Share Four Somethings—May 2022
—Grace & Truth Linkup

We’re all in grief. And anger over the latest mass shooting.

We were already in mourning from May 14 when a white supremacist took away 10 Black lives at a Tops Friendly Markets store in Buffalo, NY.

Then on May 24 an 18-year-old killed at least 21 people and wounded around 16 more at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.

I pray that God will lead me to TAKE ACTION in some positive way to help stop these massacres.

Ask yourself: what can I do to help prevent another mass shooting?

Then do it.

One suggestion is to call your two senators and ask for a “yes” vote (if you’re so inclined) on the two background check bills H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446. These two bills have passed the House but have yet to come up for a vote in the Senate (as of this writing). They would expand background checks (as most Americans consistently say they prefer) on who is able to purchase or transfer guns. Read more about the bills here

Now for today’s post and linkup.

Near the end of each month I share four somethings with others at Heather’s.

And here’s my latest One Second Everyday monthly video . . . 

[click here if you can’t see the video]

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Something Loved


While I’m reading the full-text book of The Happiness Trap, I’m also following along in a pictorial version, The Illustrated Happiness Trap. It’s an easy-to-follow, cartoon-like summary of the original book.

Illustrated Happiness Trap

After hearing each chapter in words in the big book, it’s been helpful (and fun) to see the material in pictures. I would love for even more books to offer this option.

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Something Gleaned 


Jeff and I went to Atlanta on May 12 to hear Eckhart Tolle speak.

Well, to hear Eckhart on Thursday night was *my* primary reason for the Atlanta weekend. Jeff’s main goal was to see the the Atlanta Braves play baseball on Friday night. Both events were very entertaining.

Atlanta Braves baseball game

One thing (among many) that I gleaned from Eckhart’s talk is that the world has a lot of residue of fear/anxiety and/or anger from the past two years with the pandemic. Our first step in overcoming this residue? Acknowledge it.

I do realize that living through a pandemic has changed me in certain ways. Has it changed you, too?

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Something Braved


I signed up for a paid 30-day challenge with Barbra Drizin from June 1-June 30 on “The Choice Is Yours.”

The Choice Is Your Challenge

Barbara will take us through daily lessons, exercises, and activities along with a private Facebook group and occasional Zoom gatherings about brain training, neurolinguistic programming, somatics, and more.

Barbra is a great teacher who puts a lot of work into effectively sharing what she’s learned into visual and bite-sized pieces. Her work pushes me, which also prompts growth. I’m looking forward to what I’ll learn (and be provoked by) through this challenge.

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Something Achieved


I’ve been struggling to re-memorize all 39 verses of Romans 8 (it’s been 10 years since the first time) with a group alongside Janet Pope.

So I decided to supplement it with a simple 8-verse challenge in Romans 8 for 8 weeks with our Hide His Word fellow memorizers.

I’ve already printed out the 8 verses, 3×5 cards, journal pages, etc., so beginning on June 5 I’ll be ready to dig in.

Sometimes just making the commitment is an achievement in itself, so I’m counting these first steps as a win.

If you’re interested in memorizing 8 beautiful truths together about God’s love for us, it’s not too late to join us. . 

Grace & Truth Featured Post

We all have a river of thoughts that runs through our heads 24/7. Amy Jung offers wisdom in this week’s featured post on how to tame that river, guiding our thoughts into more productive and godly streams.

Read all of Amy’s post here at her blog, then link up your own blog posts below..

How Am I Regularly Caring For My River of Thoughts?

What was a highlight of your May? Share your thoughts in the comments.

I’m linking at these blog parties

1. Share 1 or 2 of your most recent CHRISTIAN LIVING posts. (No DIY, crafts, recipes, or inappropriate articles.) All links are randomly sorted.

2. Comment on 1 or 2 other links. Grace & Truth linkup encourages community.   

3. Every host features one entry from the previous week. To be featured, include this button or link back here on your post (mandatory to be featured, but not to participate).

Grace and Truth_Meet Hosts

We encourage you to follow our hosts on their blogs or social media.

MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest

Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest

LISA BURGESS – Lisa notes
Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest

TAMMY KENNINGTON – Restoring hope. Pursuing peace.
Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest

Now Let’s Link Up!

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15 thoughts on “Share Four Somethings—May 2022
—Grace & Truth Linkup

  1. Linda Stoll

    I appreciate that acknowledgement that covid has left its mark, Lisa. So vital that we understand how we’ve been impacted … our family life, church life, brain health, routines, habits, hopes.

    Those stats on brain health are deeply unsettling and worth our attention. Pretending our anxiety and depression aren’t real only leads to deeper problems.

    I’m most concerned about our childen and their children, worldwide.

    You got me on my soapbox, friend. But I know you hear my heart …

  2. Jennifer

    Thank you for the information, links, and encouragement to respond with regards to the bills…and contacting our congressmen. So often, the question of “what can I do” seems without answers. I can certainly make phone calls! And, I am so intrigued by 30 days of brain training! Will be interesting to hear what you think –

  3. Donna

    Lisa, love visiting here today. Such a perfect representation of life: grief, frustration, anger, joy and victory. And it’s OK to experience them all. While we are quick to move away from the more uncomfortable emotions, it is well we linger with them.
    I always enjoy your Four Somethings! I am jealous you were able to hear Eckhart Tolle, as he is one of my favorite speakers/writers! Your course sounds intriguing, I look forward to hearing more about it!
    Great work on developing the Romans 8 challenge-I have completed the 39 verses in the KJV and treasure it as one of the most powerful chapters in the New Testament!

  4. Beth

    It has been a very difficult few weeks. Thank you for linking practical and actionable steps. I love a trip where everyone has a favorite highlight! Looks like you had a fun one in May.

  5. Jerralea

    You know I always love your 1 minute videos!

    Also, I like how happy you and Jeff looked in your picture at the ball game.

    I, too, will be interested to hear how your “brain course,” goes!

  6. Megan Byrd

    Good luck with your verse memorization. I haven’t actively tried to memorize verses in quite some time. I appreciate the ones I can recall easily from previous memorizations. Perhaps I should do it again.

  7. Lydia C. Lee

    I really can’t comment on the shooting other than to say sorry, as someone from Australia we view it through a different lens. But I can’t imagine what it must be like for every parent, child and teacher at the moment. As for the COVID residue – I notice in lots of ways how it’s changed. It invariable creeps into my short stories, I saw Patrick Stewart in a movie and all I could think of was his Sonnet a Day in lockdown and the comfort it gave me. I went to VIVID last night (that was cancelled for 2 years running) and I almost cried – happiness as getting something back but mournign the 2 years lost. It is a weird time for everyone. #Sharefoursomethings

  8. Cindy Davis

    I love your commitment to memorize scripture. I know for me it is harder than it was when I was younger. I started Proverbs31’s Online Bible Study “Fighting Words” yesterday and plan to memorize the key verses.

  9. Shannon

    Thanks, Lisa, for speaking up about taking action to prevent gun violence. I feel that so many Christians are (surprisingly) silent about this issue. I’m so thankful you mentioned it and suggested something practical we could all do as we work through our grief and find ways to prevent this from happening.

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