5 Reasons to Love Being a Grandparent (+ Pictures)
—Grace & Truth Linkup

My own grandmothers seemed very old when I was a child. Is this how my grandchildren will see me?

I resist the stereotypical “grandmother” image of grandmothers from media in my youth. A scary collage of wrinkles, gray hair piled high in a bun, a housecoat and slippers.

Today’s grandmothers are presented as modern and hip and stylish.

I don’t know that either image fits me.

I am simply me. Granna. I’ve only known her for 2 1/2 years. But I have fallen deeply into the role with great joy.

Below are 5 things I love about being Granna and 5 pictures to show it.

I’m sharing five groups of five things I love this week, one per day.

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5 Reasons to Love Being a Grandparent


In addition to changing diapers and giving baths again, I’m also picking up frogs again and reading picture books and romping in the yard looking for treasures. And loving every second of it. 


I love watching my daughter be a wonderful mother to my grandkids; the cycle of life goes on. And in watching her, I’m also reminded of how tiring it is to be a mother, which makes me glad I’m now the grandmother instead.


It’s also fun watching my son-in-law take care of the girls, take them for 4-wheeler rides, teach them about bucks and does. 


My daughter knows I’ll always answer her calls when she and the kids want to FaceTime; I’ll always be interested in hearing about the latest tooth popping through; I’ll always delight in every photo and video she wants to send me. We’re all vested in seeing these kids grow up strong and healthy and godly.


Our second granddaughter turned one year old last month! It’s been so much fun to journey through the first year of life with another baby, watching her learn to play with toys, to push a stroller, to laugh at her sister. When God gave us grandkids, he blessed us with a gift beyond measure! 

Featured Post—3 Ways to Provide Roots for Your Grandkids

Whether you’re a grandmother or not, you likely have children in your life. Maybe neighbors or students in a Sunday school class or nieces/nephews.

Whatever the relationship, you can be a spiritual influence in the lives of these little ones, showing and telling them that God is love.

Deborah writes about ways to provide our grandchildren with more than just another playmate. I want to be the kind of grandmother she writes about.

Read Deborah’s meaningful post here as our Featured Post, then link your own blog posts below.

Well-watered Grandchildren: 3 Ways to Provide Them with Deep Roots

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Are you a grandparent? Do you have happy memories with your own grandparents? Share your thoughts in the comments.

16 thoughts on “5 Reasons to Love Being a Grandparent (+ Pictures)
—Grace & Truth Linkup

  1. Linda Stoll

    I adore my little ones! One of the worst things about the pandemic is that it has kept us from getting together.

    I haven’t seen the 4 oldest in 5 months. I feel like we’ve missed out on a great big chunk of their lives …

  2. Marielle

    Your love is so evident here! You’ve captured beautiful moments with these pictures too. On the other side it, it’s fun seeing my parents be the grandparents, watch my kids develop special relationships with them, and try to remember/imagine them in my stage. Thanks for sharing this today, and thanks for hosting. Have a great weekend Lisa!

  3. Laurie

    I am a grandmother to 3 wonderful grandsons and I have such good memories of my own grandparents. I am sure your granddaughters see you as a very young, loving grandmother. I never fully understood the special relationship between grangchiildren and grandparents until I became a Mimi! 🙂

  4. Nancy Ruegg

    I always heard how wonderful this role is, but my imagination didn’t do it justice. This chapter of life as a Nana is a huge deligh–for all the reasons you mentioned. I can’t imagine your grandchildren will remember you as old, Lisa. Look at that face, glowing with health, and that cute, hip hair-do!

  5. Theresa Boedeker

    I was agreeing with everything you said. Five great reasons. Nodding my head to each one. I have two.

    My grandmother used to wear polyester pants with creases sewn in. For years, that’s what I associated with being a grandmother. Luckily, they are no longer required!

  6. nylse

    Being a grandparent is amazing. So much perspective and wisdom to share, and I think the grandchildren keep us young. We facetime a lot my granddaughter and I, and she and I did this gesture when she was about 6-7months old; to this day anytime she hears my voice, she does the gesture with a smile. Makes me so happy and I realize once more that these children are smart.

    Anyhow there are tons of reasons why I enjoy being a grandparent.

  7. Beth Steffaniak

    I’m finding myself a bit envious of all the in-person time you have with your granddaughters, Lisa! I want to experience some of these things that you mention with my own grandson (and as of yesterday, new grandson! Yippee!). But they are miles and miles away. Maybe God will bring us closer one day, but for now, I’ll rejoice with you in your wonderful grandmother moments shared here! And I do so love Deborah’s grandmotherly wisdom! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Lisa Jordan

    I’m a grandparent through marriage–my son’s fiance has a daughter who came into our lives when she was 4. She’s smart and funny and beautiful and we love her with our whole hearts. We do not believe in calling her our step-granddaughter even though that’s what she is by law. She’s our granddaughter. And I’m loving every minute of it. Unfortunately, they live three hours away, so we don’t get to see them as much as we’d like. I agree with everything you’ve written, especially watching the way my son has stepped into this role of caring for his family. <3

  9. Ellen

    Being a grandparent is wonderful! I love it for the same reasons and more! We have 21 and are blessed to have them all near us. The thing I love is hearing them yell Grandma and then having them run to me with open arms. And yes, it is adventurous and fun!

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