So, What DO You Know?—Grace & Truth Link-Up
Uncomfortable with Uncertainty
We haven’t canceled yet.
Our reservation is still on for June. But building sandcastles on Panama City Beach and playing in the Gulf waters with our kids and grandkids seems very iffy.
I realize, even in the best of times, we can’t accurately predict next month. People get sick. Work crunches happen. Unexpected scenarios pop up.
We learn to live with a little uncertainty.
But the uncertainty of these times? It’s maxed out. We can’t even predict when we’ll see pork chops at the grocery store again, not to mention who might catch the coronavirus and be quarantined, or worse, for two weeks.
I don’t like it. Uncertainty makes me anxious.
“Intolerance of uncertainty is the most important element in worry.” Yes, Robert Leahy, I agree.
So to calm my worries, I’m reminding myself more and more these days:
I don’t know, but God does.
I don’t know, but God does.
I don’t know, but God does.
I can’t demand certainty from anything in this life. God—as love and as goodness—is the only unchangeable thing I know.
Everything else? It’s subject to change, and mostly out of my control.
Whether we make footprints on the hot sand next month beside baby and toddler feet, or whether Jeff and I just take another lap around the neighborhood, alone, on a sticky Alabama evening, is unpredictable.
I just don’t know that. But God does.
That’s what I do know.
Our Featured Post
Our featured post this month is by Karen Del Tatto.
How to Trust God in Times of Uncertainty
Karen gives us great advice, looking at what the Bible says about the future and showing us how to have faith in uncertain times.
“We may live in uncertain times, but for those who are in Christ Jesus, our future is certain and secure. If we can trust God with our eternal future, we can certainly trust Him with our lives here on earth.”
Thanks for sharing, Karen! Here’s a button for your blog.
1. Share 1 or 2 of your most recent CHRISTIAN LIVING posts. (No DIY, crafts, recipes, or inappropriate articles.) All links are randomly sorted.
2. Comment on 1 or 2 other links. Grace & Truth linkup encourages community.
3. Every host features one entry from the previous week. To be featured, include this button or link back here on your post (mandatory to be featured, but not to participate).
We encourage you to follow our hosts on their blogs or social media.
MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
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LISA BURGESS – Lisa notes
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Now Let’s Link Up!
What plans have you had to cancel? What plans are you still holding loosely for the future? Please share your thoughts in the comments.
- 5 Links, Books, and Things I Love—May 2020
- What If You Hadn’t . . . Upstream and Downstream
Hi Lisa, Thank you very much for the feature! I appreciate it so much!
“God—as love and as goodness—is the only unchangeable thing I know.” Thank you for pointing out this comforting truth, Lisa! We certainly need it! I’m so sorry about the uncertainty of the vacation, my friend. Our daughter and her husband had a Florida vacation planned, too, with their two youngest, but she had to cancel it. Our son-in-law works for the Air Guard and he is forbidden to travel more than 50 miles until the end of June. And that date may extend. 🙁 Love and blessings of clinging to our unchangeable God!
I didn’t realize you lived in Alabama! My best friend lives in Montgomery. If you’re close we may have to meet in person next time I go!
I’m not comfortable with uncertainty, either. Thank you for sharing Karen’s post. Even though we know, on one level, that God has everything under control, we need to be reminded of it in everyday circumstances. He’s not just in control out there, but right here.
Yes, it does seem that instead of becoming less uncertain, every day there are new uncertainties thrown into the mix! I am so thankful for God’s Word to us, reminding us how trustworthy and faithful He is. Thank you for the encouragement you bring here, Lisa. And thanks for pointing us to Karen’s post on these great thoughts too.
Uncertainty makes me anxious too, Lisa. We are supposed to fly out to Oregon next month to visit our son out there. We haven’t canceled yet either. Who knows what next month will bring? God does. Thanks for the reminder!
I’ve been thinking similar Lisa, only God knows the future & we can only be assured in Him for future events for everything else constantly changes in this life!
Bless you,