Upcoming 31 days series: Tools to memorize a Bible chapter


Do you want the right words to tell yourself, or share with others, right when you need them, day or night?

Take 31 days and memorize a section of scripture to keep in your head and your heart at all times.

Memorizing Bible verses isn’t just for kids. We adults need it, too. Not just for the words themselves. But for the God underneath the words.

Beginning Thursday, October 1 – October 31, I’ll share memorization tools and one small step a day of how to memorize a chapter of the Bible.

If you’re interested, invest a few moments each day for 31 days, and come away with a message of truth embedded in your heart for years ahead.

It’s easier than you think. You’ll benefit more than you imagine.

2 ways to get it:

1. To receive the daily email in your inbox, subscribe here.
2. Or bookmark this landing page, then return for daily links as they’re added.

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For more 31 Days series, go here on Thursday and find MANY great blogs and topics to follow for the month of October. I learn new and amazing things every year.

Are you writing a 31 Days series, too? Please tell us about it here.


6 thoughts on “Upcoming 31 days series: Tools to memorize a Bible chapter

  1. Linda Stoll

    I like that you’re going to be taking us step by step through this, Lisa. For while I memorized lots when I was a girl, and those passages still stay close within me, this all seems a bit daunting in this season!

    I’m doing a 31 Days series on morning invitations – for our souls, bodies, homes, and {no surprise!} our screens. It’s been fun to plan … and will be even more fun to live it out!

    Let the party begin!


    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I’ll look forward to your series, Linda! Sounds so interesting. I do love the Write31 days because there are so many incredible topics out there to learn about, including yours.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      The names of God used to be a topic I really studied so I’ll look forward to your series, June. I started a notebook a few years back on the attributes of God (even did a few blog posts about it on my older blog) so I’ll look forward to that part of your series too!

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      Hi Jennifer,
      We’re going to dig into Isaiah 12. It’s a chapter I’ve already begun memorizing with the Do Not Depart group, so it seemed like a perfect fit to use it for the sample chapter for these 31 days. Plus, it’s only 6 verses. 🙂 Hope you and your family are doing well! God has been so good to us here.

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