Do you read the Bible over and over?

Rare is the book we will read more than once.

So do we need to read the Bible over and over?

Do we risk missing Jesus in the real world if we keep our heads in a book, even a book about him?


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We’re talking about reading our Bibles today at Do Not Depart.

Will you join us there and add your thoughts?

What books do you reread and is the Bible one of them?

8 thoughts on “Do you read the Bible over and over?

  1. Bill (cycelguy)

    Hi Lisa! I have reread some books. Wisdom Hunter by Randall Arthur is one of them. (It is power packed fiction with a message. His others also have been reread). But the Bible is the biggest. I am almost constantly reading through Psalms and every other month I read Proverbs. Last year I spent the whole year preaching on “The Great Adventure” in which I spent the whole on the life of Jesus only. So I read each of the Gospels at least 3 times during the year (January/Matthew; February/Mark: etc). Then repeat. This year it has been Galatians through Colossians.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      You know that every time you mention Wisdom Hunter I mentally bump it up a few notches on my to-read list. πŸ™‚ I must get to it one day.

      That’s awesome that you go through the Bible like that, and particularly those sections. I’m sure that Galatians through Colossians this year is proving to be very rich. I read through the Gospels during Lent this year and even though for me the pace was too fast, I did gain from it anyway.

      That’s what amazes me about the Bible—no matter how many times I re-read, the Spirit is generous with new insights. Sometimes it’s just a glimmer of a thought that I had never considered, but it’s always something to remind me that God honors our intentions of seeking him.

  2. Anita Ojeda

    I read and study the Bible every day–but I’ve only read it cover to cover once. Some books are so much easier to read and full of meaning for where I am now in life–but reading the entire book more often would be a good idea. I read Jane Austen’s books about once every 18 months. I’ve read Uncle Tom’s Cabin 12 times and To Kill a Mockingbird 15 times. So, yes, there are a lot of books I read over and over.

    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I didn’t know you were such a Jane Austen fan! I love her books too. I’ve read Uncle Tom’s Cabin and To Kill a Mockingbird only once each, but I would do well to re-read those too.

      I definitely agree with you that some books are meant for us at certain times of life. I am SO thankful (many times over!) for books. God has used them for my rescue too many times to count. He’s always found in the best ones, even when they don’t mention him by name. His truths have a way of finding us and ministering to us through the voices of many different authors. Thanks for sharing some of your favorites, Anita.

  3. Ceil

    Hi Lisa! I completely believe that I should read the bible all my life. The word never changes, but I sure do. I get new insights and beauty as the years pass…and new ways to apply it to my life too.

    I hope I never grow tired of how my Lord reaches out to speak to me in those inspired words.

  4. David

    My ipad won’t let me comment at Do Not Depart πŸ™ I love the comments there, the enthusiasm.

    I (re)read a novel to be in the company of the author, to immerse myself in the author’s sensibility. In exactly the same way I read the Bible to be with God. … I feel close to Jesus when I read the Gospels. Reading the Psalms now, and the Old Testament generally, is almost more exhilarating. It’s like a love story, a long, stormy, developing love story between God and humanity.


    1. LisaNotes Post author

      I appreciated the enthusiasm from the Do Not Depart readers too. They encourage me to stay in the Word myself.

      “It’s like a love story, a long, stormy, developing love story between God and humanity.” I couldn’t agree with you more!

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