5 Key Lessons I Learned from a Year of Curiosity

As 2024 comes to a close, I’m reflecting on a year shaped by my One Word of the Year: Curiosity.

Through small acts, deep questions, and unexpected discoveries, I’ve learned that curiosity is not just about seeking answers—it’s about fostering compassion, presence, and connection.

I appreciate how Curiosity guided my path this year, weaving itself into relationships and personal growth. Here are five key takeaways from my journey:

1. Curiosity fosters compassion

Compassion and curiosity are more intertwined than I realized; one invites the other. Revisiting compassion after a decade (Compassion was my One Word in 2014) reminded me that staying curious about others’ perspectives is a valuable tool to deepen empathy.

From the unexpected kindness in From Band-Aids to Water Bottles to bridging divides in 4 Ways to Love Your Politically Opposite Neighbor,” curiosity showed me that understanding and compassion often begin with asking questions—even when it’s uncomfortable.

2. Curiosity finds freedom beyond either/or thinking

Often it’s easiest to see only binary choices—this or that, black or white, in or out. But curiosity uncovers alternatives. In Beyond the Either/Or: Finding Freedom a Third Way,” I explored that asking “What else is possible?” can reveal previously unknown options.

Similarly, reflecting on “Can You Find a New Way to See an Old Problem?” I found that sometimes an old problem can be solved if we’ll just look at it from a fresh perspective.

3. Curiosity strengthens relationships

I found this to be a foundational truth: Practicing curiosity in relationships helps create stronger connections.

4 Curious Practices to Deepen Your Relationships” showed me how simple it can be to use curiosity to show interest in others, while “Practicing the Art of Curiosity and Conversations” reminded me that even difficult discussions can yield growth.

Each interaction we have with fellow human beings holds an opportunity to learn something new about someone else—and yourself.

4. Curiosity enhances presence

Being curious about where I am and how I feel brought deeper appreciation to everyday moments (harkening back to yet another One Word—Now—from 2015).]

Whether pondering “How Present Are You in Your Happy Place?” or navigating a “Curiosity Walk” that didn’t go as planned, I learned that presence is about noticing—noticing my thoughts, surroundings, and emotions.

5. Curiosity sparks wonder and resilience

Curiosity can sometimes turn obstacles into opportunities for wonder and growth. From imagining how Benjamin Franklin might marvel at today’s world to rethinking time in “How Much of Your Now Are You Using for Later?” curiosity reminded me that the human spirit thrives on exploring the unknown while embracing the present.

This year, curiosity didn’t just enrich my life—it reconstructed it. The questions it prompted and actions it invited opened one door after another to new insights, deeper relationships, and unexpected joys.

As I prepare for 2025, I hope to carry forward the lessons curiosity has given me: to stay open, stay present, and never stop exploring.

5 Key Lessons I Learned from a Year of Curiosity

What have you been curious about this year? Let’s talk about it. Did you have One Word in 2024? Share in the comments.

If you want companionship with your One Word for 2025, click here to learn more about our One Word community. Our next monthly linkup will open here on Monday, December 23, and remain open for 2 weeks.

Then join our community here for free.

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14 thoughts on “5 Key Lessons I Learned from a Year of Curiosity

  1. Martha Orlando

    Your word, curiosity, has certainly opened more doors for you than I think you ever expected, Lisa, and that’s such a wonderful benefit. I have not chosen any word for 2025, but I’m sure it will come along when the time is right. Thanks for taking all of us on your curious journey in 2024. Blessings!

  2. Lynn D. Morrissey

    Powerful, Lisa! I wish I could write more, but very sleepy and the troops are baking cookies and I need to go. But I love all you said, and how each ear, you allow and cooperate w/ your word to transform your life for the better and in turn for others too!

    I am so CURIOUS about your word for 2025!

    Much Love, Lynn

  3. Linda Stoll

    Lisa, I am in awe that you continue with One Word, nurturing it, finding meaning and hope and growth in it. What an example of wisdom and perseverance you are.

    I haven’t done a One Word in years but it occured to me recently that the word PIVOT made an appearance toward the end of this year and stuck with me and dragged me out of my planning comfort zone. Not sure what I’ll do with this except appreciate the freedom it’s giving me.

    Advent peace and rest to you, friend …

  4. Trudy

    I’m always amazed at how deeply you search into and glean wisdom from your One Word, Lisa. It’s inspiring. Thank you for all the insight you have shared. I’m looking forward to what word you have in mind for 2025. ???? Love and blessings for Christmas wonders and always!

  5. Jean Wise

    love love love this summary. This word really fed and stretched your soul this year. Thank you for taking us on such a journey this year with your word and inspiring us to continue to dig deep with our words too. Onto a new year with more lessons!

  6. Tea With Jennifer

    I love how the word Curious brought Compassion, Freedom, Strengthening Relationships, Presence, Resilience & wonder into the spotlight Lisa! Who would have thought that being curious would have fostered such an impact!

    As you know ‘Change’ has been my WOTY this year & the greatest Change has been within with all of the changes that this year has brought, which in itself has nurtured a new found freedom.

    May you have a very blessed Christmas with your family this year. I’m looking forward to sharing our 2025 WOTY in the New Year!
    Blessings, Jennifer

  7. Barb Hegreberg

    I loved looking back at your journey from compassion to curiosity and how God continues to build upon the lessons from year to year.

    Thank you for sharing your journey and hosting the One Word community each year.

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