozes off. :-)) or some time the next day, though I hate to watch TV in the day time as that’s my prime time to get other things done. I won’t tell you who won – but it was the one I wanted. 🙂 My favorite SYTYCD winner so far is Chehon from a couple of seasons ago.

    Happy anniversary!! Loved the video!

    I hadn’t seen the What I’m Into meme before (or have forgotten) but it looks like a nice way to update in short bits.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      My husband doesn’t like SYTYCD either. 😉 My daughter got me hooked on it before she moved out. Now that she’s gone, I’m still hooked. I’ve been at her place the last few days and I’m gotten almost caught up watching online. We still need to watch last night’s show but it wasn’t online yet (she has no DVR, poor college student). I loved Chehon too! I like all 4 of the final contestants this year. For the longest I thought Ricky and Jessica would win, but Valerie and Zach did so great last week that now I don’t know.

      I stumbled across “What I’m Into” this week on somebody else’s blog and thought I’d give it a try. But these kind of posts always take me longer to write than they should so I don’t know if I’ll continue it monthly or not….

  2. Jennifer Dougan


    Grinning with you over that cartoon. I have a son heading off to his second year of college and my youngest starts kindergarten this year. I can relate to both sentiments.

    Oooh, I have been wanting to read Brene Brown’s stuff. Thanks fro the reminder. I’ll have to pull up her Ted talks too.

    Have a great week,
    Jennifer Dougan

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      You’ve got quite a spread there, Jennifer. Keeps you young yet mature. 🙂 I highly recommend Brene’s book. It was SO good. I gleaned a lot of points from it from stuff I’m actually going through right now, so it was timely reading.

  3. Beverley

    No first days of school any more, my babies are all grown and the little ones are still too little.

    I have been making room for God also. I felt i wasn’t giving his the room to do his thing for me and every time he tried fear would set in and i would run away, but i am learning faith and the miracle of grace.

    lovely video, you haven’t changed a bit.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Those “first days” are over in my family too. My baby daughter is in her senior year at college, so even that last first day is now over.

      It sounds like you are showing up for what God is trying to do. It definitely requires faith. Good for you in submitting. I’ve been wanting to run from something too but he won’t let me. I know he’s right, but it’s taken a lot out of me this week. I have to trust that miracle of grace that he will refill me.

  4. Darlene @ Lost in Literature

    Oh my gosh!! I love this post!!
    Was going to ask you if you had done one of these before but then I read one of your responses above.
    Happy Anniversary! My hubs and I just celebrated #24 in June.
    This September I’ll finally be having a big celebration for finishing my LOST Book Club challenge.
    I’ve been playing out this party in my head for about two years now. It’ll be at the end of the month.
    Also going to Nashville, TN next weekend to love on some friends we have from Uganda.
    Busy month for us too.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Thanks, Darlene. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubs too (a few months late)! Unfortunately Jeff and I were both out of town (different towns) on our actual anniversary which was a bummer this year. But I had packed a card in his suitcase and he left me one in the freezer. 🙂 With a Hershey’s candy bar, so all was well. I got it (and ate it, the candy bar, that is) when I got home last night.

      Your LOST book club challenge is awesome. I just visited your blog to check it out. You had some great titles there! Yes, you should definitely have a big celebration for it. So cool.

      Have fun in Nashville getting to love on your friends. I’m sure they’ll appreciate every second of it!

  5. Leigh Kramer

    Daring Greatly is such a game-changer! I wish everyone would read it. I’m a huge Brian McLaren fan (actually got to meet him this morning!) so I’m glad you enjoy his work too. I swear this was the best season of SYTYCD ever. EVER. Happy 22nd anniversary!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      What? My friend had been telling me we needed to go to the Nashville area this past weekend to hear Brian McLaren ourselves! But I was just too worn out. I’m glad you were able to meet him. Now that I’ve read two of his books, I definitely want to read even more.

      I still haven’t watched the results show of SYTYCD! Hopefully tonight. Maybe I’m subliminally putting it off because I don’t want this season to end. 🙂

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