- 10 Books I Recommend + Video – January 2019 (1/29)
Here are books I recommend from what I finished reading this month.
- Ordinary Is Underrated – The Ministry of Ordinary Places (1/25)
Don’t think you always have to go big; sometimes the most magic happens when you go small. Review of Shannan Martin’s book, The Ministry of Ordinary Places.
- Connect Your Dots – A New Bible Memory Challenge, #Write28Days, and Hope (1/23)
Are you connecting the dots in your life? They can help us discover the bigger picture. Here are three dots in this season for me.
- Only Love Can Do That – The Voice of Martin Luther King Jr. (1/21)
Martin Luther King said, “Hatred and bitterness can never cure the disease of fear; only love can do that.” Read his original works.
- What If You Have to Go Backward to Go Forward? (1/17)
Going backward is not what we like to do. But what if going back to the beginning is the best way to make forward progress?
- You Might Be an Introvert If . . . (1/15)
You might be an introvert if…you have friends who talk more than you do, you prefer texts to phone calls, etc. Thoughts from Susan Cain’s, Quiet.
- Resist and Persist – An Important Book for Our Times (1/10)
What role should people of faith be playing in the fight for equality? Erin Wathen lays it out plainly in Resist and Persist.
- Hope for Later – But Also Right Now (1/7)
Hope is about trusting grace in the future. But hope also blesses us right now.
- 5 Links, Books, and Things I Love – January 2019 (1/2)
Links and pictures of articles, books, and things I love – January 2019