Welcome, Hope – 3 Ways to Have More Hope


We all have times we need to welcome hope, such as,

  • When the pain doesn’t go away
  • When the relationship is not improving
  • When the doubts still linger

We want to be hopeful. We want to be resilient.

In my 2016 year of “Welcome,” I’m using Brené Brown’s book, The Gifts of Imperfection, as a guideline of what to welcome each month. For March, I’m reading her Guidepost #3, “Cultivating a Resilient Spirit.”

Brené says the five most common factors of resilient people are:

  1. They are resourceful
  2. They are likely to seek help
  3. They believe they can cope
  4. They have social support
  5. They are connected with others

Does that sound like you? Here’s the good news. Even if you don’t think resiliency or hopefulness is one of your natural traits, there are things you can do to be more hopeful.

Because, as Brené says, “Hope is not an emotion; it’s a way of thinking.”

We improve our hope factor when:

  1. We learn how to set realistic goals
  2. We remain flexible in how we reach those goals
  3. We believe in ourselves

If hopefulness is a learned behavior (and isn’t that fact alone hope-filled?) we can consciously choose hope, despite doubts and fears that may arise in and around us.

As believers in Christ, we have a built-in advantage for hope. That doesn’t mean that it comes automatically (haven’t we all experienced times of hopelessness?).

But through faith in the constant presence of Love that lives in us and through us, we have far more reasons to maintain hope, not only for later in the afterlife, but also for now in this life.

With Jesus in us, hope shines as a light from within.

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross says,

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.”

May the Light shine brightly through you this week.

Welcome, hope!

* * *

Does hope come naturally to you? How do you maintain hope when it would be easy to give up? Please share your thoughts on hope in the comments.

22 thoughts on “Welcome, Hope – 3 Ways to Have More Hope

  1. Susan Nowell @ My Place to Yours

    Oh, how I’ve long loved that quote from Elisabeth Kübler-Ross! I’m so glad you included it here. I’m naturally a pretty hopeful person. I suppose it’s because, honestly, when you take away hope, you’ve got nothing but despair—and who wants that? If there’s even a glimmer of hope, there’s possibility and potential for change. I think of hope often in light of the children we serve in Brazil through Hope Unlimited for Children. Our kids have lived lives of unspeakable pain; abuse, exploitation, neglect. They’ve been trafficked, prostituted, forced to live on the streets. When they come to us, they are hopeless… But then they’re introduced to love and family and stability. They’re introduced to Hope, and we are blessed to watch in amazement as a once-hopeless child is transformed into a young adult with a bright future—and eventually to a young parent who broke the cycle and whose children live with hope-filled futures. Any time I’m tempted to feel like something is hopeless, I reflect on those miracles of transformation. The same God who breathes life and hope into broken children can breathe hope and encouragement into any situation I face. For that reason, I truly live in Hope!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Wow—these stories are REASONS to never give up hope. Thanks for sharing, Susan! You are such a wealth of resources on miracles that God has performed in the lives of these kids in Brazil (and elsewhere) and they are valuable for us all to hear. May none of us give up hope because if God can bring transformation even in those hard, hard situations, he can do the same for us.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      That’s a beautiful example, Andrew, of a daily way to renew our hope. The sun always, always will shine again, even when we don’t see it. Thanks for sharing. Praying for your pain relief.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      “counting hopes” – that’s beautiful, Mari-Anna. I’ve heard of counting blessings at the end of the day, but yes, let’s also count hopes. If we did that consistently, we would eliminate many of our worries that we carry over from day to day.

  2. Barbie

    I’m chewing on that quote you share. Some days I feel like my sun, my hope, is about gone. I’m clinging to truth, but it’s not easy. He is the God of hope. For me, it’s a matter of trust and believing His promises are for me, not just the next person. Thanks for sharing at Weekend Whispers Lisa!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Hope doesn’t always come naturally to me either, Barbie. It’s something I have to work on. But sometimes those greatest truths (I’m including “hope” as one!), are the ones most worth striving toward. Praying for both of us to believe more in God’s promises for ourselves as well as others.

  3. Pam

    This sounds like a very worthwhile book to pick up. As I looked at the list of factors of resilient people, I felt so grateful I can say they exist now for me. That was not always the case. I felt so alone back then and had doubts about everyone (including God and myself). Thankfully, He pursued me fiercely back then even though I did not recognize it for some time.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      That’s awesome that you have those qualities of resiliency, Pam. After seeing this list from Brene’s book, I’ve tried to more consciously be aware of them and I want to develop them more in my own life. I appreciate you sharing that you’ve seen progress in your journey; that encourages the rest of us too!

  4. June

    Love that quote by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Lisa! Saving to my quotes collection 🙂 Great post. I’m not really good with your first list, but I’ve come a long way with your second list of bullet points. I’ve come through some dark days, and learned that God is good – all the time. When you trust Him, really trust Him, it’s difficult to despair. Yet, we’re human, and we all have days when we do. I can’t imagine going through this life with out Him.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I loved that quote too, June. Learning that God is good all the time is not necessarily an easy journey so I’m with you that it is often through those dark days that we learn the most about that. I can’t imagine life without God either; I’m glad we don’t have to. Thanks for your encouragement, June!

  5. floyd

    Great post and an awesome quote by Ross.

    I like that hope translated from it’s original use in the NT from Greek means “confidence” (simplified version), which is exactly what we have; a humble confidence not in what we can do, but what our Father can do in and through us as He provides that perseverance.

    The lost world uses “hope” similar to how they use “wish” or “wishing”, we don’t wish, we know. But this is a fallen world and we all need to be reminded of who we are in Christ. Thanks for this one today. Timely for me to refocus on this truth. Thanks, sister.

  6. Jean Wise

    Yes, welcome Hope! Perfect word for spring time too. And I like the reminder to set REALISTIC goals and being flexible. Two key ingredients in finding and holding onto hope. Great review of an important emotions in life.

  7. Beverley

    I think other people see me as resilient, personally I don’t think I have a choice but to continue, whereas I would really like to go hide in the cupboard with a blanket, a cat and a bar of chocolate! ?

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Minus the cat, I might come hide in the cupboard with you on some days, Beverley. 🙂 (I’m allergic to cats.) I also see you as resilient because you keep on keeping on, even when you have such pain and difficulties. You maintain your faith in what God can do, even when you can’t do on your own. That is resiliency to me.

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