Tell Us Again Why You Chose Your One Word {June One Word Linkup}
—One Word Linkup
Share Your One Word Update
Link your blog post below about your One Word and share an update about your One Word in the comments.
You’re at the halfway point with your One Word for the year. Do you remember why you chose it?
Below are 3 questions for you to consider. Can you give a one-sentence answer for each one?
Three “WHY” Questions
How would you answer these questions?
Think about them this month. Talk them over with fellow One-Worders or with a friend. Pray for wisdom in how you’d like to answer these same questions at the end of the year.
This One Word linkup will remain open through Thursday night, June 30, for your One Word updates.
The next One Word linkup will begin Friday, July 22 (every One Word linkup in 2022 opens on the 22nd).
Why did you choose your One Word for 2022? Leave a comment here about your One Word.
Link Up About Your One Word!
- Do I Stay Christian or Not?
- Share Four Somethings—June 2022
Wonderful how purpose and motivation keep circling around every month as we revisit our words!
Yes, I agree, Michele. It helps me to keep my motivation in the forefront of my mind so I’ll keep letting it work on me.
Oh my. I’m supposed to recall what the reasoning was?!? I think I just felt led to trust. Trust him. And I’m discovering so much more!
Trust has helped me deepen my relationship with God, because I’ve come to under that it is reciprocated. He trusts me too..
lol. Sometimes it is hard to remember my *why* from several months ago. I did write it down at the first of the year so I’ll refer back to that. 🙂
I love your insight that trust works both ways, Sarah. We don’t often think about it that way, but how beautiful it is!
? thanks Lisa!
This is such a great idea to keep intentionally focused on your one word throughout the whole year.
It really helps me to stay on track if I revisit my why from time to time with my word. It also helps me to see how my word has shifted a bit in my spirit over the past few months.
I love how this monthly check-ins help keep me on track & accountable to stay the course.
I’m glad this is helpful to you, Barb. I appreciate how you are practicing your word even within our group! Such a lovely practice.
Oh Lisa, how I wish we could all have a cuppa & chat.
Love our monthly check-ins Lisa! Not only does it keep me focused, I truly enjoy reading about others’ journeys! Knowing your “why” definitely keeps you in the game. Thank you for the reminder to circle back to our why for choosing our word.
Mostly I feel like my words choose me! God impressed resilience on my heart this year, with the notion it linked to last year’s word, “Joy”-I am finding more and more evidence for that as I go along!
I agree, Donna–I really enjoy reading about everyone else’s journeys! And when I see their word out “in the wild” I also get a special delight. I came across this phrase in a book the other day and thought about you: “Nurture the practices of spiritual resilience.” I will feature your latest post on resilience this Friday for the Grace and Truth linkup, and share that section of the book I read.
Thank you Lisa for your kind words, and mentioning that phrase! I appreciate you sharing my post and I’ll look forward to hearing about the book where you found that phrase!
I appreciate these reminders, and recalling the reason in the first place. God impressed a FINISH verse on me after I had already chosen the word SACRED. I am NOT accomplishing THE singlemost FINISH goal, but still hopeful. And the huge surprises are:
1. Considering Christ’s FINISHED work on the Cross & what that means to me as a Christ follower. I had no notion of considering that when He laid the word on my heart.
2. Finishing tiny tasks, like if I get it out, then put it away all the way (not just en route)! 🙂
3. Being FINISHED with certain brands of politics. I am listening so as to discern, but I am realizing how harmful that is to my biblical understanding of life & how it drags me down spiritually.
tx as ever for your encouragement!
Those three surprises are all important, Lynn. I especially like the first one because it helps keep everything else in perspective! Knowing that Christ has finished the work brings such a freedom. Keep me posted on your progress with #3 because I need help with that too. 🙂 It also dovetails nicely with my word RELEASE!
So appreciate your feedback and encouragement, and yes, release that which drags you down!
Definitely going to spend some time journaling these!
It was helpful to me a few days ago when I sat and journaled through these questions. I hope it will be insightful to you too if your get to journal about rest.
I chose the word “purge” because I was so weighted down with clutter, both physical and mental. I’m finding it is TOUGH to get the victory on both fronts but I am going to keep plugging away and writing about it.
I’ve so enjoyed reading your posts on purging this year, Jerralea! It’s a topic that I bet most of us deal with on a regular basis in our own lives.
I felt like the Lord led me to the word intentional. The monthly goal of actively being intentional is helping me to grow as a person. Thanks for hosting the One Word Community, Lisa, and for all your encouragements in our monthly get-togethers.
That’s beautiful, Lisa. Your word could be a foundation under ALL our words! 🙂 Trying to remain intentional as we practice what the Lord has given us to do this year is a goal for me, too.
Like Lisa, I also chose intentional and it is helping me grow (even though I am frustrated with myself currently). And reading how others are doing with their one word is inspiring. I’ve been trying to adapt to a new rhythm of life and still intentionally moving forward with goals, however struggling. I’m not sure what this all means, but trust God is teaching me through the struggle!
It seems like Intentional could be just the right word as you adapt to a new rhythm of life, Lynn! Otherwise, things could really go off the rail willy-nilly. 🙂 Learning to trust God through it all is something I’m working on too this year with Release.
I have never done the one-word challenge, but “why” is a word that we can all relate to, isn’t it! When it comes to God, we’re always asking “why” when we should, perhaps, be asking “what” or “when” or “how.”
Yes, Donna. We can use “why” in many situations, but the other questions are definitely applicable when we’re seeking guidance from God!
Oh dear Lisa, I missed May and I’m going to late for June. I chose Intentional because I wanted to make a conscious point for myself in whatever I do. Like Intentionally watching where I’m walking (I’m a fall risk), Intentionally thanking Jesus for the little things that make a difference, like light bulbs and tissue that I recently thanked him for providing. Being Intentional about not only reading my Bible daily but digging into the nooks and crannies, I recently started verse mapping so I can dig more. Thank you bunches for hosting our One Word community.
Visiting today from Let’s Have Coffee #17&18
I love your specific examples, Paula! What a great way to be living intentionally. Those are good practices we all could follow.
1. I wanted to focus on what I should be turning towards instead of what I should be turning away from. “Face” as in “face the light” or “the face of Christ“.
2. Obsessing over weakness and failure was not filling me with strength and joy.
3. I think it is helping me reset my default attitude: I fall less often, I don’t fall so far. Most of all: as I have a clearer image of His face, I pick myself sooner and find a way back to His side.
Good to review. Thank you for the reminders, and for facilitating this group! ❤️?
Your answer #3 particularly brings me joy and hope, David. For all of us. Resetting our default attitude is a difficult thing, but your approach to doing it is beautiful.
You’ve made me think a little harder than normal with this one, Lisa! I don’t really know why I chose “dawn” to be my word; it just felt like the right one. 🙂 Six months in, I still feel like I’m on the brink of something new, with the daily assignment of just doing the next right thing. “Dawn” sort of steadies me in this process, I guess.
Your daily assignment seems so perfect with your word, Lois. Every day we get a new dawn, so every day we are on the brink of something new. Beautiful!
My choice was not really a choice; the word “connect” just popped into my head as soon as I considered the One Word challenge. It’s led to lots of interesting reflections and, indeed, connections in this half year, so it seems to have been a gift of inspiration! I am also inspired by others’ journeys with their words, so thank you for getting us together each month.