Podcasts, Music, and Other Resources on the Enneagram {Enneagram Series #14}

If you want to learn more about the Enneagram in places other than books, you’re in luck.

You have a multitude of resources available to you, some funny, some serious, some helpful (and some not).

More Resources on the Enneagram_pin

Here are my personal favorite non-book resources. (My favorite 6 books on the Enneagram are here.) Please add your own favorites in the comments.

Podcasts on the Enneagram

There are a LOT of podcasts out there on the Enneagram. These are my two favorites that I listen to on a regular basis.

The Enneagram on Instagram

Again, there are many, many Instagrammers who focus on the Enneagram. Some overload me so I have to unfollow. These are my two favorites who make me think and sometimes make me laugh.

Find more on Instagram at this list compiled by Waters Edge Counselling: The Best New Enneagram Accounts on Instagram.

Enneagram Websites

The internet is very full of Enneagram information, some good and some not so good. Here are two websites that I can recommend.


Spiritual Practice #10—Six Tools for Transformation

“You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
– Jesus (John 8:32)

To make progress in our spiritual growth, God provides us with a variety of tools to use as we work with his Spirit to become more like Jesus.

Here are six tools for transformation that I’ve revised from The Wisdom of the Enneagram. They are useful for all 9 types. See if there are one or two tools that you can put into practice this week.

  1. Seeking Truth
    Be curious about what is going on inside you and around you. We often can’t handle all the truth at once. Ask for God to reveal more truth to you as you are ready.
  2. “Not Doing”
    Sometimes letting go is more important than pushing through. Stay aware of your tendency to force things to happen, and allow a spirit of peace to rest on your soul.
  3. Willing to Be Open
    “Life is a tremendous gift, but most of us are missing it because we are watching a mental movie of our lives instead.”
  4. Getting Proper Support
    Gather a community of support along your journey. Surround yourself with people who are also seeking healthier relationships with Jesus and others.
  5. Learning from Everything
    Don’t try to escape the hard stuff. Stay present with God as you deal with the circumstances you are currently in, both good and bad.
  6.  Having a Practice
    Develop a spiritual practice that can broaden your awareness of how God is at work in your life. Prayer and meditation are common spiritual disciplines that are helpful. If you’re looking for something different, here is a list of 12 spiritual disciplines that are out of the ordinary.

Do you have a favorite podcast or other resource on the Enneagram? Please share in the comments.

See the whole Enneagram series here

Enneagram for Spiritual Growth

Previous: My Favorite 6 Books on the Enneagram {Series #13}

Next: On Your Mind Before Bed and Week in Summary {Enneagram Series #15} 

2 thoughts on “Podcasts, Music, and Other Resources on the Enneagram {Enneagram Series #14}

  1. floyd

    “Not doing”. That is the hardest thing for me. All our lives we’ve been trained to push through, to overcome, to persevere. It’s the most difficult balancing act. Only God knows when we step over the line too far one way or another.

    But the other tips should most definitely help!!!

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