2 year Bible reading plan
UPDATE: Find the updated plan here for easy download.
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If you resolve to read through the Bible every year, but never make it, consider this option instead.
Instead of speed-reading to check the box every day, then feeling guilty when you fall behind, what if you took TWO years to read it all and actually finish, instead of committing to ONE year and failing?
This plan alternates between two weeks in the Old Testament (weekday reading only) with one week in the New Testament, not necessarily in chronological order, but often in parallel order (read about Jesus’ birth in Matthew 1-2, then the next day in Luke 1-2).
The Bible isn’t a book to be rushed.
Read it all to get the whole story.
But go slow enough to get the whole message.
(not dated, so start anytime)
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What tips would you recommend for reading through the Bible?
- My reading list December ’13
- What God was teaching me in 2013
I’m actually into Matthew of this read through the Bible, but I confess I’ve been working on this one longer that any of the other ones. I started getting up a little earlier to read in the mornings. It’s a blessing to read through God’s word. We’ll never get all of it and He reveals to us something knew every time.
So we’ll just say you have a headstart, Floyd. 🙂 It took me 3 years the last time I read through, even with the 2 year plan. But that’s okay because yes, it is always a blessing to read through the Word, no matter how long it takes us. We never can predict what surprises he’ll have in store for us!
I use the Tyndale One-Year Bible. It take about 15 minutes a day, and it has a portion from the OT and NT for each day, plus a Psalm and a couple of verses from Proverbs. The variety/mix in the reading helps me. It’s free online now, so I choose a different translation every year. The 1st time I did it, I used the New Living Translation (which made it easier). One thing that I use along with the Bible reading that helps me is that I have a little Devotional Pocket Commentary by Thomas Nelson that Warren Wiersbe authored. It helps me get through the tougher OT portions.
Thanks for passing along such good info, Lyli. I may look into the Warren Wiersbe commentary myself. I have a cheat sheet I made to keep with me when I’m reading through sections on the kings/prophets in the OT to help keep them straight.
“The Bible isn’t a book to be rushed.” My teacher used to say “the Bible isn’t a book: it’s a library.” In Jan I plan to read Psalms.
If you rush through the whole thing in one go, doesn’t that spoil the chance to reflect on each book? (I mean the OT)
I agree with you; I do feel like I miss too much when I rush through without taking time to reflect. I’d rather take longer to read through and get something out of it.
That’s great you’ll be reading through the Psalms. I’ve found the Psalms draws me into the heart of God more directly than some of the other books.
Thanks! I am glad with this readingplan!
You’re welcome. This plan has worked for me over and over through the years.
Lisa … love anything that pulls us to Christ that isn’t guilt laden or rushed or pressured!
I’ve been reading through the Bible chronologically, in The Message, for a few years now. Some weeks I get bogged down, some times I move ahead, sometimes I just sit with what God is trying to tell me. Don’t you love that He sees our hearts and knows what’s behind our intent to read His Word?
I so appreciate our ongoing dialogue, my dear friend. You’re one of those iron-sharpening-iron women, and I am so thankful you’re in my life!
I feel the same about you, Linda. I’m blessed to have sisters/brothers in person and online who are passionate about the Lord and help me desire him more myself. And who do so with such grace!
I haven’t decided yet which version to use this year. I try to choose a different one each time to help me pay better attention. The Message is still one of my favorites. Last year I used The Voice (for NT anyway), which was very unique.
I know when i was teaching adult Sunday school i would teach from the four standard works of the church, Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon and Doctrine & Covenants (church history). I have set myself a goal to read or listen to 1 chp of the Bible every day. So far it’s 37 consecutive days and i am learning things i thought i already knew.
I admire you for listening to a chapter of the Bible each day, Beverley. I’ve never done that consistently. I’ve heard there are some great audio versions out there though; I need to give it a try sometimes.
I like this. I gave up on the one-year plan years ago because I felt rushed and pressured, but I do like reading the Bible through. I usually just read a couple of chapters a day but I like the idea of reading some from the NT as well as the Old (particularly when I am in books like Leviticus, like I am right now! 🙂 )
Ugh, Leviticus is not one of my faves, just saying. ha. But there are good things even in Leviticus and I do love how the whole thing fits together. I’ll look forward to the things you’ll be learning through your reading this year.
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I do not understand this layout + the fact that it doesn’t carry 2 full years. Why would Revelation 4-22 be read then 3 mo. later read chapters 1-3? I want a 2 yr plan after doing 1 year plans for several years. The plan I currently use is 7 days a week (Michael Coley), but in the course of the week, you read from a portion of the law, the epistles, history, psalms, poetry, prophecy & the gospels. This would be confusing to the new believer, but has worked for me. I just wanted a looser schedule to delve more deeply into the reading. Am I missing something?
I’ve not understood why Revelation is separated that much either. (I didn’t create the plan; just adopted it for my own use). It’s just one option. Hope you find something that works for you!
2 Year Bible Reading plans are awesome! A couple years ago, I had a vision to create different kind of 2 year reading plan. One where people felt more like they were doing a Bible Study than actually reading through the Bible. Its now called the 2 Year Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Reading Plan. The long name says it all. It tries to daily cross-reference the NT and OT while placing the OT in chronological order. We created study journals with questions, an app, booklets, etc to try to make it available to everyone. It’s free, so check it out at http://BibleStudyTogether.com