Your advice + The Guest House


When I whined on Monday about my pain and lack of self-compassion, you all gave such wonderful advice in the comments. Thank you.

Your words are worth repeating.

I release them back into the world for others. Read and use them when you need extra grace yourself.

Here are a few of your wisdom treasures. . . .

“God won’t leave you bedraggled at the door.”

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“‘Oh yes, let her in. I did.’ – Jesus”

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“Be gentle with yourself.”

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“Me, too.”

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“Give yourself grace to rest.”

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“Receive His love in new ways.”

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“Don’t judge yourself quickly.”

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“Your value to the Lord and His Kingdom has never been measured by what you do, how you look, or how you handle what life hands you.”

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“You are no less precious or valuable in the midst of your pain and recovery.”

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“Give yourself time to heal, which is more than the physical.

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In a conversation on Tuesday with my niece Danielle, she mentioned “The Guest House,” a poem by Rumi, not knowing how perfect it was for my One Word “Welcome.” It is insightful and lovely. May it bless you like it blesses me.

The Guest House

translation by Coleman Barks

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

— Jellaludin Rumi

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How welcoming are you to you? Please share in the comments.


14 thoughts on “Your advice + The Guest House

  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Well, a Rumi with a unique view. There ya go.

    Good thought, seriously…and it reminds me of a Vietnamese proverb about marriage, that one should always treat one’s spouse as an honoured guest in one’s home (and in traditional Vietnamese society, this is a BIG thing).

    Might be wise to apply it to oneself as well, eh? I know, in writing this comment, that I should.

    We love you, Lisa.

    I love you. My life would be infinitely poorer without our having met, here on the shores of this digital sea.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’m touched by your words, Andrew. It’s been a blessing to me to hear your words so often, to get your perspective, to know that you’re out there still listening and responding and making a difference in our world.

      Since we’re speaking of Vietnamese society…I’ve been reading Thich Nhat Hanh’s book “How to Love” and ran across that exact thing you’re speaking of! (I love how God works in repetition.) He says, “Reverence is the nature of our love.” Our partners always deserve our full respect just as we would accord a guest, regardless of how long they’ve been in our home.

      And yes, we do need to apply that to ourselves as well. I know you’ve had a tough week. Praying you can find some relief today.

  2. June

    Blog friends are the best, aren’t they? I know I’m thankful for YOU. You’re willingness to learn, question and share. I appreciate what you bring to the table, so much. Your posts, no matter what, always bless me. This post is a perfect example. You, releasing the blessings you’ve received, back to us. I love your heart, Lisa.

    Truthfully, I’m not very welcoming to me. But I sense God working in that area of my life this year. Some recent health issues are forcing me to take a hard look at self-care. But I know your question goes beyond the physical. Working on that, too!

    I hope you are healing well. Praying for that 🙂

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Your encouraging words are very appreciated, June. Truly. You have a way of staying positive no matter what. Even in the midst of your own pain. I’m sorry that you’re having health issues and I pray that you’ll be able to find relief soon. Self-care is often difficult when it’s not what we’re accustomed to doing but even old dogs can learn new tricks. 🙂 I have definitely felt more relief myself the past few days; praising God for progress! Thanks for your prayers, friend.

  3. Debbie Putman

    What a beautiful and insightful poem. Thank you for sharing. And for sharing the wisdom treasures of giving grace to yourself. Too often, I am my worst critic, and that leads to the opposite of the joy I want to have and display. A very encouraging and uplifting post today. Joining you from 3-D Lessons for Life.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      My niece is reading through a devotional of Rumi poems; I think I would probably enjoy that as well. I had started a couple of other daily devotionals this year, but neither one was insightful or interesting so I set them aside. (I was proud of myself for not feeling I had to finish them just because I had started them! ha).

      Recovery from the surgery is going well, but the original pain still comes and go at will. Trying to be patient with God and with myself on the healing process. 🙂 Thanks for your prayers, Jean!

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