Two Women Died on September 8
—Grace & Truth Linkup
Where Were You September 8?
Where were you when you heard the news?
Many will remember September 8. It’s the day she died.
She was loved by her family. She was well-known among her friends. She was a giver and a doer and an amazing woman.
I’m not talking about the Queen of England. Yes, she was those things.
But on September 8, 2010, it was my mother who died.
Light Growing Dim
My mom had been living with Alzheimer’s for a few years prior to September 8, 2010. Her quality of life had remained high, though, despite her disease.
But when my father died of cancer in their bedroom on Valentine’s Day also of 2010, my mother’s light grew dimmer.
Off and on for the next several months, she lost her desire to live. Whether she remembered clearly or not that her dear husband was gone, she intuitively knew somebody was missing.
And it drained her.
Her memory began to drain away even quicker. Her energy also drained. And eventually even her appetite to eat or drink ran dry.
Her Final Breath
On September 7, the night before she died, my siblings and I had been taking turns staying with her in her room at her assisted living facility. She was restless, occasionally even getting out of bed to walk in circles around the room.
Did she know she was in her final 24 hours?
When dawn arose, my brother, my sisters, and I all gathered around her in her bed, awaiting the end together.
When Mama’s final breath also drained away, no more air ever to inhale again, we were left holding the pain of her loss.
And the beauty of her memory.
On September 8, 2022, the Queen of England also breathed her last. She will be talked about all over the world for many days, months, and years to come. Her deeds will be noted and praised on every news outlet. Stories will be written and numerous memorials will be held.
It wasn’t that way when my mama died.
The Big Thing
My mother had many friends, too, don’t misunderstand. She was well-known for her good deeds and her gracious hospitality in our small community. And when she died, may people were sad. Many people still are.
But my mother’s name didn’t make every newscast (or any). Photos of her weren’t displayed by millions around the world. She only had one service to memorialize her godly life.
Yet my mama was no less important, no less valuable than the Queen. At least to me. To those who did knew her and loved her.
Some people are important and known to many. Others are just as important even though known only to a few.
The quantity of fame doesn’t determine a life. Quality does.
And my mom lived a quality life. She may not have done “big” things according to world events.
But she was my big thing.
She was no less important to me than the Queen of England (God rest her soul). Because Mama was MY mother. You only get one of those.
And she was mine. That’s big.
I wouldn’t have traded her for any other woman in the world.
Not even for the Queen of England.
* * *
Every life is equally important. Share your thoughts in the comments.
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Grace & Truth Featured Post
If you find yourself becoming anxious over a situation, a relationship, or a circumstance, Donna suggests that curiosity is one tool you can use to your advantage.
“Setting aside judgement of yourself and others, frees you to gently explore and accept the truth, rather than fueling more anxiety through self-condemnation, catastrophizing, and false narratives.”
She writes that curiosity can help us open our minds to God’s perspective, too. Give it a try.
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What a sweet tribute to your mother. And I am grateful for the confluence of dates that gave rise to it.
Yes! God made us all special, for His purpose (and we are to turn to Him for guidance), planting us exactly where he wants us. So true that your mother’s life was no less important than the Queen Elizabeth’s (and I think Queen Elizabeth may have agreed). 🙂
Lisa, thank you for sharing the beautiful story of your mother. Often when so much fanfare surrounds the deaths of the famous, we lose sight that “precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.”
Precious, beloved, an exceeding great treasure; your mother was God’s big thing too.
Rejoicing in her memory with you, dear friend.
What a tender memory you shared with us, Lisa. Thank you. You made those moments with your mother come alive as you wrote them. How you blessed her, but also us in sharing them.
Lisa, I’m so sorry about your mama. This post is so sweet and so powerful! Your love for her shines through! Love how you said the quality of fame doesn’t determine a life, quality does! So true. Praying for you and your family!
“Yet my mama was no less important, no less valuable than the Queen.” Oh yes, Lisa! All are precious in God’s sight. Thank you for this beautiful tribute to your Mama. Love and blessings to you, my friend!
We matter most to God and your mom’s passing meant as much to him as did the Queen’s. I am so very sorry for your great loss.
Lisa, a beautiful tribute to your mother and to all those who leave a lasting impact on our lives.
Yes, your mother is just as important, just as valuable, as Her Madge or anybody else. Your mother’s biography will contain — for those with the sensitivity to write it or to read it — just as much treasure. No buts or even thoughs necessary 🙂 and your love is a burning flame and example to us all.
We all matter to God and your mum’s passing meant as much to Him as does the Queen’s.
I lost my mother earlier this year on my birthday…
We all grieve & miss those who have gone before us but we have the hope of seeing them again one day when they have loved Jesus ☺️
blessings, Jennifer
Thankfully most of us will never know the fanfare (or responsibilities) reserved for the Queen, but we will be royally “rich” indeed if we have even one person who remembers our life with the fondness and love felt in the glimpse you shared of your mother.
lisa, thank you for sharing a bit of your mom’s story with us. those last days and hours are often unspeakable for a number of reasons. knowing her daughter, i’m confident she was an incredible woman.
i’m guessing she’d be pleased at the impact you have on women around the globe. what a legacy.
We are all precious in His sight. Thanks for sharing the story of your special one.
Every life matters to God. no matter if we are only known and loved by a few or if our funeral is broadcast worldwide.
Your mom, sounds like a lovely lady.
I remember the day of my mom’s passing every year, too. I’m thankful for much about Queen Elizabeth, especially her stability and faith. But our own moms meant so much more to us and had a much bigger impact on our lives. I’m glad God can use us all in whatever capacity He has placed us. Your mom sounds like such a lovely lady.
Lisa, this is a beautiful tribute to your mom. Alzheimer’s is a terrible thief to so many of us. I am so sorry it came into your life.
Lisa, what a lovely tribute to your mom. My heart is truly touched. My mom was my best friend especially once I became an adult. she modeled Jesus for me. I love this >”But she was my big thing.” our moms truly are a big thing to us. I feel blessed to hear this tenderhearted story.
visiting today from G&T
This is a lovely tribute to your mother, Lisa. Yes, she mattered every bit as much as the Queen. Every life is valuable to those who are close to them and everyone influences and impacts others even if not in public ways.
Thank you for sharing your mother’s final days with us. She was as valuable as the Queen, precious in God’s sight. Despite the missing pomp and circumstance an this side, her welcome party in heaven was fantastic. and when we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be.
My mother died just a year ago. I can’t believe it has been a year. You made me think a great deal about her today. It’s obvious your mom was well-loved as was mine.
Thank you for sharing about your mother. She does indeed deserve to have it known what her life meant to others.
My sister died this past Thursday, a few hours before the Queen, and I must say that, as much as I loved and adored the Queen, it made me kind of mad that she was getting all the news and outpouring of grief but my sister was not. And then one of my dear friends said that the Queen called it quits BECAUSE she couldn’t live in a world without my sister and that made me feel a little better.
Oh Lisa … this touched my heart more than I can say. ❤️
I’m sorry to read about the loss of your mother. But, you’ve written a wonderful tribute to her life and legacy. Thank you for hosting the link-up, too.
September 10 made five years since I lost my Mum, Lisa. We never had the easiest of relationships, but nothing can replace the love of a mother. My Dad passed within 7 months of her. I guess that’s the way it is in long marriages.
May they all rest in peace.
so sorry for your loss. I always get a bit uncomfortable when such a big deal is made of a celebrity or other famous person’s death. For precisely this reason #anythinggoes
What a wonderful tribute to your mother! I am so sorry for your loss. I kind of like to think that maybe now that she and the Queen know each other, passing on the same day as they did. What a blessing to them both to be with their husbands again. I’m sure that the rejoicing of reunited loved ones in heaven has been the same for each of them. Thank you for sharing such heartfelt thoughts with us.